Hair coloring calendar

It is believed that cutting and dyeing hair changes not only a woman's appearance, but also her aura and biofield. From time immemorial, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity were very serious about the process of changing the length or color of hair, because it was believed that from that moment a woman changes her life, but in which direction - positive or negative, depended on the phase in which the Moon was at that time …
So, for example, it is assumed that the most favorable period, according to the calendar of hair coloring and haircuts, is the first and second phases of the moon - the period after the full moon, when the celestial body begins to grow.
Of particular importance at all times was given to the first haircut of the child, since it is it, according to the adherents of the lunar calendar, that will determine the condition of the hair and their energy in the future. The best time for trimming babies is considered the period of the growing moon, located in the sign of Libra or Leo.
Currently, many women are skeptical about the hair coloring calendar, however, most representatives of the beauty industry take this issue seriously and, depending on the lunar cycle, plan a schedule of cosmetic services - haircuts, epilation and coloring for many Hollywood stars.
Hair coloring calendar: practical tips
The period when the Moon is in such signs of the zodiac as Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn or Libra is the best for hair cutting, performed in order to restore their structure and maximize growth.
For women who want to have beautiful curls, it is best to curl their hair during the waning moon, which is in Leo or Taurus. Despite the fact that the beauty industry offers a wide range of services for transforming straight sparse hair into lush curly hair, it is better to give preference to bio-curling hair, which, unlike chemical, is a more gentle method.
According to the calendar of hair coloring and haircuts, a favorable period for wellness procedures, whether it is keratinization or biolamination performed in salons, or the use of nourishing masks at home, is the presence of the Moon in the Virgo zodiac sign.
It is believed that hair cut on a full moon grows thick and manageable, does not get tangled or frizzy, which significantly saves styling time. Women who want to stop hair loss and strengthen the roots, according to the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring, should improve their appearance on the waning moon. The only drawback of cutting hair during this period is that the hair will grow much more slowly.
The most unfavorable days, according to the lunar calendar, for cutting and dyeing hair is the presence of the Moon in the zodiac signs Pisces, Cancer and Aries. It is believed that during this period, shaggy and frizzy hair may appear, the restoration of their structure will stop, the ends will begin to split and dandruff will appear.
It is possible to say with accuracy, no matter what day of the week and phase of the moon the coloring is assigned, the quality of the paint used, as well as the professionalism of the master hairdresser, will have the greatest influence on the final result of the procedure. To preserve the hair structure and obtain a positive result, it is better to use professional dyes on a ammonia-free basis from well-known manufacturers who are responsible for the quality of their products, and carry out the procedure with a trusted master.
Hair coloring according to the lunar calendar: days of the week
In addition to the phase and signs of the zodiac in which the moon resides, the growth, density, shine and health of the hair are also influenced by the days of the week, each of which has its own patron planet.
Together with the hair coloring calendar, this indicator allows you to choose the most favorable day for visiting a hairdresser. It is important to know that the day scheduled for haircut or dyeing must harmonize with the birthday, otherwise the procedure can lead to the completely opposite expected result.
So, the patron saint of Monday is the Moon - haircut and coloring on this day will help get rid of the accumulated negativity and sad thoughts, however, those born on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday are not recommended to carry out procedures.
According to the lunar calendar of hair coloring and haircuts, the planet Mars is the patron saint of Tuesday - after the procedure on this day, health should recover, activity, courage and vigor should appear, and volitional qualities should appear. However, those born on Friday or Monday should avoid Tuesdays, as it will result in depression, a tendency to ARVI, and a headache.
Hair dyeing according to the lunar calendar on Wednesday, the patron of which is Mercury, will improve memory, restore the nervous system, increase efficiency and learning, and activate logical thinking. Those born on Thursday should avoid this day of the week.
The patron saint of Thursday is Jupiter - a haircut on this day will bring prosperity and popularity, solving urgent problems and changing relationships with loved ones, but not those who were born on Wednesday.
Cutting and dyeing hair according to the lunar calendar on Friday, ruled by the planet Venus, will change your whole life, bring good luck, new acquaintances and fateful meetings. For those born on Tuesday, it is better not to appear at the hairdresser on this day.

Saturn, the patron saint of Saturday, has a beneficial effect on both hair structure and the physical and psychological state of a person in general, but not for those born on Sunday.
The least favorable day for cutting and dyeing hair is Sunday, which is the patron of the Sun. Cutting off your hair on this day, you can turn your luck away from yourself, attract problems and negative situations.
It is important to know that on "satanic" days and during a lunar eclipse in general, you should bypass hairdressing parties born on any days of the week.
The hair coloring calendar as a whole does not have any scientific evidence, but everyone should just try and decide for themselves whether this technique is effective.
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