Honey Massage - How To Do, Reviews, Indications

Honey Massage - How To Do, Reviews, Indications
Honey Massage - How To Do, Reviews, Indications

Honey massage

Honey massage is a massage that helps to improve skin tone
Honey massage is a massage that helps to improve skin tone

Honey has unique healing properties. It gives the human body biologically active components, adsorbs toxins and slags, and also promotes their rapid elimination from the body. Honey instantly penetrates the body tissues and accelerates all metabolic processes. Many reviews of honey massage confirm that this procedure improves lymph drainage and blood circulation in the muscles and deep layers of the skin. With regular massage, the general condition of the body improves, and the skin is noticeably tightened and smoothed.

Indications and contraindications for honey massage

Honey massage is very useful for mental and physical fatigue, osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia. This type of massage is also used for arthrosis of large joints, for cellulite.

Honey massage is not recommended for use in the postoperative period, during pregnancy, with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, with asthma, various tumors and neoplasms, as well as with allergic diseases, infectious skin diseases, thyroid disorders, sexually transmitted diseases, stones in the gall bladder and kidneys.

Since the acceleration of metabolic processes in a certain area of the skin can lead to an exacerbation of various chronic diseases, a real medical honey massage should cover the whole body. At the same time, it is necessary to massage problem areas with honey, and the entire body as a whole must be subjected to massage effects.

How to do honey massage at home

Honey massage for cellulite is based on the interaction of skin cells with biologically active substances in honey. After several procedures, the skin is cleansed and becomes silky and elastic, the work of blood vessels is stimulated, the functional activity of internal organs improves, metabolism improves, immunity increases, toxins and toxins are removed from the body.

Honey massage for cellulite can be performed on the thighs, abdomen, buttocks and arms. Based on the reviews, honey massage for cellulite allows you to remove from one to four centimeters of excess volume. This type of massage is done in salons, however, you can do honey massage at home, since the technique for performing this procedure is quite simple.

For honey massage, you should choose natural non-sugar honey (lime, buckwheat, flower). As a supplement to honey, you can use additives of aromatic oils (tangerine, lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, grapefruit, juniper oil). One teaspoon of honey is usually mixed with five drops of oil or a mixture of oils. The oil and honey should be mixed just before the massage. If you use a mixture of oils, then you should first mix the oils, and then add honey and mix everything thoroughly.

Honey facial massage removes acne
Honey facial massage removes acne

Before doing honey massage at home, the body must be warmed up. To do this, you can massage the skin with your hands or tap it with the edge of your palm. Next, you should apply a thin layer of honey to the skin and rub. It is necessary to press the surface of the palm completely against the skin, make circular movements, gradually increasing their range, tear the palm away from the skin, as if pulling out the dirt. After a while, a thick gray mass (slags) will appear on the surface of the skin. It is recommended to perform honey massage for cellulite no more than fifteen minutes on all problem areas. After the procedure, you must thoroughly rinse the honey with warm water and apply the cream. The procedure should be completed when the palms no longer stick to the skin surface. Honey massage should be carried out strictly every other day for 10-15 days.

Honey facial massage

In the process of honey facial massage, honey as if adsorbs toxic metabolic products from the skin surface, removes acne, cleanses the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

The effect of honey on the active points of the face has a beneficial effect on the work of all internal organs, triggering reactions that promote blood flow to the tissues of the body. Honey facial massage is used for diseases of the respiratory system (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis).

For massage, honey should be applied to the skin of the face in an even thin layer for five to seven minutes. Honey is instantly absorbed through clean pores into all layers of the facial skin. To create a vacuum and remove the plugs from the pores, press the skin with your fingers and release. A sticky mixture of honey and slags will remain on your fingers.

Honey facial massage is best done in the morning (8-11 hours). At the end of the procedure, wipe off the skin with a damp towel and apply a nourishing cream.

Massage is contraindicated in violation of the integrity of the skin, as well as in the presence of an infectious or inflammatory lesion of the skin surface in the affected area. You cannot do such a massage if you are allergic to any bee products.

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