Vitamins For Men When Planning Pregnancy

Vitamins For Men When Planning Pregnancy
Vitamins For Men When Planning Pregnancy

Vitamins for men when planning pregnancy

Taking vitamins during pregnancy planning helps to increase immunity and has a beneficial effect on sperm maturation.

Vitamins for men when planning pregnancy help to increase immunity
Vitamins for men when planning pregnancy help to increase immunity

For the production of high-quality and strong sperm, nuts, meat, and seafood must be included in the diet. If the food contains all the necessary components, then additional vitamin supplementation will not be needed. It is necessary to take vitamins for men when planning pregnancy with a decrease in immunity, chronic fatigue, rapid fatigue, and problems with potency.

Vitamins for men for conception

According to scientists, vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for men when planning pregnancy. Ascorbic acid renews sperm, making them more active and vital. It dilutes the semen, preventing sperm from agglutinating (sticking together). Vitamin C, together with vitamin E, protects sperm from the damaging effects of volatile oxygen molecules. Ascorbic acid is found in currants, citrus fruits, apples, kiwi, wild garlic, dill, and garden strawberries.

Vitamin E has an effect on male fertility by protecting the outer membrane of the sperm from destruction. Vitamin E is found in nuts, fresh cereals, wheat germ, soybeans, vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, olive), as well as in wholemeal bread. You need to take at least 200-400 IU of vitamin E daily.

Vitamin A has an effect on the production of sex hormones, accelerating the production of semen and increasing the number of active sperm. You must take at least 25,000 IU per day. Vitamin A is found in butter, red or yellow vegetables, fruits, and cod liver.

Vitamins for men for the conception of group B are also necessary when planning pregnancy. They participate in the humoral regulation of the body, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and take part in metabolic processes. Folic acid is a vitamin that regulates the process of sperm maturation. You need to take 400-800 mcg of folic acid daily. This group of vitamins is present in meat, legumes, eggs, nuts, bananas.

Selenium is part of several proteins that protect sperm from rapid destruction. The lack of selenium can cause the development of male infertility. This element ensures the mobility of spermatozoa and also prevents damage to them. Selenium is found in liver, meat, fish products, and wheat.

With the regular use of zinc, the sperm count increases, and their vitality increases. Zinc protects the head of the sperm, where the genetic material is located. This element is found in semen and in the sperm themselves, in the testes and prostate. It helps the sperm survive after ejaculation. The daily dose is 15 mg. Zinc is found in beans, mushrooms, asparagus, spinach, and seafood.

Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids (vitamin F) have a beneficial effect on sperm maturation. They provide elasticity to the walls of the sperm, and this significantly increases the chances of successful fertilization of the egg.

Only a doctor can choose vitamins for men when planning a pregnancy
Only a doctor can choose vitamins for men when planning a pregnancy

Vitamins for men for conception in pharmacy preparations

It is necessary to strive to obtain most of the vitamins from food, but in some cases it is worth paying attention to pharmaceutical preparations. Only a specialist can select the necessary vitamins for men when planning a pregnancy. Some are quite simple multivitamin preparations that improve the general condition of the body. Others need special vitamins for men to increase sperm motility and count and improve sperm quality.

There are many such drugs on the pharmaceutical market today. For example, the multivitamin complex Alphabet is designed specifically for men. It contains the main components for the normal functioning and strengthening of the whole body of a man, including the genital area. With fractional intake of vitamins when planning pregnancy, all components of the drug quickly and fully enter the body.

Universal vitamin complexes Pregnoton and Spematon are intended for couples planning pregnancy. Spematon has a positive effect on sperm quality, and Pregnaton prepares a woman's body for conception.

In case of dysfunction of the prostate gland, a specially developed complex of drugs Spermactin and Prostate Forte can help. In combination, these drugs not only affect the quality of sperm, but also eliminate the main reason for the decline in this quality. And the vitamin preparation Orthomol Fertil Plus promotes more efficient formation and maturation of sperm.

Do not forget that all drugs (including vitamins for men when planning pregnancy) have contraindications. Therefore, the reception of such complexes can be carried out only with the agreement of a specialist.

While taking vitamins while planning pregnancy, you can trace their effect on the body. The most effective method will be a spermogram.

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