Diet Of Dr. Kovalkov - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet Of Dr. Kovalkov - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Diet Of Dr. Kovalkov - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet of Dr. Kovalkov

Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexei Kovalkov is a popular Moscow nutritionist who, using his own weight loss experience, has developed a fairly effective and relatively safe weight loss system. The author's technique involves three stages of the diet - preparatory, main and supporting.

1. Preparatory stage. There is a gentle cleansing and normalization of the digestive system. The gastrointestinal tract prepares itself to absorb large amounts of protein.

The duration of the stage is 2–4 weeks, during which it takes up to 5 kg of excess weight. Food should be taken in small portions 5-7 times a day. It is important to eat enough so as not to feel hungry, but you cannot overeat. There is no usual lunch in the middle of the day. You need to drink at least 4 glasses of pure non-carbonated water per day. Another feature is the use of bran, they need to be washed down with water or a fermented milk drink. Start with a small amount of bran, gradually increasing it and bringing it up to 100 g per day.

It is also recommended to walk at a comfortable pace, without jerking or stopping.

The first stage of Dr. Kovalkov's diet is the most difficult. Due to the high content of fat breakdown products in the blood, those who lose weight develop a feeling of fatigue, irritability, and sleep problems. To reduce discomfort, the author recommends spending more time in the sun and taking the drug L-carnitine, which intensively burns fat and removes waste products from the body.

2. The main stage. Its duration is calculated individually for each person, depending on the initial weight, and ranges from several weeks to a year. On average, the rate of weight loss is 100-200 g per day. The stage ends when the weight of the losing weight comes to the desired one.

The number of meals is 4-5 times a day, while the traditional lunch is returned to the diet. The portions are getting larger, but overeating should be avoided. The main goal of the main stage is to develop the habit of eating healthy foods in the right combination.

During this period, it is necessary to observe the regime of the day - every day at the same time to eat, rest, exercise. Strength exercises are gradually added to intensive walking.

In the second phase of the diet, weight is reduced slowly. If for several days the scale arrow remains in one place, a "loading" day is needed, when the amount of food consumed doubles, the diet is formed from foods high in proteins and carbohydrates and low in fat (cereals, fruits and vegetables), and you also need drink plenty of clean (non-mineral) water. "Loading" days are held no more than 2-3 times a week.

Dr. Kovalkov recommends once a month "cleaning" days - watermelon or rice. On watermelon days, the diet consists only of watermelons, in unlimited quantities. The rice day menu consists of rice porridge - brown rice (230 g) is boiled, constantly adding water until it is completely cooked, add a little salt, curry, a glass of finely chopped dried apricots and mix thoroughly. The resulting amount of porridge must be eaten in 2 days. You can drink green tea and clean water.

3. The final stage. Duration - 1–1.5 years. The goal is to maintain a healthy weight and not break. The list of allowed foods is expanding, but control of the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the diet continues. The menu changes gradually, slowly. There is no longer any need to do strength training, but daily walks remain.

General rules for all stages:

  • vegetables are eaten raw whenever possible, cereals are steamed with boiling water, meat and fish are baked, boiled or steamed;
  • during the day you need to drink a lot, but in small portions and at approximately equal intervals, before meals, not after. To overcome the sudden feeling of hunger, the author of the technique advises drinking alkaline water of medium or low mineralization. The water should be at room temperature, it is forbidden to drink cold water.

Advantages of Dr. Kovalkov's diet

The main advantage of Dr. Kovalkov's diet is a balanced diet containing sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, proteins and fats necessary for the body. Variety of foods helps to avoid menu monotony and reduces the likelihood of breakdown. Losing weight does not need to constantly weigh portions of food and count calories.

The diet was compiled by a professional nutritionist, and if you follow the recommendations, it will not have a negative effect on health, on the contrary, it normalizes the digestive system and metabolism.

During the diet, a person gets used to the principles of healthy eating, which in the future will help keep the weight normal.

Dr. Kovalkov's diet is an author's nutritional method aimed at losing weight and normalizing metabolism
Dr. Kovalkov's diet is an author's nutritional method aimed at losing weight and normalizing metabolism


Disadvantages and contraindications of the diet of Dr. Kovalkov

On the diet of Dr. Kovalkov, the rate of weight loss is not as high as most losing weight would like.

This food system is contraindicated for persons with serious chronic diseases, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.

Before starting a diet, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination to identify chronic diseases, and if any, consult a doctor.

What foods are allowed?

The list of permitted foods depends on the stage of the diet.

  1. Preparatory stage: legumes, vegetables with a low glycemic index, minimally processed cereals, egg whites, dairy products, including cheeses (Adyghe, feta cheese), nuts (walnuts, almonds, pine nuts) and fruits (especially apples).
  2. Main stage: Garlic, onion, parsley, lettuce, spinach, citrus fruits, pears and berries (lingonberries, blueberries and blackberries) are added to the products of the preparatory stage. Gradually, buckwheat groats, low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat, chicken, fish and seafood are introduced into the menu.
  3. The final stage: all products are allowed, except for those that are prohibited.

What foods are prohibited?

Prohibited foods at all stages: sweets (including honey), white rice, potatoes, white bread and muffins, semi-finished products, salted and smoked foods, fruit juices, soda, alcohol.

Dr. Kovalkov's diet menu

Below are examples of menus for one day for the first and second stages of the diet of Dr. Kovalkov.

Preparatory stage (interval between meals 2-3 hours):

First breakfast Low-fat kefir (200 ml) with powdered bran (1 tbsp. L.), Pine nuts (1 tbsp. L.). Lunch Apple (1 pc.). First lunch Grapefruit (half) or apple (1 pc.). Second lunch Grapefruit (half) or apple (1 pc.). Afternoon snack Grapefruit (half) or apple (1 pc.). First dinner Vegetable salad with cheese (200-300 g), seasoned with lemon juice. Second supper Boiled egg white (2 pcs.).

The main stage:

Breakfast Low-fat yogurt (200 ml) with bran and nuts. Dinner Low-fat cottage cheese (200-300 g), chicken or fish, vegetables. Dinner Vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil. Late supper Boiled egg white (2 pcs.).

Useful Tips

Advice 1. Women should start the diet in such a way as to enter its main stage from the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Advice 2. At the second and third stages of Dr. Kovalkov's diet, it is useful to eat chopped buckwheat with almonds and bran, drenched in kefir for breakfast.

Advice 3. If the excess weight is more than 30 kg, before starting a diet, consult a nutritionist and lose weight under his control.

Diet characteristic final grade Duration: from 3 months

4 out of 5

The diet is formulated by a professional nutritionist and aims to reduce weight and normalize metabolism. Following the recommendations, you can stick to the diet as long as you like.

Recommended frequency: any Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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