Summer vacation at sea and health

Summer vacation at the sea is perhaps the most popular type of summer vacation. And in fact, the sea, the beach, the sun - here you can not only enjoy the summer in all its glory, but also restore the body exhausted by work and study, improving your health. In order for the summer vacation at sea to justify all the expectations placed on it, you should carefully prepare for it. Things such as choosing a vacation spot, booking a hotel, well-thought-out travel fees, and so on, greatly simplify your vacation and allow you not to be distracted by annoying troubles in the future.
Going to the seaside, you should take into account the fact that summer vacation at the sea can bring not only benefits, but also serious harm to health - if serious mistakes are made. Let's talk about the mistakes tourists most often make when going to sunbathe and splash in warm water.
The most common mistake is to stay under the scorching rays of the sun for a long time in the first days of rest. Residents of temperate latitudes, planning a summer vacation at sea, often overlook the fact that the hot summer sun not only warms, but also burns. The danger is compounded by the fact that, unlike a fire burn, sunburn does not manifest immediately.
On the first day, vacationers spend several hours on the beach, basking in the sun and swimming, and leave the beach perfectly, in their opinion, tanning - the skin turned red. Nothing hurts yet, just a fever. What this really means is that the rest of the rest is ruined. The skin has burned out, the next night, or even more than one, will be spent in agony, since even touching the sheet to the body will become unbearable, the temperature may rise, and in severe cases, hospitalization may be required. The beach is strictly banned for the next week, and maybe more. Instead of a beautiful tan, rags of peeling burned skin.
To avoid this, you need to remember that sunbathing should be started with 15 minutes, no more, adding 10 minutes every day. The rest of the time you can lie under a beach umbrella, or come to lie on the sand or in a sun lounger in the morning, before 10 o'clock, or in the evening, after 17 o'clock.

Sunscreen does not protect against overheating, and there is not only sunstroke, but also heat.
Another common cause of spoiled summer vacation at sea is intestinal infection. Nobody wants to spend a vacation in the infectious diseases ward of a city hospital, but many have to. To prevent this from happening, never buy food in questionable places, especially from the beach hawkers. It is made, as a rule, in violation of basic hygiene rules, sanitary control does not pass and often perishable food is worn all day, or even more than one, in a dirty box in the heat. It is especially dangerous to feed such "delicacies" to children.
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