Hyperhidrosis - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Hyperhidrosis - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Hyperhidrosis - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Hyperhidrosis (hyperhidrosis; Greek hyper- - over, over, excessively + Greek hidros - sweat + Greek -ōsis (word-form suffix) - disease; synonym: sweating) - increased sweating.

Types of hyperhidrosis:

  • asymmetric (asymmetrica) - on one side of the body (or part of the body) against the background of normal sweating on the other;
  • limited (circumscripta; synonym: local hyperhidrosis) - of any part of the body, for example, the scalp, palms, axillary fossa;
  • pathological (pathologica) - caused by a violation of the neuroendocrine mechanism of regulation of the activity of sweat glands; noted in tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, parkinsonism, etc.;
  • universal (universalis; synonym: general hyperhidrosis) - of the entire skin; observed in some diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems;
  • physiological hyperhidrosis (physiologica; synonym: functional hyperhidrosis) - is a protective reaction of the body aimed at increasing heat transfer (at high ambient temperatures, intense physical activity, etc.) or at removing excess fluid from the body.

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