Female fitness

Two-thirds of women are genetically inclined to be overweight, probably natural selection played a role here, because for hundreds of years men preferred women with a plump figure. Add to this modern nutrition, when food no longer needs to be collected and trapped in forests and fields. To this we add the modern way of life, when at least one third of the day we spend sitting at work or in transport, and the other third - lying. One conclusion suggests itself - women's fitness is an extremely necessary thing in the modern world.
It is believed that if work is associated with constant physical activity, then women's fitness is not needed. Not at all. Working physical activity usually involves different muscle groups unevenly. Actually, representatives of almost all professions need women's fitness classes after work, with the exception, perhaps, one - if she works as a fitness instructor.
The second objection is usually this: so what, my figure suits me, and if someone doesn't like it, then let them not look, and I am not interested in any female fitness. This position would deserve respect, if not for one "but". It's not just the figure. It's about women's metabolism and a way of life that is far from natural. Nature has created the female body to be thrifty, counting on the difficulty of getting food while carrying and feeding a child. There are no difficulties, but thrifty remains. And the body stores, stores, stores.
As a result, a bunch of diseases develop, mainly diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Do you still think women's fitness is unnecessary? Then here's another. Fat produces estrogen, and estrogen in excessive amounts leads to tumors of the female genital area. That is why there are no healthy fat women. It happens that the disease has not yet reached a critical point and has not manifested itself, or its manifestations can still be ignored. Well, if we talk in more detail about health and fitness, then probably every women's site contains a separate section with this topic.

And if the woman is not fat? Well then, the case for female fitness is for skinny. Do you know what osteochondrosis of the spine is? No? Intervertebral discs do not have their own power sources. In order for them to be healthy, movement is necessary, and mobility should be with the involvement of the spine. Only under these conditions nutrients are supplied to the intervertebral discs. Little movement and they literally dry up and break. The result is sad - 90% of the adult population with osteochondrosis.
We hope this article was the last straw in your acceptance of women's fitness, and now from this Monday for sure.
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