Remedies For Hemorrhoids: Good And Effective Medicines For Treatment

Remedies For Hemorrhoids: Good And Effective Medicines For Treatment
Remedies For Hemorrhoids: Good And Effective Medicines For Treatment

Effective remedies for hemorrhoids: medications, home remedies, non-drug therapies

The content of the article:

  1. The main drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids
  2. Preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant and breastfeeding women
  3. Home remedies for hemorrhoids

    1. Sitting baths
    2. Homemade hemorrhoids ointments
    3. Lotions, compresses and microclysters
    4. Homemade suppositories
  4. Non-drug treatments for hemorrhoids: lifestyle modification

Hemorrhoid remedies are widely represented in the pharmaceutical market. Their action is aimed at eliminating the clinical signs of the disease (pain, itching, etc.), strengthening the blood vessels, and the speedy regeneration of damaged tissues. Many good remedies for hemorrhoids are made on the basis of natural ingredients, have a gentle effect and, as a rule, do not cause side effects. However, it must be borne in mind that such drugs can be effective either at the initial stage of the disease, or as part of complex therapy, the same applies to traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids. In the later stages, they resort to more powerful means.

Despite the fact that most drugs for hemorrhoids are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, it is not recommended to self-medicate, since improperly selected therapy will not only increase the manifestations of the disease, but accelerate its progression and significantly increase the risk of complications. The best hemorrhoid remedy can be ineffective if used for other purposes. After conducting the examination, the doctor will recommend whether to limit yourself to external drugs or what to drink for hemorrhoids, select an effective treatment taking into account the form, stage of the disease and other individual data, and also monitor the course of therapy.

Any medication for the treatment of hemorrhoids should be prescribed by a doctor
Any medication for the treatment of hemorrhoids should be prescribed by a doctor

Any medication for the treatment of hemorrhoids should be prescribed by a doctor.

The main drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids

As a rule, for hemorrhoids, local drugs are used in the form of a cream, gel, ointment, suppositories, which have a pronounced therapeutic effect and have practically no side effects. In some cases, it becomes necessary to take medication by mouth (tablets).

Rectal suppositories are among the most popular drugs in the ranking of drugs for hemorrhoids, most of them have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Rectal suppositories are indicated for internal and mixed hemorrhoids.

Preparations in the form of a gel or ointment are quickly absorbed into the tissues, eliminate puffiness, itching, burning, pain, reduce inflammation, and promote the speedy regeneration of tissues. Gel or ointment drugs are prescribed for external hemorrhoids, but can also be used for internal hemorrhoids. In this case, they are delivered to the site of exposure using a special applicator, which is included in the kit, or by applying to a tampon, which is then placed in the anus.

All anti-hemorrhoidal drugs, based on the main active substance and the associated therapeutic effect, can be divided into several groups:

  • thrombolytic (anticoagulants);
  • hemostatic (hemostatics);
  • phlebotonics (venotonics);
  • antispasmodic;
  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antimicrobial.

The main active ingredient in anticoagulants is heparin or its synthetic analogs. Such medicines are used to dissolve blood clots, eliminate puffiness. By improving blood circulation, they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Their use is contraindicated in the presence of anal fissures, bleeding from hemorrhoids. These funds include Heparin ointment.

Hemostatic drugs, as the name suggests, are effective for hemorrhoidal bleeding that usually accompanies chronic hemorrhoids. Promote tissue restoration, strengthening of vascular walls. A representative of this group are rectal adrenaline suppositories.

Relief candles contain phlebotonic, a substance that strengthens the walls of blood vessels
Relief candles contain phlebotonic, a substance that strengthens the walls of blood vessels

Relief candles contain phlebotonic, a substance that strengthens the walls of blood vessels

Phlebotonics are usually used during remission. Phlebotropic drugs increase vascular tone, restore blood circulation, help eliminate edema and inflammation, and heal anal fissures. They are used both for the treatment of hemorrhoids and for the prevention of hemorrhoids in persons at risk (weightlifters, loaders, people with sedentary work, with a hereditary predisposition, etc.). Such drugs include suppositories and Relief ointment.

Antispasmodics relieve muscle spasms and thereby eliminate pain, facilitate the process of defecation. The drug in this group is papaverine hydrochloride rectal suppositories.

Anesthetics eliminate pain, relieve itching and burning, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Representative - Proctosan ointment and suppositories.

Antimicrobial drugs have a disinfectant effect, prevent the attachment of a secondary infection. This group includes Proctosedil ointment.

Immunomodulatory antihemorrhoids help to strengthen local immunity in the focus of inflammation, promote tissue regeneration. These drugs include posterisan rectal suppositories.

Anti-inflammatory drugs promote faster tissue healing, reduce swelling and itching. The drugs in this group are suppositories and Ultraproct ointment.

Many drugs have a complex effect, since they have a multicomponent composition. These include suppositories Hepatrombin G containing an anticoagulant (heparin), a steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (prednisolone) and an anesthetic (polidocanol).

