Dr. Ducan's Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Dr. Ducan's Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Dr. Ducan's Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Dr. Ducan's diet

The diet was developed by the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan and is a nutritional system, adhering to which, you can get rid of extra pounds and maintain the result.

The diet is divided into four phases.

The first stage is "attack", or protein. Depending on the initial weight, it lasts from three to ten days: if the initial weight exceeds the desired one by 10 kg, then a protein diet should be followed for three days, for 10-20 kg - three to five days, for 20-30 kg - seven days, for 30 kg or more - up to ten days. Weight loss in the first stage - 2 to 5 kg. Allowed foods are protein.

The second stage, "cruise", consists in alternating days during which only protein foods are consumed, with days when vegetables are added to protein foods. Cooking is allowed in any way: boil, stew, bake, fry (without oil). If at this stage the weight stops decreasing, this means:

  • that an acceptable body weight has been achieved, and its reduction is undesirable. Then you can proceed to the next stage - consolidation;
  • or the rules of the diet are violated, the menu contains prohibited foods. If so, the diet should be revised.

The third stage - "consolidation", is the consolidation of the final weight and acquired eating habits. Products containing starch are added to the menu. Two days a week (but not following each other), it is allowed to eat any foods that were previously prohibited in one of the meals. The duration of fixing is calculated as follows: for 1 kg of lost weight - ten days of the diet.

The fourth stage is stabilization, there is a return to the usual menu. At the same time, pure protein nutrition is recommended for one day a week. The duration of this phase is not limited.

Dr. Ducan's diet is one of the most effective and balanced diets
Dr. Ducan's diet is one of the most effective and balanced diets

Source: depositphotos.com

Benefits of Dr. Ducan's diet

Dr. Ducan's diet is extremely effective, and thanks to a smooth transition to a regular diet, the likelihood of returning lost pounds is minimal.

This is a balanced nutrition system, the menu of which contains vital macronutrients, vitamins, and other useful substances (except for the first phase).

The diet is designed to avoid hunger.

Disadvantages and contraindications of Dr. Ducan's diet

Dr. Ducan's diet is indicated only for healthy people. You must first consult with your doctor or dietitian.

In the first phase of the diet, it is possible to exacerbate stomach ulcers, liver and kidney diseases, constipation, and deterioration of health associated with a lack of vitamins and fats.

The "attack" phase can be difficult to tolerate due to the heavy load on the kidneys and protein intake in excess of the recommended norms.

What foods are allowed?

List of approved products:

  • "Attack" - beef and veal, skinless chicken, turkey, offal, low-fat ham, fish, seafood, low-fat dairy products, eggs, oat and wheat bran, water, tea, vinegar, garlic, onions;
  • "Cruise" - all products recommended for consumption in the "attack" phase, as well as any vegetables, except those with a lot of starch. Plus, two products from the following list can be consumed per day: spices, gherkins, adjika, ketchup and starch (1 tablespoon each), fat-free cocoa;
  • “Consolidation” - the menu can consist of all the products previously allowed. A serving of fruit is added throughout the day, two slices of bread and 40 g of mature cheese. Starchy foods (pasta, rice, potatoes, beans, etc.) are permissible twice a week;
  • stabilization - all products are allowed. There are no restrictions, but most of the time it is recommended to stick to the menu from the previous phase.

What foods are prohibited?

List of prohibited products:

  • "Attack" - chocolate, sugar, sweets, baked goods, alcohol;
  • "Cruise" - peas, potatoes, beans, corn, olives, avocados, pasta and cereals;
  • "Consolidation" - figs, bananas, grapes, cherries.

Dr. Ducan's diet menu

Below are examples of menus for each stage of the nutrition system (except for the stabilization phase, when the diet is compiled at its own discretion).

Menu for "attack":

First day

Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, ham, yogurt.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese.

Lunch: baked fish with garlic.

Afternoon snack: kefir.

Dinner: grilled chicken breast.

Second day

Breakfast: yoghurt with natural vanilla, homemade turkey roll.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese with herbs.

Lunch: beef stew with onions and garlic.

Afternoon snack: kefir.

Dinner: scrambled eggs.

Menu for the "cruise":

First day

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, grated carrots, tea.

Second breakfast: salad of beets, gherkins and carrots, kefir.

Lunch: vegetable stew, a slice of fried fish.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.

Dinner: vegetable salad, carrot juice, yogurt.

Second day

Breakfast: vegetable casserole, coffee with milk.

Second breakfast: low-fat ham, tea.

Lunch: chicken legs baked with zucchini and tomatoes.

Afternoon snack: curd soufflé.

Dinner: omelet with onions, tomatoes, kefir.

Menu for "consolidation":

First day

Breakfast: cheese cakes, fruit salad, tea.

Second breakfast: bread, a slice of ham.

Lunch: beef stew with vegetables and herbs.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.

Dinner: fish cakes.

Second day

Breakfast: apple, bread with salted fish, tea.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese or kefir.

Lunch: fish casserole, fresh vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack: vinaigrette.

Dinner: boiled beef with green salad.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. It is not recommended to prolong the protein phase beyond ten days: it will not be beneficial, but the load on the body will increase.

Advice 2. In order to avoid constipation at the first stage of the diet, add oat bran (up to 2 tbsp. L.) To the menu every day, and then wheat in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. In the "attack" phase, you should drink up to 2 liters of water per day. At the “cruise” stage, the amount of liquid reaches 2.5 liters per day, and the volume of bran is 2-3 tbsp. l.

Tip 3. At the stage of stabilization, it is recommended to arrange a protein day once a week and eat 3 tbsp daily. l. oat bran.

Tip 4. To maintain weight, minimize the consumption of sweet, flour, canned and smoked products.

Tip 5. In case of breakdowns, you should not panic, reproach yourself and quit the diet, but the next day, regardless of the phase, should be protein.

Diet characteristic final grade Duration: long

3.5 out of 5

One of the most effective and balanced diets, consisting of several stages in which weight is lost at different rates. The final stage is to consolidate the result with the help of a proper nutrition system, which you can adhere to throughout your life.

Recommended frequency: none Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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