Papillomas during pregnancy
The content of the article:
- Why papillomas grow during pregnancy
The main symptoms
- On the skin
- On mucous membranes
- Danger and consequences for the body
What to do when papillomas appear
- Is it possible to do without surgery
- Surgical removal of papillomas during pregnancy
Prevention methods
- Specific prevention
- Non-specific prophylaxis
- Video
Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that occurs as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus (papillomavirus, HPV). The appearance of papillomas during pregnancy is often associated not only with a viral infection, but also with hormonal changes. In most cases, such formations are not dangerous for the expectant mother and child. If the neoplasms bring discomfort, treatment can be carried out even during pregnancy - for this, drug therapy or surgical removal is used.

Papillomas often appear during pregnancy due to hormonal changes
Why papillomas grow during pregnancy
The appearance of papillomas during pregnancy is a frequent occurrence. With what it can be connected? As you know, the main reason for the appearance of such formations is human papillomavirus infection, but this does not mean that pregnant women are more likely to contract HPV. The fact is that during pregnancy, a latent infection is activated, that is, viruses that are, as it were, in a dormant, inactive state. Many physiological changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, including a weakening of the immune system, changes in hormonal levels. All this can lead to the appearance of papillomas, warts, warts on the face, body, genitals.
The main symptoms
The clinic of papillomas in pregnant women is no different from the classic manifestations. The main symptom is the presence of papillary formations on any part of the skin and mucous membranes.
On the skin
Papillomas can come out anywhere - near the eyes, on the neck and chest, in the intimate area. What these formations look like:
- they have a papillary appearance, and when they grow, they can resemble cauliflower or cockscomb;
- more often small - from 0.1 to 2 mm, less often more;
- can be single or multiple (papillomatosis);
- color from pale pink to light brown;
- the surface is flat, smooth;
- education has clear contours.
Often, a skin mass is the only symptom of an HPV infection. If the growth on the skin is often injured, painful sensations or bleeding may occur. Itching, numbness of the skin appears much less often.
On mucous membranes
Often during pregnancy, papillomas appear on the wall of the vagina, on the cervix. A woman does not always know about this, since their appearance is not manifested by any symptoms. It is possible to notice the appearance of neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the genital organs only during a gynecological examination.
The appearance of neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the genitals is more dangerous than on the skin of the face and body. This is due to two factors:
- Often, genital infections are caused by strains of the papillomavirus, which have oncogenic properties. Thus, it increases the likelihood of developing malignant diseases.
- There is a possibility of transmission of the virus from woman to child as it passes through the birth canal.
Danger and consequences for the body
In most cases, the outcome is favorable, the appearance of papillomas during pregnancy is not dangerous. Moreover, such formations often disappear after childbirth, when the hormonal background changes and immunity normalizes.
In rare cases, when infected with oncogenic strains of papillomaviruses, the development of malignant tumors is possible.
What to do when papillomas appear
When papillomas appear on the skin, you do not need to worry, but wait until the end of pregnancy, most likely, they will disappear on their own. If the neoplasms are injured or create discomfort, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe additional tests. Treatment can be carried out both after childbirth and during pregnancy. The main thing is to find a suitable therapy method.
Is it possible to do without surgery
You can get rid of a build-up during pregnancy without surgery. For this, a conservative method of treatment is used - the use of medications, lifestyle correction. The main directions of drug therapy are the fight against viral infection and strengthening the immune system
General antiviral drugs and immunomodulators can be used (general drugs can be prescribed only after childbirth):
- Isoprinosine (tablet form);
- Immunomax (by injection);
- Imichimod (topical preparation);
- Panavir.
In addition to antiviral therapy, topical medications are often prescribed to remove the growths. Cytotoxic and keratolytic drugs are mainly used to remove skin lesions. All of them are prescribed in the form of ointments, gels, solutions for external use. What medications can be used:
- Solkoderm;
- Podophyllotoxin (Condilin solution, Vartek cream);
- Salicylic acid.

Solcoderm is a local drug that can be used to remove papillomas
Surgical removal of papillomas during pregnancy
There are safe methods of prompt removal of papillomas, so you can get rid of neoplasms, if extremely necessary, even during pregnancy. Among all the possible methods of treatment, laser therapy and cryotherapy are most often used, less often electrocoagulation. Treatment is carried out under local anesthesia, no anesthesia is used.
Treatment method | How is the removal | Pros and cons of the method |
Laser therapy | Laser therapy is based on the targeted effect of a directed light flux (laser) on the skin or mucous membrane. | The main advantages of laser removal of formations are high efficiency and absence of postoperative complications, the recovery period is painless. The disadvantage is the high cost of the procedure. |
Cryodestruction |
Cryodestruction consists in the action of liquid nitrogen. The formation is frozen with its subsequent destruction. At the site of exposure to liquid nitrogen, a bubble appears filled with transparent contents. After 1-2 weeks, this bubble bursts. |
Cryodestruction is an affordable treatment method. With liquid nitrogen, it is possible to remove formations with a probability of 60-100%. However, complete removal may require several procedures. |
Electrocoagulation | Electrocoagulation is a method of treating neoplasms using an electric current. The electrocoagulator cauterizes the pathologically altered tissues, which leads to their destruction. | Electrocoagulation is highly effective; 1 session is enough to completely remove papillomas. The disadvantages of this treatment include the likelihood of the formation of long-term non-healing defects on the skin and mucous membrane. |

It is better to entrust the removal of papilloma to a doctor
Prevention methods
There are methods to prevent the appearance of papillomas. All of them are divided into specific and non-specific.
Specific prevention
Specific prevention is vaccination. For this, it is necessary to plan a pregnancy and get vaccinated in advance. To date, two vaccines have been registered to prevent human papillomavirus infection:
- Cervarix - against HPV types 16 and 18;
- Gardasil - against HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18.
Girls under 26 are subject to vaccination, the course consists of 3 vaccinations.
Non-specific prophylaxis
Methods of non-specific prophylaxis are aimed at preventing papillomavirus infection before pregnancy and strengthening immunity during the period of bearing a child. To prevent infection, you need to use barrier methods of contraception, follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands often, and do not use shared towels and slippers. To strengthen immunity, you need to eat right, move more, treat concomitant diseases.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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