Armpit Hyperhidrosis: What It Is, Causes And Treatment

Armpit Hyperhidrosis: What It Is, Causes And Treatment
Armpit Hyperhidrosis: What It Is, Causes And Treatment

Armpit hyperhidrosis: treatment, causes, symptoms

The content of the article:

  1. Function of sweat and sweat glands
  2. Causes of armpit hyperhidrosis
  3. Symptoms
  4. Diagnostics
  5. Armpit hyperhidrosis treatment

    1. External means
    2. Botox treatment
    3. Iontophoresis treatment
    4. Traditional methods
  6. Video

Armpit hyperhidrosis is a pathology in which excessive sweating occurs in the armpits. It does not depend on the increase in air temperature, physical activity or the use of hot food.

Hyperhidrosis often occurs in the underarms
Hyperhidrosis often occurs in the underarms

Hyperhidrosis often occurs in the underarms

Symptoms are often seen in adolescents or women over forty. Sweating becomes so strong that a person's quality of life deteriorates significantly.

Treatment for armpit hyperhidrosis can include both the use of medicated antiperspirants and physical therapy or surgery.

Function of sweat and sweat glands

Sweat glands, which are located throughout the body, are responsible for the secretion of sweat in humans. But there are areas where there are especially many of them, and the armpit area is referred to them. Here are located:

Sweat gland type Functions and features
Apocrine Allocate a secret with a specific odor, which includes fatty acids, cholesterol and other biological substances
Eccrine They are especially numerous on the palms, soles, armpits, face, back and chest. They take part in the processes of thermoregulation (during evaporation, the body is cooled), the removal of metabolic products, water, salts, medicines, etc. from the skin.

Causes of armpit hyperhidrosis

The reason for increased sweating in the armpit area can be:

  • hormonal disorders as a result of pathologies (hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors);
  • hormonal changes at the time of puberty in girls and boys or the onset of menopause in women;
  • nervous tension and stress;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system as a result of injuries or neurological diseases (Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, diencephalic syndrome, vascular dystonia);
  • infectious diseases (tuberculosis, malaria, brucellosis, syphilis, tonsillitis);
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the use of drugs (antibiotics, antiviral agents, tranquilizers, corticosteroids, hormonal contraceptives);
  • congenital or acquired pathologies of the cardiovascular or respiratory system;
  • inaccuracies in nutrition, abuse of spices or alcohol;
  • improperly selected cosmetics or deodorants;
  • wearing tight synthetic clothing;
  • hereditary predisposition.


The main symptom of the disease is severe sweating, which has no definite relationship with external or internal factors. As a result of profuse perspiration, characteristic wet spots appear on a person's clothing.

With increased sweating, characteristic wet spots appear in the armpits
With increased sweating, characteristic wet spots appear in the armpits

With increased sweating, characteristic wet spots appear in the armpits

With insufficient care of the skin in the armpits, redness, burning sensation occurs, in some cases, signs of dermatitis appear.

An increase in the number of sweat glands leads to a change in the chemical composition of sweat, as a result of which it acquires a very pungent and unpleasant odor that is heard not only by the patient himself, but also by those around him. It is not possible to cope with it with the help of antiperspirants and, realizing this, a person becomes withdrawn, avoids the society of other people.


In order to diagnose the disease, you must seek the advice of a specialist.

The patient is prescribed the following tests:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • fluorography or x-ray of the lungs;
  • blood glucose test;
  • hormone tests;
  • blood test for hepatitis and HIV.

With the help of certain samples, a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the separated sweat is carried out. For this, the following procedures can be carried out:

  • Minor's test (iodine starch test): assigned to determine the border of the zone of increased sweating. To do this, an aqueous solution of iodine is applied to the previously dried skin, and sprinkled with starch on top. In areas where perspiration is strong enough, substances react and turn blue-black. Subsequently, this information is used to plan surgical treatment, the application of medical antiperspirants or Botox injections;
  • gravimetric method: carried out to determine the severity of the pathology. To do this, a sheet of filter paper is applied to the armpits and the amount of sweat released per minute is determined;
  • chromatographic analysis (chromatography): required to determine the composition of sweat. A sweat sample from the core is examined and a conclusion is made as to what substances it contains. Based on these data, the diet is adjusted and treatment is selected.

