Folk Remedies For Coughs For Children Under One Year Old, 1 - 7 Years Old And Older

Folk Remedies For Coughs For Children Under One Year Old, 1 - 7 Years Old And Older
Folk Remedies For Coughs For Children Under One Year Old, 1 - 7 Years Old And Older

Treatment of cough in children with folk remedies

The content of the article:

  1. How to cure a dry cough with folk remedies
  2. How to treat a wet cough in children at home
  3. Popular folk recipes for treating a cough with a cold
  4. Treatments for treating cough in children at home
  5. Video

Folk remedies for coughs for children should be used strictly under medical supervision. The causes of cough in children can be different, each of them requires its own approach to treatment - a remedy that is effective in one case may be not only useless, but also harmful in another, so self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Traditional medicines are not effective enough to be used as the main treatment, so they are usually prescribed as an adjunct to drug therapy.

Traditional medicine should be used to treat cough in children with great care and only with the approval of a doctor
Traditional medicine should be used to treat cough in children with great care and only with the approval of a doctor

Traditional medicine should be used to treat cough in children with great care and only with the approval of a doctor.

Treatment of cough at home with folk remedies in children under one year old is not recommended, 1 year is the minimum age for using traditional medicine recipes approved by a pediatrician. Folk remedies for coughs for children 2 years old may contain medicinal plants - linden blossom, fennel. From folk remedies for coughs, children from 3 years old can be recommended recipes based on milk, medicinal herbs. Homemade cough medications with honey, in the absence of contraindications, are used in children from 4 years of age. From 7 years old, it is allowed to use the same folk recipes as adults, with the exception of those containing alcohol intended for oral administration (tinctures).

Dr. Komarovsky points out that in order for the treatment of cough to be effective, it is necessary, in addition to the therapy, to observe a number of conditions. The room in which the sick child is located must be well ventilated, and the air in it must be humidified, in addition, it must be wet cleaned at least once a day. The air temperature should be cool rather than warm. To facilitate the discharge of sputum, an increased drinking regime is needed, you can drink water, compote, tea with lemon, fruit drink - any healthy drinks that the child likes.

How to cure a dry cough with folk remedies

The cough can be dry (unproductive) or moist (wet, productive), and the approach to treatment will differ depending on the species.

A compress is popular for dry coughs, for the preparation of which 1 teaspoon of fat, honey and vodka are mixed. The heated mixture is rubbed with the child before bedtime and wrapped in a blanket.

To prepare another product in 1 liter of milk, you need to boil 200 g of pine nuts (raw and unpeeled). The mixture is kept on fire for about 20 minutes, after which the agent must be cooled, filtered and drunk 2 times a day.

A mixture of lard and figs, for the preparation of which 100 g of lard is mixed with the same amount of chopped figs and 5 tablespoons of cocoa. The tool is consumed in 1 spoon 4 times a day for 4-5 days.

A mixture of honey (300 ml), nuts (50 g), juice of 4 lemons, aloe juice (100 ml): all the ingredients are mixed, the product is taken 1 spoon 3 times a day before meals.

For dry cough, a mixture of carrot juice (50 ml), hot milk (50 ml) and honey (1 teaspoon) helps. The product is insisted for 4 hours, consumed warm.

Also for cough, you can use plantain infusion, for the preparation of which 1 tablespoon of dry leaves of the plant is poured with 1 glass of hot water and insisted for half an hour. The remedy is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

To prepare the infusion of mother-and-stepmother, 1 tablespoon of herbs is poured with 1 glass of hot water, insisted for 1 hour and filtered. Drink the infusion 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

For compresses with salt water, table salt is dissolved in warm water in a ratio of 1:10. The solution is moistened with woolen cloth, which is then applied to the chest or back, after which the child is wrapped warmly.

An iodine net, which is drawn on the child's chest with a cotton swab, helps with dry cough. In addition, chest massage is effective for this type of cough.

How to treat a wet cough in children at home

With a wet cough, phlegm leaves, and therapy is aimed at facilitating its excretion. In children under 5-6 years of age, the respiratory muscles are poorly developed, therefore it is more difficult for them to cough up phlegm than for adults.

To liquefy sputum and improve its excretion from the body with a wet cough, use a remedy from freshly squeezed cabbage juice (1/2 cup) and sugar (1 teaspoon). The juice is mixed with sugar and drunk 1 teaspoon several times a day.

A decoction of 2 tablespoons of linden flowers and 1 tablespoon of thyme is effective. Raw materials are poured with 500 ml of water, boiled for about 6 minutes, then infused for 20 minutes and drunk with the addition of honey instead of tea.

A remedy from honey and butter (2 tablespoons each) is stirred until a homogeneous consistency and consumed 1 teaspoon 3 times a day after meals.

A decoction of 1 glass of viburnum berries: the berries are poured into 1 liter of hot water and boiled for 10 minutes, then filtered. Add 3 tablespoons of honey to the broth and drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

A mixture of lemon with honey: 0.5 lemon is crushed together with the peel, add 2 tablespoons of honey, mix and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Potato compress: boiled potatoes are kneaded in mashed potatoes, to which 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 drops of iodine are added and mixed. The resulting mixture is placed on paper and in a warm (but not hot!) Form is placed on the patient's chest or back, covered with polyethylene or foil on top and left to cool.

