Is It Possible To Code For Alcoholism

Is It Possible To Code For Alcoholism
Is It Possible To Code For Alcoholism

Is it possible to code for alcoholism

Is it possible to code for alcoholism
Is it possible to code for alcoholism

Anyone who has ever wondered how to cure alcoholism was greeted with an offer to be coded. This method is surrounded by many rumors, in which its effectiveness is declared one hundred percent, then reduced to zero. So is it possible or not to be coded from alcoholism? Let's try to figure it out.

To be coded from alcoholism means to introduce into the consciousness, and ideally also into the subconscious of a person, a strict ban on alcohol consumption. A ban is imposed on taking any, even the smallest amount of alcohol, since no alcoholic is able to control its intake. How is the ban communicated to the patient? There are several ways that one thing unites: fear. A person is prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages on pain of death, and they try to convey to him as convincingly as possible how serious the danger in case of violation of the ban is.

Does this mean that by deciding to be encoded from alcoholism, a person defeats the disease forever? The answer is no. The coding method is actually very effective, but this is just the first stage, the first step away from the disease. And that's why. Alcoholism never arises from scratch, there are always reasons for this, and these reasons are of a psycho-emotional nature. Alcohol usually makes up for the lack of something: joy, communication, love, attention, recognition. Not receiving the usual dose of a substance that "compensated" the problem, a person feels it much more sharply, because it has not gone anywhere.

This is why being coded for alcoholism does not mean being cured of it. Sometimes the emotional state of a person becomes so difficult that

How to code for alcoholism
How to code for alcoholism

even the fear of death is not able to stop him, and then the former alcoholic breaks down. Breakdowns are extremely difficult and can indeed cause death. That is why, in addition to constant coding, coding is practiced for a certain period of time. This is something like a test: if it passes, it fails. If the patient sees that he is able to cope with the problem, he is offered to be encoded forever, or to prolong the validity of the code for some more time. If he cannot stand it, if he counts the days and hours before the end of the term, then it is better to mitigate the severity of the breakdown by giving the opportunity to try other methods of treatment.

Ideally, after the decision to be coded for alcoholism has been made and implemented, the patient needs to undergo a course, and possibly more than one, of psychotherapy. Such a comprehensive treatment has a much better chance of success.

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