Why Is A Persistent Runny Nose Dangerous?

Why Is A Persistent Runny Nose Dangerous?
Why Is A Persistent Runny Nose Dangerous?

Why is a persistent runny nose dangerous?

Persistent runny nose
Persistent runny nose

There is probably not a single person who has not had a runny nose several times in his life, at least in our latitudes, where colds are the most common thing. What could be more unpleasant than an acute runny nose with its tearing, itching in the nose, constant sneezing and streams of liquid discharge from a swollen, reddened and rubbed with napkins nose? But what - a constant runny nose.

A persistent runny nose, or as doctors call it, chronic rhinitis, occurs when an acute rhinitis has not been cured and the factors that caused it have not been eliminated. In general, a runny nose is considered to be a trifling disease, albeit unpleasant. What is the danger of a persistent runny nose? In order to understand this, one must remember that rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Like any inflammation, it leads to pathological changes, and any doctor will tell you that chronic, long-term and not having pronounced symptoms of acute, inflammation is much more dangerous in terms of long-term consequences and is less treatable.

At all times, the treatment of the common cold with folk remedies has been very effective, even today, many folk recipes may be more effective in treating the common cold than the advertised modern medications.

Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane can occur in two types: atrophic and hypertrophic. A persistent runny nose also causes either atrophic or hypertrophic changes in the nasal mucosa. Atrophy is shrinking, shrinking. It would seem, so what, dry in the nose, what's wrong? It's bad, because as a result of tissue atrophy, the nose ceases to perform its main functions: warming the air entering the body and cleaning it of foreign particles. As a result, a person gets sick much more often, and no longer a common cold.


The second variant of a persistent rhinitis is hypertrophic. At the same time, the mucous membrane thickens, the space of the nose narrows sharply, as a result, nasal breathing is absent, the person breathes through the mouth, which ultimately has the same consequences for the body as the atrophic process described above, plus all the delights of the absence of nasal breathing in the form of nasalness, headaches, increased fatigue and sleep disturbances. In this case, diseases are inevitable, since any chronic inflammation weakens the immune system by itself, while serving as a constant supplier of infection, and then there is also cold unpurified air in the upper respiratory tract. The best thing to do with a persistent runny nose is to do your best and cure it once and for all.

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