Proper nutrition for the day

Proper nutrition for the day is a nutritional system based on the observance of basic rules. To understand how to properly formulate food, you need to familiarize yourself with its basic principles.
The principles of proper nutrition for the day
The principle of energy balance is considered the main principle of proper nutrition. The amount of energy received from food should be equal to the amount of energy that the human body spends in the process of life. That is why it is very important to gradually reduce the number of calories consumed until the energy expenditure exceeds its intake. With proper nutrition, the number of calories per day should be distributed in such a way that 20% is protein, 50% is carbohydrates and no more than 30% is fat.
The second principle of proper nutrition for the day is based on the 25-50-25 rule. According to this rule, 25% of calories should be ingested during breakfast, 50% of calories during lunch, and 25% during dinner. That is, you need to eat regularly and distribute calories throughout the day. Nutritionists say that if most of the calories are consumed before lunchtime, then there will be no problems with weight. It is believed that the body is more active during the day. This means that he will better and more actively be able to digest the food received.
It is necessary that food is both balanced and varied. Foods should include proteins (dairy and meat products, peas or beans), fats (margarine or butter), carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, starch and flour products). With proper nutrition for the day, proteins give the body energy for the next one to two hours, and fat is not wasted by the fifth or sixth hour.
With proper nutrition, you should eat as little fatty foods as possible. At the same time, the use of oil, fried meat, mayonnaise, salad dressings, sauces, semi-finished products, canned food, and fatty meat products should be sharply limited. It is advisable to season salads with low-calorie seasonings. Instead of cream, drink milk or low-calorie yogurt, eat low-fat foods. It is necessary to try to limit the consumption of sweet foods to one or two times a week, and there are low-calorie, voluminous and rich in fiber and fiber products - vegetables, fruits, boiled potatoes, bran, and coarsely ground bread. Preference should be given to fish, poultry, lean meat. To maintain weight within the normal range, pork, beef, cheeses, and lamb should be excluded from the diet.
Before formulating food correctly, it is very important to analyze the duration of the presence of individual foods in the stomach. So, one to two hours in the stomach can be tea, water, broth, milk, rice, soft-boiled eggs, river fish in boiled form. Peas, beans, beans, herring, poultry, and fried meat are digested in the stomach for four to five hours. Six hours later, lard, mushrooms, bacon are digested.
It is advisable to include foods with negative energy value in the diet of proper nutrition for the day. Much more energy is spent on their digestion than on assimilation (rutabagas, carrots, cabbage, beets). It is also advisable to reduce alcohol consumption as much as possible. Alcohol contains twice as much energy as carbohydrates.
When preparing food, you should try to use as little fat as possible. It is best to cook baked or roasted meat on a wire rack. Stew products in water, cook vegetables or eat them raw without any seasonings and sauces. You need to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. It is necessary to spend at least twenty minutes on a meal. Dehydration slows down your metabolism significantly. To calculate how much water you need to drink per day, you need to multiply the weight in kilograms by 30 ml.

Rules for drawing up a diet of proper nutrition for the day
With proper nutrition, it is imperative to draw up a daily diet plan. Every day should be started with breakfast. Breakfast with proper nutrition should include a large amount of carbohydrates (two thirds of the daily volume), slightly less protein (one third) and a small amount of fat (one fifth).
For breakfast with proper nutrition, it is advisable to cook porridge from several cereals. Pieces of fresh or dry fruit can be added to the porridge. An excellent breakfast will be fruit salad with yogurt. It is very useful to cook casseroles for breakfast, bake cheese cakes, add cottage cheese to cereals. The standard scrambled eggs can be replaced with a steamed omelet with vegetables. Breakfast should be satisfying enough. It is better not to eat legumes for breakfast. During breakfast, you must refuse a large amount of food.
With proper nutrition, lunch should be light and satisfying. You can cook soups with meat and vegetable broths, meat with a side dish, salads from fresh vegetables. The menu should be composed in such a way that there is a fish or meat dish for lunch every day.
With proper nutrition for lunch, you can choose vegetables (steam or stewed), rice as a side dish. You can boil pasta or make mashed potatoes no more than once a week.
The dinner menu with proper nutrition also needs to be carefully thought out. A very small amount of calories should be taken for dinner. You can cook stewed vegetables, baked chicken, cutlets without garnish, fish puddings. You can eat any fruit and drink a glass of warm milk. You can add a teaspoon of honey to warm milk.
For dinner, with proper nutrition, you should not eat legumes. These products are well digested only during the daytime (from 12 to 14 hours).
With proper nutrition for the day, it is very important to clearly plan meals by the hour. You should eat at about the same time. In this case, you must try to strictly adhere to the selected diet.
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