Armpit hyperhidrosis treatment

External means

Antiperspirants, solutions, or ointments are used to reduce sweating. The most famous and effective are:

Facilities Description
Deodorant Dry Dry It contains hydrate of aluminum chloride and denatured alcohol. These components affect the work of the sweat glands and reduce perspiration. One application is enough to get rid of the problem for 3-5 days. The product is applied to clean, dry skin. Before use, make sure that the skin is not damaged
Formidron The preparation contains formaldehyde and ethyl alcohol. The product has a disinfectant and deodorizing effect. It is applied to clean, dry, intact skin with a cotton swab 1 or 2 times a day
Pasta Teymurov Combined product that includes boric and salicylic acid, sodium tetraborate, zinc oxide, formaldehyde solution, lead acetate and peppermint oil. The medicine has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, adsorbent, antifungal and deodorant effects. The paste is applied to previously cleansed and dried skin 2-3 times a day

Botox treatment

You can get rid of armpit hyperhidrosis with Botox injections. This is a fairly common and safe method of treatment. Botulinum toxin is injected into the armpits, which blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands.

Botox injections are one of the effective treatments
Botox injections are one of the effective treatments

Botox injections are one of the effective treatments.

After the starch test, markings are made for point injection of the substance. After that, the skin is treated with an anesthetic and injections to reduce pain. The procedure takes about one hour, the effect lasts up to 6 months.

Iontophoresis treatment

Iontophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure, the essence of which is the effect on the human body of a galvanic current of low strength and low voltage.

With hyperhidrosis, iontophoresis is effective
With hyperhidrosis, iontophoresis is effective

With hyperhidrosis, iontophoresis is effective

Under its influence, the functions of the sweat glands are disrupted, the secretion of sweat decreases, and the dying cells of the epithelium clog the ducts of the sweat glands. There are special applicators for the underarm area. For 20-40 minutes, you need to keep the problem area in the water through which the current passes. To eliminate hyperhidrosis, 5-10 procedures are usually sufficient.

The disadvantage of this method is that the procedures must be repeated from time to time. Also, the patient may develop compensatory hyperhidrosis in other parts of the body.

Traditional methods

It will not be possible to completely get rid of armpit hyperhidrosis with the help of folk remedies, but it is possible to reduce sweating.

One of the most commonly used folk remedies is a decoction of oak bark
One of the most commonly used folk remedies is a decoction of oak bark

One of the most commonly used folk remedies is a decoction of oak bark.

For these purposes, use:

  • decoction of oak bark. This product helps to kill bacteria and fungi, which are often the cause of unpleasant odors, and it also reduces the amount of sweat produced. To prepare the broth, 3 tablespoons of oak bark are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled over low heat for five minutes. Then the product is cooled under the lid, and after it is infused, filtered. The skin is washed, then treated with a decoction of oak bark. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening during the week;
  • tincture of horsetail. To prepare the product, 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with 100 ml of 96% alcohol and insisted for 10 days. Filter and process the skin three times a day;
  • tincture of walnut leaves. In order to prepare the product, the leaves are crushed and placed in a glass jar. Then it is poured with vodka so that it covers the raw materials, and left for a week in a dark, cool place. The product is filtered and used to treat the skin after washing.

Armpit hyperhidrosis can be a serious problem. A person constantly experiences inconvenience, tries to avoid the company of other people.

Faced with such a problem, you should not try to solve it yourself, you need to seek advice from a therapist, endocrinologist or dermatologist. Correctly selected competent treatment will quickly get rid of hyperhidrosis.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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