Food for girls
Food for girls is the key to health, good appearance and well-being. The diet should be aimed at cleansing the body of harmful substances, losing weight and enriching it with useful vitamins, trace elements and minerals.
Features of nutrition for girls

Proper nutrition for girls should be combined with a healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity, as well as adherence to basic rules and restrictions.
First of all, nutrition for girls implies a clear and regular use of natural foods with nutrient content. The girl's body needs about 45 components daily, including 8-9 amino acids, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. The calorie intake directly depends on the amount of calories burned. Healthy nutrition for girls should be a harmonious combination of nutrients.
Irregular nutrition threatens with disturbances in the functioning of various organs, hormonal disturbances and disruptions in metabolic processes. Proper nutrition for girls is individual and is made in accordance with age, physical and psycho-emotional characteristics. Also, when planning an individual nutrition program, it is necessary to take into account the girl's weight, level of physical and mental activity, climatic and seasonal conditions.
Nutrition for girls determines their further health status and fertility. You should not, taking care of your figure and appearance, exhaust the body with rigid diets that lead to exhaustion and illness.
The main principles of proper nutrition for girls
Girls who want to improve their health, eliminate excess weight, normalize hormones and cleanse the body should follow the basic principles of proper nutrition for girls. These include:
- regular main meals 3-5 times a day;
- separate and portioned meals without stomach oversaturation;
- the presence of obligatory snacks (2-3 times a day) with dried fruits, cottage cheese, juice and compote;
- the basis of food should be natural products without preservatives and dyes;
- the diet should be dominated by foods enriched with vitamins, trace elements and fiber;
- fruits and vegetables should be eaten fresh, and raisins, dates, figs, persimmons and dried apricots should be added to the menu;
- regularly you need to consume products from cereals and low-fat dairy products (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, etc.);
- the body should receive at least 2 liters of fluid daily, with the exception of artificial, carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
- it is useful to regularly eat boiled and baked fish, which contains phosphorus and proteins.

In order to determine the ideal weight for a girl, you should use the basic parameters - weight, age and height. Using these parameters and the number of calories burned, you can calculate the required daily calorie requirement. To maintain the ideal weight for a girl, you should constantly monitor the number of calories, and also periodically spend fasting days. If the weight drops sharply, then you need to switch to a more high-calorie menu.
Healthy nutrition when exercising should comply with the following principles:
- nutrients must be supplied in a strict ratio;
- diet should not be violated;
- you should eat at least 3 fruits and 2 vegetables per day;
- seasonally you should take a course of vitamins;
- the body should have enough fluid (before and after sports).
An approximate daily food menu for fitness classes for girls may look like this:
- breakfast - oatmeal, fresh fruit, tea with milk or compote;
- lunch - vegetable broth, boiled turkey, mushrooms with herbs, apple and green tea;
- afternoon tea - cottage cheese casserole, 2 wedges of dark chocolate, green tea;
- dinner - vegetable stew, baked fish, fruit dessert, tea.
During the period of intense training, food for girls should be rich in protein and fiber, as well as iron, calcium and magnesium.
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