How to remove stretch marks

Stretch marks are stripes on the skin that look like scars and scars. Most often, women are interested in how to remove stretch marks on the abdomen, hips and buttocks, since they appear mainly in these areas. Stretch marks are caused by minor skin injuries when collagen fibers (a protein that is responsible for skin elasticity) break for any reason, and these breaks are replaced by connective tissue. It is this strip of connective tissue that is the stretch. At first it has a purple or red color, but over time it lightens, becoming about the same tone as the skin or slightly lighter.
Who is at risk?
As a rule, stretch marks appear as a result of a rapid gain (or loss) of muscle mass and weight, as well as as a result of hormonal changes in the body (puberty, taking hormonal drugs, pregnancy, endocrine system diseases).
Women are more susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks and most often they are interested in how to remove stretch marks after childbirth. Although, stretch marks often appear in adolescents, athletes and "victims" of constant diets. Not the least role in the tendency to the appearance of stretch marks is played by a hereditary factor, because the elasticity of the connective tissue also has a genetic predisposition.
How to remove stretch marks at home?
So, let's try to answer such pressing questions: how to remove stretch marks on the buttocks, abdomen and hips? How to remove stretch marks: by laser, chemical peeling or using home methods?
It is necessary to warn you right away that if you want to get rid of stretch marks completely, then this can only be done surgically, because no cream will help the connective tissue to dissolve on its own.
But if you are interested in the question of how to remove stretch marks at home (read: make stretch marks subtle or completely invisible), then we will try to give you a detailed answer.
It should be said right away that it is necessary to start fighting stretch marks while they are still quite fresh and small. To this end, it is necessary to regularly care for the skin and supply it with nutrients and vitamins A, E, C, as well as elastin and collagen. Regular skin massage with rosemary, rosehip, bergamot, almond oils and a contrast shower helps well.
At home, you can easily prepare a special scrub to reduce stretch marks. This requires mixing 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of salt and 0.5 cups of vegetable oil (palm or olive oil is better). This scrub is necessary to massage problem areas before taking a bath, and rinse off the scrub applied to the body with warm water. After the bath, a nourishing lotion or cream should be rubbed into the skin. This procedure must be carried out every day for one month.
One of the most effective methods for removing stretch marks after childbirth is wraps. As a rule, wraps are very helpful for young and very fresh stretch marks. Wraps with algae (spirulina) are especially popular, as they help to renew and restore the skin, restore its elasticity and tone it perfectly. A porridge-like mass of algae is applied to the body and lies under a thermal blanket for about an hour, as this enhances the effect of beneficial substances on the skin. The course of therapy with such wraps consists of 8-12 procedures.
Salon methods how to remove stretch marks

If home methods on how to remove stretch marks after childbirth do not help you, then it is best to seek professional help. The salons can offer you techniques such as removing stretch marks on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, which will be effective even when dealing with pronounced or old stretch marks. These techniques include:
- Ultrasound therapy. This method is mainly used to deal with fresh stretch marks. Ultrasound penetrates deep under the skin and massages the fatty tissue and muscles under the skin. This allows you to activate metabolic processes in the skin, make it tightened and elastic. The course of ultrasonic stretch marks treatment consists of 10-12 procedures.
- Photopigmentation. This procedure is very effective and popular, as it has practically no contraindications, is not painful and is easily tolerated by patients. It consists in activating the production of collagen by the body, which promotes skin regeneration. After about 8-10 procedures, the skin is completely restored. The procedures are carried out twice a week.
- Mesotherapy. A very effective procedure for how to remove stretch marks on the buttocks and other parts of the body. This method consists in special microinjections, consisting of collagen, amino acids, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, algae, artichoke extracts and other beneficial and nutrients for the skin. As a rule, mesotherapy in combination with peels is especially effective. But mesotherapy has contraindications. So, for example, it is contraindicated in gallstone disease.
- Chemical peeling. The procedure consists in applying special acids to the skin: alpha-hydroxy acid, which removes the upper stratum corneum, removing particles of dead cells from the skin surface, and activates collagen production; as well as trichloroacetic and phenolic acids, which penetrate deeply into the epidermis and contribute to its "burning". It should be noted that this method, how to remove stretch marks, is not suitable for everyone, since this procedure is quite painful and has a number of contraindications (diseases of the cardiovascular system). But if you decide on this method of how to remove stretch marks after childbirth, then it should be carried out only in a medical institution under the guidance of an experienced professional doctor.
- Laser peeling. How to remove stretch marks with a laser? This requires some preparation. Before the procedure, creams containing ascorbic acid are applied to the patient's skin for 1.5-2 months, and only after that the stretch marks are burned out using a laser beam. The procedure itself, how to remove stretch marks with a laser, should be carried out under anesthesia, and its duration is about one hour. After the procedure, the patient is recommended to be on sick leave for two weeks, as the skin is then swollen and red. In order to accelerate the healing process of the skin, special regenerating creams are used. For three months after the procedure, it is not recommended to expose the skin to open sunlight. That is why the procedure is recommended to be carried out in the autumn-winter period.
- Abdomenoplasty. It is a surgical method to remove overstretched skin. This method is most suitable for those who want to know how to remove stretch marks on the buttocks, abdomen and hips, if they are old, and other methods no longer help them. You should be aware that, like any other surgical intervention, abdomenoplasty can have a number of complications and lead to the formation of scars and suppuration.
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