Hemangioma - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Hemangioma - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Hemangioma - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Hemangioma (haemangioma; Greek haima - blood + angeion - vessel + Greek ōma - ending in the name of tumors; synonym: vascular nevus) is a benign tumor arising from blood vessels.

Hemangioma types:

  • Arterial (arteriale) - formed from vessels of the arterial type;
  • Arteriovenous (arteriovenosum) - including convoluted thick-walled vessels of the venous and arterial type;
  • Venous (venosum) - arising from vessels of the venous type;
  • Cavernous (cavernosum; synonyms: cavernoma, cavernous hemangioma) - consisting of vascular dilated cavities, which are delimited by connective tissue septa and lined with one layer of endothelium;
  • Capillary (capillare) - consisting of a capillary type of small vessels bordering the connective tissue;
  • Capillary proliferating (capillare proliferans; synonyms: hypertrophic hemangioma, hyperplastic angioma) - capillary hemangioma, characterized by significant proliferation of the vascular endothelium;
  • Arachnid (araneum; synonyms: arachnoid nevus, stellate hemangioma) is a capillary hemangioma of the skin, which is a red point swelling raised above the skin, from which radially thin blood vessels depart;
  • Flat (planum) - capillary hemangioma of the skin in the form of a cyanotic-purple spot that turns pale when pressed;
  • Senile (senile; synonym: senile hemangioma) - which is a soft dark red nodule the size of a pinhead, consisting of numerous expanded capillaries located in the upper areas of the dermis; observed in senile and old age.

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