Child gender planning table
At all times, people have tried to open for themselves the veil of the secret of conception and determine the sex of the unborn child. In ancient times, the peoples of the East, in particular China and Japan, succeeded in this field. They compiled tables for planning the sex of the child, which are still popular today.
Oriental baby gender planning tables
In the version that has come down to our time, the Chinese table for planning the sex of the child looks like this:

In the area of intersection of the mother's age and the date of conception, the sex of the unborn child can be determined.
The peculiarity of using the Chinese table for planning the sex of a child is that in ancient China it was compiled according to the Xia lunar calendar, which differs significantly from the modern Gregorian calendar. In this regard, it is unfortunately not necessary to count on special accuracy using ancient Chinese data, although many families claim that in their case the forecast turned out to be correct.
The Japanese gender planning chart does not offer literal answers, but predicts the likelihood of conceiving boys and girls. One consists of two parts; in the first, it is proposed to determine the parent number in the intersection area:

The second part of the Japanese table of planning the sex of the child allows using it to predict the probability of having a boy or girl:

According to reviews, the Japanese child gender planning table is more accurate, since it is based on the laws of probability.
How to plan your baby's gender: a table by blood type
No less popular is the child gender planning table based on the parents' blood groups:

At the same time, experts are very skeptical about the reliability of its forecast. Thus, modern medical science is making many attempts to find an answer, but is not yet ready to offer us a reliable and reliable method for planning the sex of an unborn child.
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