Diet For Girls - Types Of Figures, Diet

Diet For Girls - Types Of Figures, Diet
Diet For Girls - Types Of Figures, Diet

Diet for girls

Features of diets for girls by body type
Features of diets for girls by body type

What should be the figure of a girl? Often, girls are not very happy with their figure. There is no definite answer to the question of what the figure of a girl should be. In order to correctly correct figure flaws, you need to correctly determine its type. Nutritionists have developed special diets for girls with different body types. Diets for girls by body type help in a short time to correct the imperfections of problem areas of the body.

Body types in girls

All types of figures are conventionally divided into five main varieties. Varieties of figures are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet or by the names of fruits. The type of figure is determined by the proportions of the bones of the skeleton (long legs, wide pelvis), places of concentration of fat deposits, as well as the general constitution of the girl. Body types are also determined by the width of the shoulders and pelvis, by the severity of the waist and the hip line. To determine the body type of a girl, it is necessary to measure the waist and hips, and then divide the first figure by the second. If the value of the obtained indicator is less than 0.65, then the type of figure is “pear”. If this value is more than 0.75, but less than 0.65, then the type of the girl's figure is called "hourglass", and if the indicator exceeds 0.75, then the type of figure is "apple".

Girls with a pear body type have a heavy bottom, light top, small breasts, thin waist, wide hips and narrow shoulders. Fat accumulation usually occurs in the thighs and buttocks. Cellulite is the most common problem for girls with this body type. People with a pear body type should always keep their weight under control. They cannot gain weight or lose weight. When losing weight, fat cells will only be burned in the upper body region. At the same time, fat in the lower body will be practically not burned. Blood flow to the buttocks and thighs is considered less active than blood flow to the abdomen. And when the blood does not go well to the fat cells, then the fat begins to accumulate and stagnate.

When the girl has an hourglass type of figure, the waist is clearly defined, and the volume of the hips is equal to the volume of the shoulders. Excess weight with this type of figure is deposited quite proportionally, mainly in the hips and chest. There are practically no flaws in this type of figure, except for the likelihood of the appearance of the so-called "breeches" or "ears" in the hips.

With the "apple" body type, fat cells are deposited on the chest and abdomen, while the legs and arms do not get fat. The presence of excess fat on the abdomen and chest provokes the development of disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes mellitus, and respiratory diseases. To reduce the risk of developing such diseases, it is necessary to strictly control weight, eat right and perform a certain set of exercises.

Features of a diet for girls with different body types

The diet for girls with a pear body type should be aimed at reducing the amount of high-calorie meals and foods containing starch. Complex carbohydrates (peas, lentils, cereals) and proteins (vegetables, fruits, seafood, poultry) should be introduced into the diet of girls with this type of figure. It is better to replace packaged juices with fresh fruit. To speed up the metabolism in the body, you need to drink tomato juice and eat tomatoes every day. Tomatoes contain biologically active substances that promote skin regeneration.

Types of figures and diet of girls
Types of figures and diet of girls

In the diet for girls with an hourglass body type, there are no clear prohibitions. It is only necessary to reduce the amount of flour and sweet, dried fruits, nuts consumed. It is useful to eat protein foods - veal, fish, chicken, eggs. The diet of girls with this type of figure must include greens.

During a diet for girls with this type of figure, in the morning it is better to eat fats and carbohydrates, at lunchtime - proteins and carbohydrates, and for dinner it is advisable to eat only proteins.

The main rule of the diet for girls with an "apple" body type is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates that increase the level of insulin in the blood plasma. In the diet of girls with this type of figure, it is necessary to introduce as many foods containing fiber (root crops, legumes, bran) as possible. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal fats. Girls with this type of figure need to eat meat, dried fruits, various types of cereals, fish, walnuts, honey, citrus fruits. From drinks you can use fruit, herbal teas, water.

Body types and diet for girls

On a diet for girls with an "apple" body type, for breakfast you can eat one egg with one hundred grams of greens of any kind, a slice of diet bread with a thin layer of butter and a small slice of ham. For lunch, you can eat a couple of walnuts and a small apple. For lunch, you can make a salad. To do this, one hundred grams of green peas must be mixed with one tomato, two pieces of chicken fillet, one tablespoon of cheese. Season all this with two tablespoons of any sauce. You can eat six grain crackers instead of dessert. For an afternoon snack, eat one slice of low-fat cheese and one small pear. For dinner, bake peeled potatoes, steam about a hundred grams of broccoli with a teaspoon of olive oil. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

On a diet for girls with a pear-shaped figure, you can eat about two hundred grams of oatmeal with one small apple or banana for breakfast. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

For lunch, you can eat a few cereal crisps with a piece of low-fat cheese. For lunch, you can make a sandwich of two slices of bran bread, a teaspoon of mayonnaise, two slices of boiled meat, one slice of low-fat cheese, celery, tomatoes, carrots and lettuce. For an afternoon snack, eat one "apple" and drink a glass of low-fat yogurt. For dinner, you can eat a small piece of chicken fillet with boiled beans, tomato salad.

For dessert, you can afford to eat one piece of sugar-free chocolate pudding.

On a diet for girls with an "hourglass" body type, you can eat 100 grams of grapes or one banana for breakfast, drink a glass of low-fat yogurt. For lunch, eat one soft-boiled egg or one hundred grams of cottage cheese, one hundred grams of fruit or vegetable salad with olive oil. Drink a glass of juice or tea without sugar. For lunch, boil one hundred grams of fish and one hundred grams of buckwheat. Prepare a salad of any vegetables. Instead of dessert, eat one small apple and drink a glass of water. For an afternoon snack, drink a glass of kefir or milk. You can eat one orange or 70 grams of nuts. For dinner, you can eat about 150 grams of fish or meat, or about one hundred grams of cottage cheese.

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