Olestezin is a good example of a complex action drug. The active ingredients of the drug, produced in the form of rectal suppositories, are sodium ethazole, which provides an anti-inflammatory effect, anesthesin, due to which effective pain relief occurs, and sea buckthorn oil, which helps to restore damaged tissues. Olestezin is safe and can be used in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant and breastfeeding women

The choice of a hemorrhoid treatment regimen for women during pregnancy and for nursing mothers is complicated by the fact that the range of acceptable drugs is much narrower. As a rule, in such cases, they are limited only to external agents, without resorting to systemic therapy. Anticoagulants, hemostatics and venotonics are prescribed with great care. But also mildly acting drugs with natural substances in the base, such as Sea buckthorn candles, should be selected only by a doctor who is informed about pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

Home remedies can be very effective in treating hemorrhoids if they are used correctly and regularly.

Sitting baths

According to the reviews of both patients and doctors, sit baths, which can be hot, warm or cold, provide a good therapeutic effect - the therapeutic effect depends on the temperature of the water. Infusions or decoctions of medicinal plants, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), honey, etc. can be added to the water. The choice in favor of one or another type of sessile bath is carried out depending on the form of the disease and the existing clinical picture. Each type has indications and contraindications. Warm baths are the most versatile and safe.

Cold baths (water temperature at least 20 ° C) are usually carried out for bleeding from hemorrhoids and acute pain. Medicinal substances are usually added to baths with warm (body temperature) and hot (no more than 40 ° C) water. Sitting baths with potassium permanganate solution (potassium permanganate) are very popular among patients with hemorrhoids. For its preparation, several crystals of potassium permanganate are mixed first with a small amount of water, the resulting solution is filtered and added to a container with prepared water (for a warm or cold bath, potassium permanganate is not used for hot baths), which should acquire a light pink hue. The duration of the procedure is 5-30 minutes depending on the water temperature (5-10 minutes cold and hot baths, 15-30 minutes - warm).

Homemade hemorrhoids ointments

Pharmacies offer a wide range of inexpensive and effective hemorrhoid medications. New drugs appear regularly to help alleviate the manifestations of the disease.

However, the medicated ointment can be prepared at home. Pork fat, vegetable oil, petroleum jelly are used as a basis, and propolis, peach seed oil, rose hips, and extracts of medicinal plants are used as an active ingredient. You can store such an ointment for only a few days in the refrigerator, so it is better to make a small amount of ointment at a time. The affected areas are treated with ointment twice a day.

Lotions, compresses and microclysters

For lotions and compresses (with external hemorrhoids) use sea buckthorn, rosehip oil, infusions or decoctions of the knotweed, nettle, mountain ash, chamomile, calamus, oak bark, burdock roots, etc. For internal and mixed hemorrhoids, the same substances are used in in the form of microclysters (5–10 g), which help to eliminate pain and inflammation.

Homemade suppositories

With exacerbation of internal hemorrhoids, you can quickly and effectively relieve pain with the help of suppositories with sea buckthorn, honey, propolis, aloe and herbal infusions, which can be prepared at home. To do this, the medicinal solution is poured into forms from under the pharmacy suppositories and frozen. You can also use a medical rubber glove for this purpose - in this case, her fingers serve as the form for the suppositories.

Medical glove fingers serve as a convenient shape for homemade medicinal ice candles
Medical glove fingers serve as a convenient shape for homemade medicinal ice candles

Medical glove fingers serve as a convenient shape for homemade medicinal ice candles

At home, you can make antihemorrhoid suppositories from raw potatoes. For this, the potato is thoroughly washed with a brush, peeled, then suppositories are cut out of it. It is necessary to ensure that such a suppository has a rounded shape and a rounded tip so as not to injure the already inflamed tissue. Potato suppositories are inserted into the anus at bedtime, leaving overnight.

Non-drug treatments for hemorrhoids: lifestyle modification

One of the main conditions for the effectiveness of treatment of hemorrhoids is adherence to a diet due to the fact that the disease most often occurs against the background of poor nutrition. Fiber-rich foods are recommended. The diet includes cereals, herbs, as well as vegetables and fruits (except for those that lead to increased gas formation) in a raw and thermally processed form. Fermented milk products and vegetable oils are useful. These products increase the volume of feces, thereby improving peristalsis and facilitating bowel movements.

Baking, pasta, fast food are excluded from the diet, the use of sweets, strong tea and coffee, and alcohol is limited. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, which also normalizes bowel movements.

Diet for hemorrhoids is aimed at improving bowel function
Diet for hemorrhoids is aimed at improving bowel function

Diet for hemorrhoids is aimed at improving bowel function

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is important. During the period of exacerbation, after each bowel movement, you should toilet the anal area with soap and water. In the absence of such an opportunity, the toilet is carried out using wet wipes. Soaps and wipes should be those that are free of potentially irritating substances, and are good for babies. Outside of exacerbation, soft toilet paper should be preferred.

The habit of sitting in the toilet for a long time, as well as excessive straining during bowel movements, can lead to the development of hemorrhoids, so this should be avoided.

It is necessary to give up bad habits, especially smoking, alcohol abuse and a sedentary lifestyle. Regular physical activity is indicated, however, excessive physical activity that contributes to the development of hemorrhoids should be avoided.

A set of exercise therapy exercises has been developed, which is shown as an addition to the main therapy. One of the most effective, and at the same time simple, is the Kegel exercise - consistent tension and relaxation of the anal sphincter. The advantage is that it can be performed in any setting without being noticed by others.

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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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