The harm of diets

According to a survey conducted by scientists from the UK, every third woman on the planet has followed a diet more than once, and every fourth woman has followed a certain diet more than twice. A huge number of books are devoted to diets, and the number of diets themselves reaches twenty-eight thousand. Modern diet therapy has its roots in the distant past. Ancient nutritionists gave recommendations for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. They believed that the harm and benefits of diets depend on the individual characteristics of the person. The human body needs all food products, but their quantity and ratio must change depending on the constitution, age, climate and habits. The human body is not harmed by medicinal diets. Practically all the great healers (Avicenna, Paracelsus,Hippocrates).
The harm and benefits of diets
A properly selected diet makes it possible to reduce weight, improve well-being and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. However, when choosing a diet, most people do not take into account metabolic, genetic characteristics, and a family's diet. Before starting a diet, it is necessary to check the condition of all organs and body systems. Otherwise, the harm of the diet can be irreparable.
When a person follows a diet, a kind of defense system is launched in the body. The body's defensive response to food stress is reduced energy expenditure. Moreover, this reduction by 40-45% occurs due to respiratory function, cardiac activity and metabolism. The harm of diets is that when a person returns to his usual diet, the body begins to accumulate calories with a vengeance. Nutritionists call this phenomenon the "yo-yo effect." Moreover, the greatest harm comes from diets based on the use of one specific product. With this type of diet, you can get rid of extra pounds in a short period of time. However, after such a diet, a sharp increase in body weight often occurs. Moreover, the newly gained fat, first of all, is deposited near the internal organs,in the abdomen, not between the skin and muscles on the thighs and sides. Fat from the storage areas can seep into the bloodstream and liver and increase the concentration of low-density lipoproteins in the blood.
Diet can also cause significant harm to the nervous system. Inappropriate diets can lead to a loss of the ability to think clearly. An unusual diet can lead to the development of neuropsychiatric disorders.
British psychologists tested 60 healthy women on memory, reaction speed and attention. The first type of test was carried out after a plentiful feast, and the second after a strict diet. The test results after the meal were 20-30% better than the test results carried out after the strict diet. Psychologists have concluded that the greatest harm from diet is that the human body perceives it as stress. And the body has the ability to adapt to different types of stress and resist them more and more. Therefore, it is impossible to constantly correct weight with the help of short-term and rigid diets.
Diet without harm to health
Many are worried about how to lose weight quickly without harm to health. A healthy diet should be based on healthy eating principles. The diet should have enough lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. About two thirds of the diet should be nuts, fruits, meat, fish, vegetables, cereals and milk fermentation products.
For weight loss without harm to health, when drawing up a diet, it is necessary to take into account the occupation of each individual. With intense physical activity, vitamins and carbohydrates should prevail in the diet, with intellectual activity - proteins. To minimize the harm from the diet, there should be no sweet, fatty and fried foods in the diet.

To lose weight without harm to health, it is necessary to reduce the nutritional value of the diet by ten to fifteen percent with a variety of food and sufficient physical activity.
A diet by blood group is considered a fairly thoughtful and humane diet. It contains enough nutrients. For a healthy diet, you can use a vegetarian table with eggs, dairy products and seafood. You can also stick to separate meals.
Eating raw fruits and vegetables leads to bloating. If the diet consists of proteins, then the kidneys are affected. If you eat only mushrooms and nuts, then the liver is disrupted. Drinking grapefruit or orange juice on an empty stomach leads to the release of bile. If the state of health worsens during the diet, it is necessary to return to the usual diet for the body.
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