Sherbet - Composition, Calorie Content, Benefits And Harms, Contraindications

Sherbet - Composition, Calorie Content, Benefits And Harms, Contraindications
Sherbet - Composition, Calorie Content, Benefits And Harms, Contraindications


Sherbet based on pink flowers
Sherbet based on pink flowers

The word sherbet has several different meanings. In ancient times, sherbet was called an oriental vitamin drink based on pink flowers, rose hips, spices and licorice. Now sherbet is called a soft drink consisting of juices of berries and fruits, with the addition of honey, sugar, spices and spices. This drink is drunk by Turks and Arabs before and after meals. Brides drink pink dessert in the villages of India, Afghanistan and Turkey, accepting the marriage proposal. Eastern sherbets have many flavors - lemon, apple, orange, pomegranate, quince, dogwood and others. The Egyptians add selected violets, mulberry berries and sorrel leaves to the sherbet.

Those with a sweet tooth know this dessert in the form of popsicles or a fragrant oriental sweet treat.

The composition and calorie content of sherbet

According to its taste and consumer properties, this sweet product is classified as candy. The composition of sherbet depends only on the national recipe of this dish. But this sweetness will always look like a creamy fudge made from various ingredients. Modern manufacturers use condensed milk as the main component of sweets. Vanillin, nuts or raisins, prunes, dried apricots are often added to sherbet. Sherbet with peanuts and peanuts, drenched in condensed cream, is very popular in the East.

Sherbet - soft drink
Sherbet - soft drink

The calorie content of sorbet depends on the original components of the product. The average calorie content of sherbet is 417 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Sherbet benefits

The benefits of sherbet are due to its composition. Milk-based sorbet has beneficial properties. The main components of milk ensure the well-coordinated functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart.

Sherbet also benefits from the presence of various delicacies such as dried fruits and nuts. The most useful supplement is peanuts, which are rich in vegetable fats, linoleic acid, vitamins A, PP, E and group B. This type of nut is perfectly absorbed by the body, having a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

Dried apricots saturate the human body with vitamin A, it is useful for anemia and hypertension. Prunes are indispensable for constipation, vitamin deficiency and obesity. Raisins are good for the health of teeth and gums, have a calming effect, and also strengthen the nervous system and lungs.

Sherbet harm

The harm also lies in the chemical composition of sherbet. In terms of sugar content, this product occupies one of the first places among very high-calorie confectionery products.

This dessert is contraindicated in diseases of the pancreas and liver.

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