Products for proper nutrition

Foods for proper nutrition form the basis of a healthy human diet. What is the right diet? What is included in the concept of "products for proper nutrition"? How to choose the right diet that best suits the needs of the body?
Proper nutrition: what to eat to be healthy?
Before determining what foods are for proper nutrition, it is necessary to understand the concept of proper nutrition itself, what is there from the products, in what quantities and in what ways to process them. Proper nutrition presupposes an integrated approach to organizing nutrition that satisfies all the body's needs for nutrients and energy value, contributing to its growth and development. The system of proper nutrition includes the organization of the diet and the actual diet. Proper nutrition is regulated by certain principles:
- The balance of the energy value of the diet and the energy costs of a person - the correct organization of the diet;
- Balance of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
- Correct distribution of food throughout the day - correct organization of the diet;
- The actual diet (number of meals, intervals between meals);
- Cooking methods;
- Individual factors: age, weight, social status, lifestyle, general health, which determine the body's need at a certain point in time.
Having organized a proper diet, what to eat and what products to give preference to remains the primary task. Products for proper nutrition, first of all, must be safe for human health, which is determined by their freshness and shelf life, the content of harmful plant impurities, biological objects, hazardous chemical compounds in their composition.
Any "healthy" product can be classified as "harmful" by using heat treatment methods (for example, frying on animal fat), adding fatty sauces, unnatural seasonings, combining with easily digestible carbohydrates.
Foods for good nutrition: the basis of a healthy diet
Conventionally, all products present in the human diet can be divided into harmful and useful. The list of harmful products includes:
- All fried foods. However, the roasting methods used should be considered. For example, light frying in olive oil will be less harmful than frying foods with animal fats;
- Sweet carbonated drinks, as well as drinks made from dry mixes;
- Sausages and semi-finished products, smoked meats and fish, canned food;
- Dairy products with a high fat content, cottage cheese desserts, fruit yoghurts;
- Most confectionery;
- Snacks (chips, nuts, crackers and other delicacies);
- Products containing dyes in high concentrations;
- Chocolate bars, milk chocolate with and without fillings;
- Fatty meats;
- Animal fats;
- All dishes from the menu of fast food restaurants, as well as fast food;
- Any alcoholic drinks;
- Pastries and bakery products.
The list of healthy foods for proper nutrition includes:
- Cereals - buckwheat, oat, wheat, rice groats;
- Low-fat varieties of meat and fish;
- Dairy products low in fat;
- Fresh fruits and vegetables;
- Purified water, green tea, freshly squeezed juices;
- Dark chocolate, honey, dried fruits
- Vegetable fats;
- Whole wheat bread;
- Eggs;
- Legumes.
The choice of foods for proper nutrition is not limited to these lists, but it is the basis of a healthy diet, which today will help to eliminate unhealthy foods from the diet, replacing them with “healthy” alternatives.
Proper nutrition: which food is best for a person?

Nowadays, there are many tips from nutritionists for organizing proper nutrition. What is the best food for a person? The organization of a healthy diet should be approached on the basis of individual factors. The choice of products for proper nutrition is determined not only by the parameters of their safety, harmfulness and usefulness, but also by the person's age, health status, concomitant diseases, and lifestyle.
During the period of active growth, the body needs foods of high nutritional value. The range of products for proper nutrition can be significantly limited by diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, as well as by the human condition (nutrition during pregnancy and after childbirth, during the recovery period after illness, nutrition for an athlete before competitions).
The way of life largely determines the energy value of the human diet, its composition. With the accompanying problems of excess weight, impaired metabolism, it is also necessary to carefully approach the choice of products, enriching the diet with fiber, foods with a low content of fat.
The main principle of proper nutrition, which contributes to the normal functioning of the body, is moderate food intake. Excessive consumption of even foods for proper nutrition will cause significant harm to the body in the form of dysfunction and gastrointestinal diseases, hormonal imbalance, mental disorders, discomfort, severity, obesity, and limited lifestyle.
Food safety: what to exclude from the diet
Food safety is one of the most important factors in a healthy lifestyle. The safety of products is determined not only by their quality, composition, but also by their freshness at the stage of their use. The content in products of chemical compounds, radionuclides, biological substances, harmful plant impurities is a threat to human health. Contamination of food products can be of physical, chemical and microbial origin (the content of impurities of foreign bodies in products, the content of pesticides and nitrates, microorganisms in them).
How to keep your diet safe? When choosing safe foods for proper nutrition, you must exclude:
- Products containing GMOs - legislation regulates the mandatory presence of labeling on product packages indicating the presence or absence of GMOs in their composition;
- Products with a high content of additives that change their aroma, color and taste;
- Long-term storage products.
Food safety also depends on where it is sold (specialty stores, spontaneous markets). Long-term use of products containing additives and GMOs significantly worsens the quality of the diet and significantly affects the state of human health, manifests itself in the form of increased fatigue, decreased ability to work, mental disorders, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, its dysfunction, and allergic reactions of the body. The main products containing the greatest amount of food additives are smoked meats, fish and meat delicacies, sausages, yoghurts (products undergoing industrial processing, mixing process).
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