Home hair highlighting

A type of hair coloring, in which only some strands are exposed to the dye, is highlighting. This method is considered the most gentle, since the procedure is repeated on average once every three months.
The technique of line-by-line dyeing is quite complex, it requires certain skills, therefore it is best to perform dyeing with an experienced hairdresser, but not everyone can afford the procedure in a beauty salon. That is why many women make a choice towards home hair highlighting, which may well allow them to achieve the desired result.
There are many types of highlighting - classic, gentle, American, Venetian, Californian, balayage, ombre, diagonal, etc., with which you can create any image - from romantic and natural to extravagant and unique.
It is important, before starting to study the question of how to do hair highlighting at home, to know that it is impossible to perform the procedure after a recent dyeing with henna or ammonia dyes, as well as a perm. This is due to the fact that, firstly, there is a risk of getting a completely unpredictable result in terms of color, and secondly, the structure of the hair can be disturbed, they will begin to fall out strongly, fluff and break, and the ends are cut.
How to highlight hair: ways
There are several ways to do hair highlighting at home, namely:
- With the help of a special hat;
- On foil;
- Using a special brush;
Highlighting with a hat allows you to achieve a natural shade of hair, but this method is the most difficult, requires care and patience. For the procedure, you must either purchase a special ready-made set, which will include both all the necessary tools and a composition for home hair highlighting, or buy everything separately. So, if it was not possible to acquire a special set, for this method you need to purchase:
- Bathing cap or thick plastic bag;
- Crochet hook or long hairpin (to pull strands out of the cap);
- Brightening paint, oxidizer, developer or bleaching powder;
- Non-metallic bowl for diluting the composition;
- Disposable gloves;
- Towel;
- Special shampoo and balm for hair after highlighting.
Home highlighting of hair with a hat is suitable for owners of short hair, the length of which does not exceed 15 cm. In a hat or a plastic bag, holes must be made in a checkerboard pattern, the number and width of which depends on whether the woman wants to do frequent or rare highlights.
The product is put on the head, strands of hair are pulled into the selected holes using a hook or hairpin, which will subsequently be dyed. It is important that the hair is dry, well combed and, preferably, unwashed for several days before dyeing.
Further, according to the manufacturer's instructions, you need to prepare a composition for highlighting hair at home, and then apply it to the strands with a brush. Depending on the desired result, as well as the color of natural hair, the paint must be kept from 15 (for low lightening) to 45 minutes (for intense highlight).
Having withstood the required amount of time the composition on the hair, it must be thoroughly washed off from the strand with running water, while the cap cannot be removed. Only after that, the cap is removed, all hair must be washed with a special shampoo, and then a healing balm is applied to them. Further, depending on the woman's preferences, the strands can either be left lightened or tinted in any fashionable shade.
Linear staining with a brush is performed either only on the bangs, or on some strands, usually wide. Before dyeing, you need to carefully comb dry hair, make the usual parting and outline the strands to be dyed. Further, according to the instructions, a dye composition is prepared, which is subsequently applied with a brush for home hair highlighting to the raised strands, at a level lower than 0.5-1 cm from the root zone.
To paint over the occipital area, you need to use two mirrors, or ask someone for help. Then the composition is kept for the required amount of time, washed off with a strand of water, after which the whole head is washed with shampoo and a balm is applied.
Home highlighting hair longer than 15 cm on foil is considered the most effective and simplest. In advance, it is necessary to cut 7-10 cm strips of foil, determine the strands that will be colored, and also prepare the paint. The foil is placed under the selected strand, to which the composition is applied, and then wrapped and secured with small hair clips. It is better to start painting the central part of the head first, then the right and left sides, and last of all the occipital region.
The coloring composition for home hair highlighting is kept according to the instructions, the foil is removed, the paint is washed off the strands, and then the whole head is thoroughly washed out and the balm is applied.
Home hair highlighting: practical tips

Before proceeding with the actual procedure, it is necessary to test for the presence of allergies to the dye. Usually, on packages or in package inserts, manufacturers describe in detail where it is best to test, as well as what a positive or negative reaction to the resulting composition looks like.
It is important to apply the dye mixture immediately after preparation, the dyed strands should never be covered with a film or shower cap on top, as this will damage the hair structure.
It is better to dye in old unnecessary clothes, since when the dye composition gets on the fabric, light, irrelevant spots remain.
Home hair highlighting in general can be easily done on your own, however, such experiments do not always end with a positive result, so it is better to perform the procedure with an experienced hairdresser.
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