Diet By Blood Group - Basic Principles, Benefits, Food Choices

Diet By Blood Group - Basic Principles, Benefits, Food Choices
Diet By Blood Group - Basic Principles, Benefits, Food Choices

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Diet by blood type

Diet by blood type
Diet by blood type

The blood type diet was proposed by its creator, Peter D'Adamo, in 1989, after more than thirty years of research work begun by his father, a renowned naturopathic doctor. Contrary to the opinions expressed by representatives of official medicine, the blood group diet has proven to be highly effective for its more than twenty years of existence. Many people managed to regain their health thanks to the discovery of Dr. D'Adamo.

The Blood Type Diet was not designed as a weight loss diet. It does not imply, like many of them, a jerk to reduce weight with a subsequent return to the usual diet. Diet by blood group is a diet in the literal sense that this word has: "diet" (Greek) - a way of life. The blood type diet must be adhered to throughout your life, since this is the set of foods that you are genetically adapted to digest and assimilate. The reward will be full health, and a slim figure as one of the attributes of this health, and not as an end in itself.

What is the essence of the blood type diet? It was found that people with different blood groups also have a different digestive tract. Not by structure, but by functionality. Medical statistics confirm that people united by the same blood group are more prone to certain groups of diseases. For example, people with the first blood group are more likely to suffer from stomach ulcers than others.

The blood of the first group is genetically older than the others, and according to the doctor, corresponds to the type of hunter-meat-eater. The blood of the second group was formed when a person became sedentary and switched to agriculture. People with this blood group assimilate plant foods better. The third blood group is characteristic of nomads, according to the classification of Dr. D'Adamo. Their food is dairy products and fish. The fourth group is the youngest. These people can digest any food, but their digestion is fragile and unstable.

What should be the blood type diet?
What should be the blood type diet?

Then everything is simple. If you eat what nature intended for you, you are healthy and cheerful. If you take food that is alien to you, you get sick. D'Adamo claims that once you get used to "your" food, you will no longer want to change your diet, as you will feel great. From the point of view of official dietetics, the blood type diet allows you to choose a fairly balanced set of foods from those recommended according to your blood type. Well, then it remains only to try, and from personal experience to be convinced of the correctness or erroneousness of the opinion of Dr. D'Adamo.

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