
Marshmallow is a very delicate and airy confection. Its prototype is a candy made from applesauce and sugar. The final marshmallow was formulated by French pastry chefs.
This product is obtained by whipping egg white, sugar and fruit and berry puree, with the addition of agar syrup or gelatinous mass and pectin. Sometimes essences, flavors, dyes and food acids are added to it.
The structure and taste of this sweetness depend on the type of thickener. If it contains pectin, then the marshmallow is dense, if the agar-agar is airy. And if gelatin acts as a thickener in a delicacy, then its structure is slightly rubbery.
One of the most useful is marshmallow, in the production of which agar syrup is used. The unique properties of agar-agar were discovered by the inhabitants of the coastal regions of India. The gelling ability of agar-agar is several times higher than that of gelatin. The raw materials for the production of this substance are brown and red algae, which are either grown artificially or extracted from the seabed.
Gelatin is an animal-derived gelling agent made from animal tendons, bones and cartilage.
Composition and calorie content of marshmallow
One hundred grams of this sweet product contains 17 g of water, 74.8 g of mono- and disaccharides, 0.3 g of ash, 5 g of starch, 1 g of organic acids, 1 g of water, 1.4 mg of iron, 12 mg of phosphorus, 46 mg potassium, 27 mg sodium, 6 mg magnesium and 25 mg calcium.
One hundred grams of the product contains 0.2 mg of vitamin PP and 0.02 mg of vitamin B2.
The calorie content of ordinary marshmallow is 299 kcal per 100 g of product, the calorie content of vanilla marshmallow is 312 kcal, the calorie content of marshmallow in chocolate is 396 kcal.
Marshmallow benefits

The benefits of marshmallow have long been scientifically proven. Marshmallow is good for joints, skin, nails and hair. Agar agar removes harmful toxins from the human body, cleanses the liver of harmful substances and improves its functioning. Pectin reduces the concentration of cholesterol, improves intestinal motility, accelerates the elimination of heavy metals from the body - zinc, lead, mercury, molybdenum, cobalt, and also has antiviral and antiulcer effect.
The benefits of marshmallow directly depend on the amount of natural ingredients in its composition.
The Nutrition Institute recommends regular use of this sweet treat for school-age children. This will make it easier for them to cope with significant mental stress. In addition, the protein in marshmallow is instantly absorbed in the body and instantly saturates the body with the necessary energy.
Marshmallow harm
Marshmallow, like all other delicacies, should not be overused.
The harm of marshmallow lies in the fact that in an excessive amount it contributes to metabolic disorders and the development of caries. Therefore, its use is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.
Marshmallow can harm the body if the body is predisposed to allergies, since some components of marshmallow can cause allergic reactions.
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