Bran For Weight Loss - Types, Calorie Content, Useful Properties

Bran For Weight Loss - Types, Calorie Content, Useful Properties
Bran For Weight Loss - Types, Calorie Content, Useful Properties

Bran for weight loss

Bran - calorie content, types and effectiveness
Bran - calorie content, types and effectiveness

Slimming bran is one of the healthiest foods that can lead to rapid weight loss. The bran, which is a by-product of the processing of cereal crops, contains most (up to 90%) of the biologically active components of grain, useful not only for digestion, but also for improving the metabolic processes of the whole organism.

Bran types

There are several types of bran, depending on the type of grain. Wheat, oat and rye bran are the most popular, but in the conditions of modern processing of raw materials, bran from millet, buckwheat and rice are also available. The properties of these types of weight loss bran are somewhat less studied, but they can also be used as foods high in fiber and protein for a variety of nutritious diets.

The best for weight loss are bran prepared in an industrial way. In many cases, for the convenience of organizing a full-fledged proper nutrition, you can use bran bread.

Useful properties and calorie content of bran

The main value of bran is its high concentration of fiber, which causes a long-lasting feeling of fullness. As a consequence, without psychological stress, there is a more prolonged decrease in appetite. Also, with the use of bran of various cereals, intestinal peristalsis increases.

In addition to being high in fiber, bran contains many other nutrients that can help you lose weight quickly and safely. Among them are B vitamins, as well as potassium, necessary for the cardiovascular system.

The combination of nutrients contained in bran has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire digestive tract. They are especially useful for people with chronic constipation.

Other beneficial properties of bran include their ability to have a beneficial effect on blood glucose levels, which is especially important against the background of diabetes. In addition to losing weight, according to reviews, bran has a beneficial effect on the work of the gallbladder, increasing bile excretion.

Due to the low calorie content of bran and the useful substances in their composition, their use in a nutritious diet contributes to:

  • Regulation of the work of almost all important body systems - the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular and muscular;
  • Improving protein, fat, water-salt and energy metabolic processes;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Safe detoxification of the body;
  • Improving the appearance and general condition of nails, hair and skin;
  • Prevention and rapid treatment of dysbiosis;
  • Prevention of the development of cancer;
  • Lowering blood sugar levels;
  • Improving vision;
  • An increase in the time of feeling of fullness and, as a result, a decrease in calorie intake.

The calorie content of bran varies depending on the cereal from which they are made. The lowest calorie content of bran derived from wheat (165 kcal per 100 g), while rye and oat bran are more nutritious (220 kcal and 246 kcal, respectively).

How to eat bran for weight loss

To prevent excess weight and improve digestion, it is enough to eat up to two tablespoons of bran a day. It is believed that gradually bran can be introduced into the diet of children from the age of two.

A prerequisite for the effective use of bran for weight loss is a sufficient amount of water with which they need to be eaten. Fibrous food substances in the swollen bran when passing through the intestines contribute to the elimination of toxins and the normalization of intestinal peristalsis.

However, bran can be eaten not only with water, but also with many fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt), as well as add them to cereals or cottage cheese.

According to reviews, it is effective to use bran for weight loss for 3-4 weeks. As a rule, a stable result is observed with their daily intake. Also, for a more intense weight loss, it is useful to carry out fasting days every 10-14 days.

Contraindications and cautions for using bran for weight loss

Complete contraindications to the use of bran for weight loss are:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including diarrhea, gastritis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • Any damage to the stomach - ulcers, erosion and adhesions.

You should also know that bran reduces the absorption of many essential trace elements by the body, in particular zinc and iron. In addition, they can reduce the effectiveness of many medicines, so it is not recommended to eat bran while taking the necessary medicines.

Many nutritionists do not recommend eating bran for longer than a month, because, together with toxins, they also remove useful substances, and their prolonged use can provoke a pronounced weakening of stools and bloating.

Oat bran for weight loss

Most nutritionists consider oat bran to be the most effective for weight loss. They are recommended for use in many diets, such as the Ducan diet.

Oat bran has a more fibrous structure. In addition to useful carbohydrates and a large amount of fiber, they contain vegetable complex proteins and fats, many vitamins (A, C, beta-carotene, E, D, K, groups B, H and PP) and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, silicon, nickel, sodium, fluorine, phosphorus, chlorine, boron, vanadium, iron).

Oat bran for weight loss can be used alone or as an ingredient in various cereals, pastries and other dishes.

Wheat bran for weight loss

Wheat and oat bran for weight loss
Wheat and oat bran for weight loss

Coarse fiber, which is found in significant quantities in wheat fibers, is effective against the background of dysbiosis, which is the cause of the development of many diseases.

It is recommended to use wheat bran for weight loss before oat bran. Due to the large amount of insoluble fiber, effective bowel cleansing occurs. They can be used to reduce feelings of hunger, as well as to gradually change the diet to a more correct one.

Wheat bran is often added to flour in bread or other baked goods to make it healthier. You can also use various spices to improve the nutritional properties of baked goods - ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and cloves.

Rye bran for weight loss

Rye bran is considered especially beneficial for people with diabetes. In addition, it is recommended to eat them for cancer, anemia and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Rye bran, like bran from other cereals, is effective for weight loss because it contains high amounts of fiber, vitamins and essential trace elements, including selenium and potassium. In addition to weight loss, rye bran is recommended as part of the complex treatment of male infertility.

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