Zumba is a special dance fitness program that was developed by Colombian fitness instructor Albert Perez. This program is based on aerobic workouts with rhythmic movements to Latin music. Zumba can be performed both individually and by a group of dancers.

Zumba fitness features
During Zumba lessons, the body receives aerobic activity of varying intensity, while the nervous system gets relaxation thanks to beautiful and rhythmic music. The complexity of the program depends on the types of musical compositions.
Zumba is suitable for beginners and professional dancers. This program is an innovative workout with a variety of fitness levels. Each activity is based on music, steps and specific movements. The group of dancers is formed depending on training, age, physical condition and experience.
Zumba for beginners consists of simple rhythmic movements to Latin American musical compositions.
Benefits of Zumba Lessons
Outwardly, zumba is a simple fitness that does not require special equipment, but all muscle groups are developed during exercise. Rhythms and steps allow you to qualitatively load muscles, train the respiratory system and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
The movements are carried out alternately with musical accompaniment. Thus, a disco atmosphere is created, stress and psychological stress are relieved.
An important benefit of Zumba fitness is the elimination of overweight problems and the promotion of weight loss. Also, under the influence of the dance, the muscular apparatus increases, the tone rises, the vessels become stronger, plasticity, flexibility and a sense of rhythm develop.
Each zumba lesson lasts about 40 minutes, during which up to 500 kcal is burned.
Zumba differs from classic fitness in a relaxed atmosphere and beautiful dance music.
The main benefits of Zumba fitness include:
- the ability to keep the body in good shape;
- high efficiency of a sports and dance program for weight loss;
- cardiac training and endurance enhancement;
- emotional relaxation and psychological relief;
- increased self-esteem and self-confidence;
- obtaining professional dance skills;
- new acquaintances and communication.

Fitness zumba is contraindicated for people with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, oncological diseases, severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system and bones, serious diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
Zumba lessons are contraindicated in the postoperative period, as well as in the presence of open wounds, non-consolidated sutures, injuries and burns.
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