Stretch Marks On The Skin - What To Do?

Stretch Marks On The Skin - What To Do?
Stretch Marks On The Skin - What To Do?

Stretch marks on the skin - what to do?

Stretch marks on the skin - what to do?
Stretch marks on the skin - what to do?

Stretch marks (striae) appear as a result of excessive stress on the skin - with the active growth of adolescents, an increase in body weight, pregnancy. Stretch marks on the skin occur in women with a low amount of elastic fibers and appear mainly on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, chest and forearm. This is due to the rapid tension of the skin - the epithelium does not have time to adapt to changes, it stretches and, as a result, breaks. At first, the scars are bright pink, but as they heal and their blood vessels decrease, they become lighter.

It's no secret that many women are concerned about how to get rid of stretch marks on the skin. You can get rid of stretch marks at an early stage at home with the help of massages, rubbing with aromatic oils and folk remedies. Scrubs based on sugar, salt, ground coffee, made with olive oil or sour cream do well with minor skin lesions.

Excellent methods for getting rid of scars are chemical peels, wraps, aromatherapy, thalassotherapy, mesotherapy - injection of regenerating and rejuvenating drugs into the problem area. The aforementioned procedures are carried out in spas and allow you to correct blemishes on the skin of moderate severity.

Deeper stretch marks on the skin cannot be removed with the help of cosmetics - more "heavy artillery" in the form of laser therapy is needed here.

Laser removal of stretch marks on the skin
Laser removal of stretch marks on the skin

Influencing the skin, the fractional laser destroys the damaged connective tissue, in the place of which young skin with a new collagen-elastin framework is actively formed - as a result of which the skin relief is smoothed, and stretch marks become smaller or disappear altogether. The laser is so safe for the body that it allows you to get rid of stretch marks on one of the most delicate areas of the body - the chest.

I would like to note that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, future mothers who are rapidly gaining muscle mass, athletes or people who are overweight - it is advisable to use moisturizing agents containing collagen and amino acids even before stretch marks appear. And for pregnant women, among other things, use special bras, belts and bandages. Stretch marks on the skin are a cosmetic flaw that can and should be prevented - do not forget about it and be healthy!

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