Osteoarthritis Of The Ankle Joint 1, 2 Degrees: Symptoms, Treatment, Photo

Osteoarthritis Of The Ankle Joint 1, 2 Degrees: Symptoms, Treatment, Photo
Osteoarthritis Of The Ankle Joint 1, 2 Degrees: Symptoms, Treatment, Photo

Ankle osteoarthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment

The content of the article:

  1. Factors of the disease
  2. Disease classification
  3. Stages of development of the disease
  4. Symptoms
  5. Diagnostics

    Differential diagnosis

  6. Treatment

    1. Non-drug therapy
    2. Medical and surgical treatment
  7. Prevention
  8. Video

Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint is a non-inflammatory disease characterized by degenerative changes in cartilage tissue, destruction of cartilage with involvement of bones, ligaments, muscle tissue, joint shell.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle is associated with degenerative changes in cartilage tissue
Osteoarthritis of the ankle is associated with degenerative changes in cartilage tissue

Osteoarthritis of the ankle is associated with degenerative changes in cartilage tissue

Ankle lesions account for 20% of osteoarthritis. The main risk group is women after 45 years, men get sick less often.

The mechanism of the disease is based on a biological change in tissues under the influence of various factors, which leads to the inability of the cartilage to adequately withstand mechanical stress with subsequent deformation.

Factors of the disease

Main reasons:

  • severe physical activity (intense sports, long walking);
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • excess weight;
  • frequent viral infections;
  • hypothermia;
  • joint injuries, periarticular ligaments;
  • surgical operations;
  • metabolic disorders (gout, diabetes);
  • congenital developmental anomalies;
  • the presence of a primary focus of inflammation (from arthritis to osteoarthritis);
  • genetic predisposition (collagen gene defect);
  • deficiency of the hormone estrogen in women of climacteric age.

Disease classification

Osteoarthritis of the ankle is primary and secondary.

Primary arthrosis can take the following forms:

The form Description
Localized The degenerative process covers the nearby joints: knee, hip
Generalized Process extends to remote connections

The secondary form occurs as a concomitant disease in other pathologies (trauma, bursitis, rheumatic arthritis).

Classification of stages by radiological signs:

  • lack of manifestations;
  • dubious signs;
  • changes are minimal (single osteophytes, narrowing of the lumen of the joint space);
  • pathological narrowing of the gap, multiple osteophytes;
  • pronounced changes (the lumen is not traced, osteophytes are rough).

Stages of development of the disease

  1. Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint 1 degree - characterized by minor changes in cartilage tissue, there are no visible changes. Cartilage cells stop renewing and die off. Involvement of adjacent tissues. Pain appears with small physical exertion.
  2. Ankle osteoarthritis of the 2nd degree - deformity, increase in size. Irreversible growth of bone tissue occurs. Pain disturbs at rest, at night.
  3. Deforming osteoarthritis (DOA) is the final stage. Damage to cartilage, ligaments, articular bag is irreversible, pathological changes are visible with the naked eye - the ankle is outwardly deformed.


From the onset of the disease, increased fatigue, a general deterioration in the condition worries. Painful sensations arising after minor physical exertion disappear after rest. The source of unpleasant sensations is the affected bone, synovium (inner layer of the joint bag), tissue around the joint (muscle strain).

The disease is characterized by a gradual increase in pain
The disease is characterized by a gradual increase in pain

The disease is characterized by a gradual increase in pain

Further, the symptoms are aggravated - aching pain occurs at night, in the morning - when getting up on a sore leg, stiffness appears, which lasts up to thirty minutes and passes without intervention.

Stiffness of movements is aggravated - a fragment of cartilage falls out into the cavity of the ankle joint (blockage with an articular mouse). A characteristic symptom is that the patient drags the lower limb while walking. There are dangerous concomitant vascular diseases (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis).

In the acute phase of the pathology, edema increases, the skin around the affected area becomes reddish, painful to the touch, and the temperature rises locally. The overgrowth of bone tissue leads to a modification of the ankle, severe pain, limited mobility, the patient cannot stand on his leg.


The criteria for making a diagnosis of osteoarthritis is the presence of the above complaints, a survey about living and working conditions, and examination data by a specialist.

Ankle X-ray is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis
Ankle X-ray is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis

Ankle X-ray is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis.

To confirm the disease, a general blood test is prescribed, the synovial fluid is examined in a laboratory (an increase in its viscosity, an increase in the number of leukocytes).

Instrumental confirmation of X-ray (narrowing of the joint space, the presence of osteophytes, sclerotic changes in the bone, cystic formations). Additionally, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed.

Differential diagnosis

Differentiate this disease with traumatic injuries to the bones, periosteum, tarsus (microcracks, fractures), ankle sprain. In the presence of joint changes - with dislocation, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis.


Treatment of the affected ankle is aimed at reducing pain, eliminating degenerative tissue changes.

Non-drug therapy

Eating foods such as broths, jellies, bell peppers, garlic, spinach, parsley, dairy products helps to restore cartilage tissue. In order to reduce mechanical stress, the following are recommended: weight correction, reduction of physical activity, use of a cane when walking.

The method of treatment is determined by the doctor individually
The method of treatment is determined by the doctor individually

The method of treatment is determined by the doctor individually

During periods of improvement, massage is indicated: due to the outflow of venous blood, swelling is removed. Stretching exercises can help improve muscle elasticity to support a sore joint.

Non-drug treatment includes: ultraviolet and ultrasound irradiation, laser therapy, diadynamic currents, applications of paraffin, mud.

Sanatorium treatment - hydrogen sulphide, radon springs, brine, mud treatment.

Medical and surgical treatment

Medicines used:

  • pain relievers: analgin;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: paracetamol, diclofenac, nimesulide; used for severe, prolonged pain and to reduce inflammation;
  • chondroprotectors (correctors of bone and cartilage tissue metabolism): glucosamine, chondroitin; taking pills inside, injections into the articular cavity, intramuscularly;
  • natural stimulants of tissue repair: alflutop;
  • vitamins, minerals.


Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the onset of illness or relapse.

Correction of excess weight, wearing comfortable shoes, reducing physical activity, alternating rest and work are considered effective methods.

Patients whose work is associated with lifting weights or standing for a long time on their feet (loaders, waiters, hairdressers) are recommended to change their profession.

Strengthening the immune system, avoiding hypothermia, as well as a timely visit to a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear can shorten the duration of treatment and prevent a severe course of osteoarthritis.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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