Abortion After Cesarean - Methods, Indications And Contraindications

Abortion After Cesarean - Methods, Indications And Contraindications
Abortion After Cesarean - Methods, Indications And Contraindications

Abortion after cesarean

In everyday life, sometimes not very pleasant events occur.

Abortion risk after cesarean section
Abortion risk after cesarean section

It so happens that a long-awaited child is born with the help of a cesarean section, i.e. surgical intervention in the process of childbirth. Caesarean section is not a sentence for the possible subsequent birth of children.

But for a successful next pregnancy, experts recommend waiting a certain time, which is necessary for the full formation of a scar on the woman's uterus. The outcome of the next pregnancy, as well as the choice of delivery method, will largely depend on the quality of this scar. As practice shows, a full-fledged scar on the uterus is formed no earlier than three years after the operation.

But life is such that pregnancy can occur much earlier than the recommended dates. A woman has a difficult choice - to keep the baby or have an abortion after a cesarean section.

A woman should know that a defective scar on the uterus after a cesarean section tends to become thinner during long periods of pregnancy. This can lead to rupture of the uterus along the scar, death of the fetus, and sometimes the woman herself. Therefore, if a woman has a very weak scar and the doctor does not recommend her to give birth in the near future, and pregnancy has come, then there is a need for an abortion after a cesarean.

It is possible that the onset of pregnancy is undesirable for a woman who has undergone an operative delivery or a new pregnancy is contraindicated for her due to existing extragenital diseases. In these cases, the question of abortion after cesarean also arises. But at the same time it should be remembered that there are certain deadlines on which it can be completed and it is important not to miss them.

Is it possible to have an abortion after a cesarean section or not

Recommendations for terminating a pregnancy caused by a caesarean section after a full examination will be given by a doctor. But the woman herself makes the final decision. Abortion is always a big risk for a woman's health and life, because this operation is actually performed by a doctor blindly. All the more dangerous is an abortion after a cesarean section, since an unformed scar can be broken and then various undesirable consequences will follow.

When deciding to terminate a pregnancy, you need to remember that for each type of intervention there are certain periods when you can have an abortion after a cesarean section.

Abortion methods after cesarean

At the moment, there are three main methods of abortion: medical, vacuum (mini-abortion) and traditional instrumental abortion. They are united by one general mandatory rule - any abortion must be done in a medical clinic by specialists. Even the "lightest" of them, made outside a medical institution, is fatal. Moreover, this applies to the abortion of the Caesarean field.

With medical abortion, a woman is given a steroid drug that causes fetal death. In addition to it, uterine-reducing drugs are given. Medical abortion is done only early in pregnancy, no later than the seventh week. It is most effective and safe for periods up to 5 weeks. At this time, the hormonal changes in the woman's body are still slightly expressed, and the ovum is weakly attached to the uterine mucosa. Medical abortion after cesarean is possible no earlier than a year later.

A mini-abortion is done no earlier than six months after surgery on the uterus. Moreover, the gestational age should not exceed 6 weeks. This type of abortion is considered more benign. But with it, complications associated with leaving particles of the embryo in the uterine cavity are possible, which leads to the need to perform further curettage of the uterus.

Surgical or instrumental abortion after cesarean section is possible only one and a half years after the operation.

Is abortion after cesarean section dangerous?
Is abortion after cesarean section dangerous?

This requirement is explained by the fact that after a cesarean section, a scar remains on the wall of the uterus and even instrumental intervention performed by a high-class specialist cannot guarantee the integrity of the scar during abortion. Instrumental abortion is performed before 12 weeks of gestation.

Abortion, like any other intervention in the processes inherent in nature, is an undesirable phenomenon. But given the various reasons for the need to terminate a pregnancy, sometimes you have to resort to it.

With any development of the situation, it is necessary to decide on the method of abortion after cesarean with a doctor. Only with a full medical examination of the condition of a woman who has undergone an operative delivery, it is possible to determine the condition of the scar on the uterus and choose the most gentle method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy.

Remember that abortion carries the risk of infertility, the possibility of infection, bleeding, hormonal disorders. Today there are many methods of contraception, use them and take care of your health.

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