How To Lose Weight After A Cesarean Section - Tips And Tricks

How To Lose Weight After A Cesarean Section - Tips And Tricks
How To Lose Weight After A Cesarean Section - Tips And Tricks

How to lose weight after a cesarean section - tips and tricks

The question of how to lose weight after a cesarean section worries many women who had to go through this operation. Maternity has many positive aspects, but pregnancy leaves marks on the female body, and these changes are not for the better. During gestation, all women stretch the abdominal muscles, skin and subcutaneous tissue, and fat is deposited in the area of the sides and abdomen. The situation in women who have undergone a cesarean section is aggravated by the fact that, among other things, a scar remains on the abdomen.

Abdomen after caesarean section
Abdomen after caesarean section

Having decided to lose weight after a cesarean section, you need to take into account that the body recovers longer after abdominal surgery than after natural childbirth. Therefore, before proceeding with active actions, you should wait 2 months, during which the seam should completely heal.

It is strictly forbidden to use diet pills and follow strict diets after a cesarean section.

Abdomen after caesarean section

Basically, the recommendations regarding weight loss after a cesarean section coincide with those given to women after a natural birth. However, there are some peculiarities, because a woman undergoes abdominal surgery, after which a fat fold is often formed above the seam. The suture itself becomes barely noticeable a few months after the operation, but it can be difficult to remove the fat roll.

Those who are interested in how to fix it should know that the success in the implementation of the plan depends on a number of factors, namely:

  • The technique with which the incision was made during the operation;
  • The technique used to stitch the abdominal muscles;
  • Woman's skin elasticity.

The incision in the abdomen performed during the operation, depending on the type of cesarean section, can be transverse or longitudinal. Currently, a transverse incision of the abdominal wall is more often made, on which a cosmetic suture is subsequently applied. This suture dissolves over time, leaving an almost invisible scar after it.

To restore the prenatal shape of the abdomen, it is important that the abdominal muscles affected during the operation are correctly sutured and then properly healed. The restoration of the lower abdomen and the appearance of the abdomen directly depend on this.

Is plastic surgery a good solution?

The now popular opinion that getting rid of the fatty layer in the abdomen after a cesarean section is possible only through plastic surgery is wrong. Plastic surgery is considered the fastest way in the fight against fat deposits, but it should be borne in mind that this is still a full-fledged operation, it has all the risks and disadvantages inherent in this method. In particular, a woman will have to recover after another surgical intervention, and this should be done at a difficult time for herself and her family, when it is necessary to take care of a baby. For several weeks, a woman will not be able to actively move due to intense pain in the abdomen and the risk of seam divergence. Due to the drug therapy that accompanies any surgical intervention, you will have to stop breastfeeding. As a result, plastic surgery turns out to be not such a quick and successful way to get in shape after a cesarean section.

Weight loss tactics after caesarean section

Many pregnant women think that the kilograms gained during the gestation period will easily go away after childbirth. Therefore, during pregnancy, they allow themselves to abuse foods that are not the most useful for the figure. This opinion is far from the truth, almost all the gained weight (with the exception of 4-5 kg) remains with the woman after childbirth. That is why you should start taking care of your figure in advance: it is important to build your diet during pregnancy in such a way that all the substances necessary for the development of the fetus enter the body, and the weight does not grow rapidly.

The best methods to help you lose weight are breastfeeding, which ensures hormonal balance and adherence to the principles of good nutrition.

In the first week after a cesarean section, a woman must follow a special diet prescribed by a doctor. After its completion, you can expand the diet, taking into account the rules of a healthy diet. The main principle of the diet during this period can be formulated as follows: everything you need should enter the body, but nothing more. Meals should be fractional, 5-6 times a day in small portions, preference should be given to lactic acid products, vegetables and fruits, low-fat meats and cereals. Excluded from the diet are confectionery (especially industrial production), fatty, fried, spicy, smoked food, fast food, canned food (with the exception of home preservation), sweet carbonated drinks. The consumption of sugar and salt should be kept to a minimum. The fat will go away, but such measures are not enough,to restore the prenatal form of the abdomen - this requires strengthening the muscles of the press.

During the first two months after surgery, a woman should wear a postpartum bandage, which will help tighten her abdomen somewhat.

2 months after the operation, in the absence of contraindications, you can start performing exercises for weight loss and body shaping.

Massage as one of the most effective measures

You don't always have to go to the gym or the pool to get fit. Not everyone is shown or likes such physical activity. In such a case, one of the most effective methods to combat obesity is the R-sleek. This type of hardware massage combines slimming, anti-cellulite and relaxation effects. Also, the turgor of the skin, that is, its tone, is significantly improved, which is very important for restoring the appearance of the abdomen. The effect is based on rotational thermal compression, that is, strictly verified pressure on problem areas, due to rotating parts of the apparatus and simultaneous heating of tissues.

Massage can be started already 6 months after childbirth, but with slight restrictions during lactation. Er-slick quickly tones the body, for example, to lose weight by 1-2 sizes, on average, 6-10 visits are required, depending on the individual characteristics of the client.


Naturally, you will get maximum results when you combine proper nutrition, exercise and massage therapy. But if there is not enough time for everything, then just a massage will be enough.

Active measures for losing weight after a cesarean section

So, after a two month recovery period, you can start the active weight loss phase. After childbirth, especially if they were not natural, not only the abdominal muscles need to be strengthened, but the whole body.

The most effective and at the same time safe types of physical activity are swimming in the pool and water aerobics, however, not all mothers, for objective reasons, have the opportunity to visit the pool. There is a way out - you can do special gymnastics at home. It will take quite a bit of time (20-30 minutes a day is enough), and if the exercises are regular, the effect will be no less than from training in the pool or gym.

Active measures for losing weight after a cesarean section
Active measures for losing weight after a cesarean section

You need to start with a short warm-up, after which exercises are performed in a gentle mode to strengthen the muscles of the press, arms, legs, chest and buttocks. This exercise helps to firm up the skin and muscles of the abdomen, reduce fat folds and improve the overall appearance. For six months after a cesarean section during weight loss workouts, it is better not to use dumbbells, weights and hula hoops; you should also postpone running and jumping rope.

It is equally important to take care of the condition of the skin in the abdomen. Toning scrubs and body masks, as well as a contrast shower and anti-cellulite creams will help to improve skin elasticity and get rid of cellulite. It is useful to regularly massage problem areas.

In an effort to have a slim figure after pregnancy and childbirth, a woman should not forget about her own health and that the attention and care of the mother is especially important for the child in the first year of life. If you are going to quickly lose weight after a cesarean section, you should approach this wisely. Eating the right diet, wearing a bandage, exercising regularly, and breastfeeding your baby are the best ways to get there.

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