Diseases Of Dogs That Are Dangerous To Humans

Diseases Of Dogs That Are Dangerous To Humans
Diseases Of Dogs That Are Dangerous To Humans

Diseases of dogs that are dangerous to humans

Diseases of dogs
Diseases of dogs

Many people are surprised to learn that diseases in dogs can be the same as those in humans. For example, a breast tumor in a dog is as common as in humans, and in terms of canine to human, at the same age. There is a group of canine diseases that can be transmitted to humans. They are called zooanthroponoses.

Most human-transmitted diseases in dogs are parasitic in origin, but can be viral or bacterial. Most often, echinococcosis, rabies, leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, ringworm are transmitted. Tuberculosis can also spread from dog to person, although this is very rare. The most dangerous diseases of dogs for humans are rabies, echinococcosis, toxoplasmosis.

People get rabies through the saliva of a sick animal. For infection, it is enough to get saliva either on the mucous membrane or into a microscopic wound on the skin, which means that not only a bite is dangerous, but also drooling. Rabies in humans causes severe damage to the nervous system, including the brain, and leads to death. The only way to prevent a sad outcome are vaccinations, which must be done immediately after contact with the saliva of a sick animal.

Echinococcosis is a parasitic disease of dogs caused by echinococcus. Helminth eggs spread with the feces of an infected animal, then falling on its wool and spreading everywhere, serve as a source of infection. In humans, echinococcus causes the formation of parasitic cysts in vital organs: liver, lungs, kidneys, and even the heart and brain. Cases of echinococcosis of the eyes are known. The disease leads to severe intoxication, and its complications often cause death.

Diseases of dogs
Diseases of dogs

Toxoplasmosis is dangerous because it can cause fetal abnormalities in pregnant women. Toxoplasmosis can proceed as an infectious disease, or it can have a latent form, and then a person does not suspect that he is a carrier of a dangerous parasite. Fetal damage can also occur with a latent form of the disease.

In order to minimize the risk of human infection with dog diseases, you should promptly vaccinate your pet and show your veterinarian at the first sign of illness, and, if possible, avoid contact with stray animals.

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