Stretch Marks In Adolescents - Causes, Treatment Methods, Folk Recipes

Stretch Marks In Adolescents - Causes, Treatment Methods, Folk Recipes
Stretch Marks In Adolescents - Causes, Treatment Methods, Folk Recipes

Stretch marks in adolescents

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents
Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents

The first stretch marks in adolescents usually cause shock. Stretch marks on the abdomen, back and thighs of adolescents form quite often. Teenage stretch marks can occur for a variety of reasons. With tissue deformation, an increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat, the skin stretches and becomes thinner. The pigment of the connective tissue is destroyed. Do not hope that the stretch marks will disappear without special treatment. Red or purple stripes will become whitish over time. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the causes of stretch marks formation.

Reasons for teenage stretch marks

Experts have identified several main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents. Striae can form on a child's body due to a hereditary predisposition. If parents have stretch marks on their skin, then there is a high risk that they will appear in children. In this case, increased attention should be paid to preventive measures in order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Stretch marks in adolescents can also appear with a weakened immune system. Such a state of the body leads to disruption of the performance of all organs, as well as to a deterioration in the elasticity of the skin, especially in adolescence.

Stretch marks in adolescence can also appear with a sharp growth spurt. With the growth of the body, a rather rapid weight gain of the child occurs, as a result of which the skin becomes thinner and burst from strong tension.

The formation of teenage stretch marks can also be associated with hormonal disruption in the body. Therefore, any disease that is accompanied by hormonal disruption can lead to the formation of stretch marks on the skin.

Stretch marks in adolescents on the back most often appear with a lack of muscle mass. During puberty, the bones of a child grow faster than muscles, while the skin is stretched and cracked. Systematic back pain can signal the displacement of the vertebrae. Therefore, when the first stretch marks appear in adolescents on the back, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In girls, with the rapid growth of the mammary glands, striae may also appear. However, do not be upset, because such defects can be made almost invisible.

Ways to treat stretch marks in adolescents

It is advisable to start treatment of teenage stretch marks immediately after finding out the cause of their appearance. With timely treatment, you can completely get rid of these cosmetic defects on any part of the body.

Mesotherapy is the best way to deal with teenage stretch marks on the back, buttocks, legs and other areas of the body. During this absolutely safe procedure, a special medicine is injected under the skin, which improves metabolism and repairs damaged skin areas. The course of mesotherapy is usually carried out for six months. For a complete restoration of the skin, you need to go through at least 12 sessions.

Today there is a large selection of cosmetic preparations that help to disappear stretch marks in adolescents. Special gels or creams contain elastin, silicone, collagen and other ingredients that nourish and moisturize the skin. After applying these products, an invisible film forms on the skin, which prevents moisture loss. It is advisable to use any cosmetic products in combination with sports and massage. To obtain a visible result, all procedures for stretch marks in adolescents must be carried out daily.

If cosmetic preparations do not help with stretch marks in adolescents, then laser resurfacing is the best option. With the help of resurfacing, teenage stretch marks can be eliminated after just one procedure. High cost is a significant disadvantage of laser resurfacing.

Traditional methods of treating stretch marks in adolescents

Some folk remedies are also effective in treating teenage stretch marks on the back, chest, buttocks, and other parts of the body.

To prepare a cream mask for stretch marks in adolescents, you will need five tablespoons of honey, five tablespoons of aloe gruel and about one hundred grams of water.

Teenage stretch marks and how to deal with them
Teenage stretch marks and how to deal with them

All ingredients must be mixed until smooth. Part of the mixture can be frozen in ice cube trays. After taking a shower, it is advisable to apply a scrub to the problem areas, and then wrap the pre-prepared mixture with plastic wrap.

After an hour, you need to thoroughly wash off the mask and apply any moisturizer. In the morning, you can take a frozen cube of raw materials and wipe the damaged skin. After the gruel is completely dry, you need to take a shower and spread the skin with cream. Such procedures should be done daily for a month. After a week, you can repeat the course of treatment.

Fresh stretch marks on teenage legs can be removed with a cucumber-oatmeal mask. To prepare the product, five to six tablespoons of oatmeal must be mixed with the same amount of sour cream. After taking a shower, apply the mixture to stretch marks and then massage these areas of skin for about half an hour. After the massage, the mixture should be washed off, and the skin should be covered with a moisturizer. The course of treatment is about a month.

Before carrying out procedures with these masks, you need to make sure that the teenager is not allergic to their ingredients.

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