Proper nutrition

Human health directly depends on the composition of the food consumed (the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins). Most of the planet's inhabitants do not eat properly. Scientists have proven that improper nutrition reduces the speed of the brain, increases the risk of developing various diseases, and disrupts the immune system.
The principles of proper human nutrition
With proper nutrition, food should enter the human body regularly, in fractional (small) portions.
With proper nutrition, it is advisable to eat three servings of grains per day, two servings of protein sources, five to six servings of vegetables and fruits. You can afford no more than one serving of sweets and alcohol per day. Grains useful for human health - rice, buckwheat, wheat cereals, millet porridge or durum wheat pasta, must be boiled in water. Medical reviews on proper nutrition say that millet dishes restore the microflora after taking antibiotics and cleanse the body, and buckwheat dishes accelerate the elimination of radioactive substances. One or three times a week, dishes are allowed to be replaced with potatoes. Potatoes should be cooked with a minimum of fats and oils. One serving of cereals per day can be replaced with 40-50 grams of bread. Grain bread or bran bread is preferred.
Many reviews about proper human nutrition say that when compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account the gender, age and occupation of an individual. So, the male body needs an additional portion of protein sources. To preserve the hormonal background, it is advisable to supplement the diet with a portion of the sources of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fats.
Athletes for full muscle recovery should consume a large amount of foods that contain complex carbohydrates and protein.
Nutrition for adolescents is challenging. At this age, the body needs foods with increased nutritional value. Food should be prepared only from fresh products; preservatives and semi-finished products should be avoided. Fermented milk products (fermented baked milk, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir) must be present in the diet. It is better to replace sugar with honey.
Choosing products for proper nutrition
Beef, kidneys, and liver contain a large amount of iron. Also rich in iron are turkey, chicken and some varieties of marine fish (tuna, sardine). Of all types of meat, with proper nutrition, preference should be given to veal, lean pork, and poultry. It is advisable to limit the use of sausages, smoked meats, fatty meats. The fact is that doctors have identified some relationship between malnutrition and the development of cancer and atherosclerosis.
In the diet with proper nutrition, fish should be one and a half to two times more than meat products. At a young age, it is better to choose low-fat varieties of river and sea fish (pollock, navaga, cod, pike perch, flounder, perch). In this case, you should limit the use of smoked or salted fish. Steamed or grilled fish will benefit the body.
Animal fats (beef or pork fat, butter) should be present in the diet in small amounts. It is unwise to completely eliminate animal fats from the diet.
With proper nutrition, it is allowed to eat no more than two or three eggs per week. It is very useful to use quail eggs. In terms of the content of B vitamins and vitamin A, as well as microelements, quail eggs are many times higher than chicken eggs.

It is desirable to include dairy products of low and medium fat content from dairy products in the diet.
As a basis for cooking, you can use olive, sunflower, vegetable oil. Only high quality virgin oil should be used. You cannot use the same oil twice.
Good nutrition results
With proper nutrition, the result will not have to wait long. In medical reviews about proper human nutrition, it is said that it has a beneficial effect on mental and physical health. Bad mood, despondency, melancholy go away. Adequate nutrition ensures the balance of energy in the body. Not only the state of the body changes, but also the inner world perception of a person. With improper nutrition of a person, harmful substances accumulate in his body. An excess of harmful substances obtained from regular food leads to a constant feeling of fatigue. Proper nutrition eliminates the ingestion of a large amount of harmful substances.
As a result of proper nutrition, sleep may improve. A person falls asleep quite quickly, sleeps fully and soundly, wakes up easily and feels vigorous throughout the day.
With a balanced diet, appetite is normalized. A person begins to consume such an amount of food that the body needs in order to maintain vital activity at the required level. With a balanced diet, the desire to overeat disappears, and body weight becomes very easy to keep within the normal range.
Sample menu with proper nutrition
A sample menu with proper nutrition will help you get an idea of what a diet is.
Breakfast: porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, corn), boiled in water, fruit smoothie (milk or low-fat kefir + fruit) or a cup of coffee / green tea with dried fruits. During your second breakfast, you can eat two small loaves with a spread of low-fat cottage cheese and herbs. For lunch, cook rice with a slice of lean meat and vegetable salad. Between lunch and dinner, you can drink a glass of kefir (1-1.5%). For dinner, you can stew or steam vegetables. Instead of dessert, eat a plate of cinnamon curd. Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir. On the menu, with proper nutrition, you can replace some products with others.
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