3 main reasons why there is swelling of the nasal mucosa in pregnant women
Does the unpleasant feeling of puffiness significantly overshadow the wonderful waiting period for the baby?
Let's see why the nasal mucosa swells, and how you can alleviate the symptoms, or even prevent its appearance.

Doctors name the three most common causes of swelling of the nasal mucosa in pregnant women
1. Hormonal changes in the body
If the expectant mother only complains of nasal congestion and no other symptoms bother her, then, most likely, the reason for this is the changing hormonal background. Obstetricians-gynecologists gave this condition a separate name - "rhinitis of pregnant women."
Two hormones provoke congestion - progesterone and estrogen, the balance of which naturally shifts in connection with the "interesting situation". Because of this, excess fluid accumulates in the tissues of the sinuses and nasopharyngeal mucosa. Increasing blood volume and dilation of blood vessels (including directly in the nose) in a pregnant woman can also aggravate this process.
What to do?
Since outside interference in the hormonal system of the expectant mother is extremely undesirable, doctors recommend solving the problem gently and symptomatically:
- Do a special sinus massage and breathing exercises. They will make it easier to drain excess fluid from the nose.
- Follow the correct drinking regime.
As a rule, in the process of hormonal changes, the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses gradually adapt to new conditions and "rhinitis of pregnant women" goes away on its own.
2. Cold illness
If we are talking about a respiratory infection, then in addition to swelling of the nasal mucosa, there are inflammation of the larynx, fever, headache, cough and similar symptoms of acute respiratory infections.
What to do?
Due to a decrease in general immunity during pregnancy, a woman's body is more susceptible to viruses and bacteria. Obstetricians recommend following simple recommendations that will help protect yourself from the appearance of such an unpleasant problem as swelling of the nasal mucosa:
- do not overcool;
- try to avoid crowded places, especially during seasonal colds;
- as a preventive measure, ventilate the premises more often, start taking specialized vitamin complexes.
If infection with ARVI did occur, then doctors, first of all, recommend adhering to universal recommendations:
- plentiful warm drink;
- home mode;
- air humidification;
- using a weak saline solution (saline) to irrigate the nasal cavity and nasopharynx.
And the main recommendation of experts is not to start applying all the advice from the Internet indiscriminately. Herbs, natural oils and other recipes of folk wisdom may not be as harmless as it seems at first glance. Any remedies and medications must be agreed with the obstetrician.
3. Allergic swelling of the nose
The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis, in addition to swelling of the nasal mucosa, are itching, sneezing, heavy nasal discharge and watery eyes. It is noted that during pregnancy, hormonal sensitivity may increase sensitivity to various allergens. So, the existing susceptibility to allergy pathogens may increase, or a new allergic reaction may appear, which the woman did not encounter before pregnancy.
What to do?
Most vasoconstrictor, antihistamines, and corticosteroid drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy. easily penetrate the placenta and have a negative effect on the fetus. In this case, the best solution would be to use Nazaval antiallergic spray, which has a barrier effect and prevents the penetration of allergens into the body through the nasal mucosa.

"Nazaval" is a natural anti-allergic spray that forms a gel-like film on the mucous membrane, which prevents the penetration of any allergens into the body (pollen, household and chemical allergens, mold spores).
"Nazaval" is natural in composition and does not contain harmful chemical compounds.
This antiallergic agent does not have a systemic effect, that is, it does not affect any body systems, which is especially important during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It can also be used by children, but under the supervision of adults.
Nazaval has no analogues in the Russian market.
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