Tabasco - Composition, Benefits, Preparation

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Tabasco - Composition, Benefits, Preparation
Tabasco - Composition, Benefits, Preparation

Video: Tabasco - Composition, Benefits, Preparation

Video: Tabasco - Composition, Benefits, Preparation
Video: Как это работает? Табаско (Tabasco) 2024, September


Tabasco is the name of a small hot pepper, whose homeland is Mexico. Externally, the Tabasco plant looks like the red chili pepper we are used to, but the Tabasco peppers do not hang on the bush, but are arranged vertically on it, and very much resemble miniature bell peppers in appearance.


Tabasco pepper is known to the world thanks to Sir Macalenni, who almost 150 years ago invented the recipe for hot sauce based on this pepper.

Ripe red Tabasco peppers or unripe green peppers are used to make the sauce. In green peppers, the flesh is dense, but in ripe peppers it turns into a paste under the peel. The pungency of the sauce directly depends on the degree of maturity of the peppers, so you can buy "green tabasco" and "red tabasco", they differ significantly from each other in their taste.

You can even grow Tabasco peppers at home - the size of the bush allows you to plant it in a regular pot for indoor ornamental plants. With proper care, and it is worth noting that Tabasco is unpretentious, the harvest can be expected 3-4 months after planting the seeds.

Why is Tabasco sauce so attractive for gourmets all over the world, what is so unusual about its composition?

How Tabasco Sauce is Prepared and Eaten with

The most surprising thing is that the basis of the unique taste of Tabasco is made up of only three simple ingredients. Tabasco contains pepper pulp, salt and white vinegar.

But it is not enough just to mix all these components - the pepper mixed with salt ferments in wooden barrels for several years, after which vinegar is added to the resulting mass.

Ideally, Tabasco contains salt from the mines of Avery Island.

The original Tabasco sauce is one made by McIlhenny. To maintain the reputation of their product, specialists carefully monitor the process of collecting raw materials. What is important, the peppers are picked by hand. While working, pickers select only fruits of a certain ripeness. In order not to be mistaken, they compare the color of the pepper with the color of the sample plate, which they always have with them.

Tabasco sauce is prized for its rich aroma and extraordinary spicy taste. To give you an idea of how hot the sauce is, imagine that 0.25 teaspoon of Tabasco equals half a teaspoon of black or white pepper.

The sauce can be used to fill soups, main courses, snacks and salads. With Tabasco, fish and meat are marinated before frying in a pan or charcoal.

You've probably heard about the Bloody Mary alcoholic cocktail. We prepare it in a simple way - they mix vodka with salted tomato juice. But in fact, the real cocktail recipe includes Tabasco sauce.

So, to make a real "Bloody Mary" you will need: vodka, tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, tomato juice, salt and pepper, lemon juice. To prepare a cocktail, you need only one drop of Tabasco, vodka - 45 ml, tomato juice - 60 ml, 2-3 drops of Worcestershire sauce, 10 ml of lemon juice. Add pepper and salt to taste. Making a drink is not difficult - just mix all the ingredients with crushed ice.

Serve "Bloody Mary" with a stalk of celery.

Dried Tabasco
Dried Tabasco

Why is Tabasco sauce good for you?

The sauce contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, beta-carotene, fatty acids, and such useful substances: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium.

By consuming the sauce regularly, you can increase immunity, improve metabolism. It is possible that this is why the sauce is included in the diet of the British and US military.

The calorie content of the sauce is low - only 12 calories per 100 grams, and given that this product is eaten, due to its specific taste, not in spoons, but in drops, those who preserve their figure should not be afraid of the consequences.


Since the sauce is very spicy, it cannot be eaten with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart disease, in particular, with tachycardia.

In addition, red Tabasco peppers are a strong allergen, so people with food allergies should be careful when trying the sauce.

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