Charging for children 3 years old
Exercising for children 3 years old is a daily fortifying activity aimed at improving health, strengthening the muscular system, improving tone and physical endurance.

Features of charging for children 3 years old
Exercise for children at 3 years old should be a set of exercises to improve breathing, mobility, flexibility and coordination. It is necessary to select exercises that develop motor skills, physical activity and willpower.
In the first stage, parents should exercise with their children, teaching the correct movement, increasing self-confidence and providing support. Exercise should be light initially, and the child should not be forced to exercise.
When doing exercises for children 3 years old, adults are the visual examples that keep interest and dedication.
The basic principles of charging for children at 3 years old include:
- the principle of gradualness, requiring patience, endurance and stability when doing exercises;
- the principle of consistency, implying regularity, consistency and clarity of the set of exercises.
Physical exercise for a child from an early age is the basis of a healthy organism that is resistant to various diseases.
Complex of morning exercises for children
The complex of morning exercises for children consists of simple exercises that should be performed after waking up. These exercises help the child's body to invigorate, relieve tension and inhibition from the nervous system, musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system.
Correct morning exercises improves the general tone of the body, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems. Children who exercise in the morning significantly improve their health, appetite and activity during the day. Exercise for children 3 years old, which is combined with the correct diet and diet, allows you to gain normal weight. It is advisable to exercise for children 3 years old in the fresh air for 10-15 minutes with exposure to various muscle groups. In winter, charging can be combined with hardening the child's body. The exercise load should be appropriate for the age, weight, state of health and individual characteristics of the baby. During the exercises, the child should breathe correctly, and also wear comfortable and not squeezing clothing. After charging it should be bathed in warm water and changed underwear.
The complex of morning exercises for children at the age of 3 must be made taking into account the impact on the neck and shoulders, spine, lower back, pelvis and limbs. At this age, exercise is the basis for strengthening the locomotor system and preventing scoliosis and diseases of bone structures.
The complex should include the following exercises:
- walking in place for 30-40 seconds;
lifting at the tips of the toes 5 times;
General strengthening exercises for children at the age of 3 - within 1-2 minutes spreading arms to the sides, up and down, as well as crossing the arms;
- tilts 3-5 times forward, backward and to the sides (with the legs shoulder-width apart);
- squats with outstretched arms 5-7 times;
- walking slowly with a vertical object fixed behind the back for 60 seconds;
- holding the ball on outstretched arms in front and over the head for 20-30 seconds;
- jumping on one leg alternately for 20 seconds;
- in the prone position, twists, legs and arms to the side for 20-30 seconds.
In the presence of diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the pediatrician and orthopedist prescribe a special correction and physiotherapy exercises.
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