Pumpkin Seeds - Benefits, Harm, Properties, Calorie Content, Nutritional Value

Pumpkin Seeds - Benefits, Harm, Properties, Calorie Content, Nutritional Value
Pumpkin Seeds - Benefits, Harm, Properties, Calorie Content, Nutritional Value

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin is known for its numerous medicinal properties and a fairly rich content of components valuable for the human body. This vegetable has been consumed since ancient times. Benefiting from the various health benefits of pumpkin seeds, pumpkin pulp, and pumpkin seed oil is easy. It is necessary to use these products as often as possible in the preparation of various dishes.

The nutritional value Portion Pumpkin seeds 100 g Amount per serving Calories 556 Calories from Fat 412.2 % Daily value * Total Fat 45.8 g 70% Saturate fats 8.66 g 43% Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 7 mg 0% Potassium 809 mg 23% Total Carbohydrates 4.7 g 2% Sugar 16.24 g Dietary fiber 6 g 24% Proteins 24.5 g 49% Vitamin B6 7% Vitamin C 3% Thiamine 18% Iron 49% Calcium 5% Magnesium 148% Phosphorus 123% Zinc 52% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds

Source: depositphotos.com How to burn 556 kcal?

Walking 139 minutes
Jogging 62 minutes
Swimming 46 minutes
A bike 79 minutes
Aerobics 111 minutes
Household chores 185 minutes

For the first time, pumpkin seeds were used in Latin America for the manufacture of a natural medicine that has a strong general strengthening effect on the body.

Pumpkin seeds composition

The many medicinal properties of pumpkin seeds are attributed to their rich nutritional profile. They contain essential oils, essential amino acids, resins, alkaloids, flavonoids, easily digestible protein, and a large amount of vitamins. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of vitamin E - an effective natural antioxidant, as well as niacin, folic acid, vitamins of group B. They contain a small amount of vitamins K, A, D and C. They also include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc. Magnesium in these seeds is nine times more than in sunflower seeds, and iron - four times.

One hundred grams of pumpkin seeds contains 24.5 g of protein (about 100 kcal), 45.8 g of fat (about 400 kcal) and 4.7 g of carbohydrates (about 19 kcal). Protein in pumpkin seeds is 14% more than in sunflower seeds.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds

The benefits of pumpkin seeds are scientifically proven. Pumpkin seeds are especially beneficial for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases because they stabilize blood pressure. It is believed that with angina pectoris, this product is able to relieve pain in the heart. The unique healing properties of pumpkin seeds help relieve nausea from motion sickness, as well as from toxicosis during pregnancy. Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds helps to lower blood sugar levels. The beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds are fully manifested if they are consumed fresh or slightly dried.

Pumpkin seeds help with fever, exhaustion, dry cough, diseases of the urinary tract and gastric ulcer. Some of the components in the seeds have a diuretic and mild laxative effect. An important valuable property of pumpkin seeds is their ability to reduce fat secretions, get rid of dandruff and acne.

Application of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds can be an excellent addition to salads, sauces, vegetable stews, meat dishes, as well as a wide variety of pastries. Pumpkin seed oil, very useful for the body, can complement the taste of salads, fish and meat dishes. Bread with pumpkin seeds is in great demand.

In case of kidney and urinary tract diseases, hemp seeds should be added to pumpkin seeds in a 1: 1 ratio. To prepare the broth, one hundred grams of flax and pumpkin seeds are mixed with water and the resulting gruel is applied to the area where the kidneys are located.

If you knead pumpkin seeds and make a medicinal decoction of them in water or milk and drink it before bedtime, you can get rid of insomnia.

Healing "milk" is prepared from raw pumpkin seeds. Raw seeds are ground with sugar and water. This remedy is used for cholecystitis, cystitis, kidney disease and hepatitis.

Pumpkin seed gruel can be applied to burns, wounds, and other skin injuries.

Pumpkin seed oil
Pumpkin seed oil

Medicines are produced from pumpkin seeds. Tykveol is a medicinal product based on pumpkin seed oil. It is prescribed for the treatment of metabolic disorders, diseases of the biliary tract, as well as for various infections, peptic ulcers, and inflammatory processes. It is also indicated for the prevention of atherosclerosis and cancer. When obese, squash helps to reduce weight.

Pumpkin seeds for worms

The pumpkin seeds contain the antiparasitic poison cucurbitin. For worms, pumpkin seeds should be taken on an empty stomach for three days (100 g of seeds at a time), washed down with a significant amount of water.

Pumpkin seeds for worms can be used in the form of gruel. To do this, they must be ground and mixed with water in a ratio of one to six. The resulting liquid gruel should be drunk in small portions within an hour, and a little later, but no later than three hours later, take any laxative. In addition to treatment, you can give a cleansing enema.

Damage to pumpkin seeds

The harm of pumpkin seeds cannot be compared to their benefits. However, with increased acidity of gastric juice, with intestinal obstruction, it is not recommended to eat this product.

Pumpkin seeds can cause considerable harm to the teeth, as the husk of the seeds destroys the tooth enamel.

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