The Benefits And Harms Of A Solarium: Sunbathe Or Not?

The Benefits And Harms Of A Solarium: Sunbathe Or Not?
The Benefits And Harms Of A Solarium: Sunbathe Or Not?

The benefits and harms of a solarium: sunbathe or not?

Solarium visit - benefit or harm?
Solarium visit - benefit or harm?

The first solariums were put into production in 1975, and since then there has been a relentless debate on the topic: Solarium harm and benefit. In fact, as with almost any effect on the body, everything is very individual, and a solarium can be beneficial in some circumstances, and harm in others.

We offer you a little research on the benefits and harms of tanning beds. So what are the pros of using tanning beds:

  • Tanned skin is prettier than pale skin and looks healthier;
  • The artificial ultraviolet radiation of solarium lamps is purified from the hard part of the radiation spectrum. Thus, the ultraviolet light of a tanning bed has a softer effect on the skin than a natural tan;
  • Sunburn produces endorphins. The lack of these substances is the main reason for the occurrence of the autumn-winter depression, to which the inhabitants of the northern countries are so susceptible;
  • Ultraviolet light stimulates the formation of vitamin D (calciferol) in the body, which is of great importance for the normal function of the skin, teeth, bone and cartilage tissue, as well as enhancing the protective functions of the body. This is important for residents of those regions where there is a lack of sunlight for a long time, or when a person's lifestyle involves a prolonged lack of contact with the sun (nocturnal or bohemian lifestyle).

Now, as part of the study "Solarium harm and benefit", let's talk about the harm that can be caused by visiting a solarium:

  • Despite being cleared of the hard light spectrum, ultraviolet light can, and often does, cause melanoma, an extremely malignant type of skin cancer. White-skinned and light-eyed people with a large number of moles should refuse to visit the solarium for this reason;
  • A regular visit to a solarium causes tanorexia, a psychological dependence, which is expressed in the fact that without the usual dose of ultraviolet radiation, a person feels depressed and exhausted;
  • Solarium is not always useful
    Solarium is not always useful

    It is easy to get burned in a solarium;

  • Permanent tanning depletes the skin and leads to premature aging. To reduce this effect, solarium protective cosmetics are used.
  • In the presence of chronic diseases, being in a solarium leads to their exacerbation. In acute diseases, ultraviolet irradiation is also contraindicated.

Now, in order to decide for yourself the question of what a solarium is harm or benefit, analyze your data with the information received. If you are a resident of the Far North, then perhaps you badly need a solarium. In all other cases, it is worth thinking carefully.

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