Potato compresses are a popular home remedy for treating coughs in children
Potato compresses are a popular home remedy for treating coughs in children

Potato compresses are a popular home remedy for cough treatment in children

Popular folk recipes for treating a cough with a cold

An effective cough remedy is onion with sugar, for the preparation of which you should chop 1 onion, cover it with sugar and leave it overnight. The released juice is taken 1 tablespoon in the morning and in the afternoon. The duration of treatment with this mixture is 3-4 days.

In another version, onion juice and honey are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. This remedy helps to quickly get rid of coughs for colds and bronchitis in children.

A radish and honey remedy is widely used for coughing, for the preparation of which black radish must be washed, cut off the top and cut out some of the pulp. Place honey in the resulting recess, then put the top in place, leave the radish for several hours to release the juice. A mixture of honey and released radish juice is consumed 3 times a day for 2-3 days.

Another method: 2 radishes are peeled and cut into small pieces, then put into a container in layers, between which are placed 1-2 tablespoons of honey. The container is left in the refrigerator for a day, after which the resulting syrup is poured into another container and consumed 3 times a day.

A decoction of pine buds: 2 tablespoons of pine buds are poured with 500 ml of water, boiled for 10 minutes, then insisted for another 15 minutes and filtered, drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. You can add a little honey to the broth.

Another recipe: 1 teaspoon of pine buds is poured with boiled milk (250 ml) and infused for 1 hour. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Means of 1 cedar cone and 1 liter of milk: the cone is thoroughly washed and boiled in milk for 1-2 hours. The liquid is drunk in 1/4 cup every 3 hours with the addition of honey.

Thyme tea for cough: 1 tablespoon of dry herb is poured with 1 glass of hot water, boiled for 5 minutes, then infused for half an hour and filtered. Tea is drunk 3 times a day.

Ginger tea with the addition of honey is good for coughing.

Violet broth: 1 teaspoon of tricolor violet is poured with 1 glass of boiled water and kept in a water bath for 10 minutes, the broth is infused for 30 minutes, filtered, drunk 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.

A popular remedy for a strong cough helps, for the preparation of which you need to boil 1 glass of milk, add 1 tablespoon of honey and butter to it, 1 beaten yolk and 1/4 teaspoon of soda.

Onion broth: 2-3 peeled onions are chopped, poured over with milk and boiled until soft. Add honey (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of the product) to the resulting liquid and take 1 tablespoon every 3 hours for 1-3 days.

Barley cough remedy: pour 20 g of ground grains with 1 glass of water, leave for 5 hours, then boil for 10 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon up to 6 times a day.

A mixture of equal parts of honey and olive oil is taken 1 teaspoon up to 4 times a day.

Infusion of calamus roots: 1 tablespoon of roots is poured with 1 cup of boiling water. After cooling, take 2/3 cup 30 minutes before meals.

Treatments for treating cough in children at home

Children without fever can use mustard foot baths. To do this, 15 g of mustard powder is poured into a prepared bowl of water with a temperature of 37-38 ° C. Keep your feet in the mustard solution for no more than 15 minutes. It is recommended to wear woolen socks on your feet after the procedure.

Popular methods of dealing with cough include inhalation, which can be carried out with solutions of soda, salt, mineral water, infusions, decoctions of medicinal plants or potatoes. It should be borne in mind that steam inhalation should not be given to young children due to the high risk of burns to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. They are also contraindicated at elevated temperatures.

To facilitate the discharge of sputum when coughing, the child needs to drink plenty of fluids
To facilitate the discharge of sputum when coughing, the child needs to drink plenty of fluids

To facilitate the discharge of sputum when coughing, the child needs to drink plenty of fluids

Cabbage and honey compress: the cabbage leaf is spread with honey, applied to the chest, covered with a sheet of paper and fixed with a bandage. After this, the child is well wrapped. Usually, such a compress is placed before bedtime.

Garlic compress: rub 1 clove of garlic with 50 g of oil or fat, rub the patient's feet with the agent, wrap the legs.

Warming compress: take 1 tablespoon of mustard, 2 tablespoons of vinegar and flour, 1 tablespoon of honey and sunflower oil. All ingredients except flour are mixed and kept in a water bath until a temperature of 40-50 ° C is reached, after which flour is added to the mixture. Gauze is placed on the chest or back of the child, on which the resulting cake is placed. From above it is closed with a dense cloth or cotton wool, the compress is fixed on the body and kept for 2-3 hours if the child does not experience discomfort. After removing the compress, wipe the skin with a soft dry cloth. If the skin is irritated, treatment with this method is stopped.

The compress can also be made from the powder of mustard, honey, vodka, aloe juice, interior fat (1 tablespoon each), which are heated in a water bath, after which flour is added to the mixture. The procedure is the same as for the previous compress. In the absence of interior fat, it can be replaced with sunflower, olive or corn oil.

Recall once again that before using any folk remedies for coughs in children, you should consult a doctor, since self-medication can seriously aggravate the patient's condition. When trying to uncontrolled treatment of cough in children, a misdiagnosis, the development of an allergy to the components of the drug, and further progression of the disease with the development of complications can pose a danger.


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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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