Calorie content of marshmallow
Marshmallow is a confection made from egg whites, agar-agar or gelatin, applesauce and sugar.
Marshmallow, whose calorie content is quite high, is consumed with tea or coffee, cut into small pieces, it is added to a cup of hot chocolate, and in America this confection is fried over an open fire.

For the first time marshmallow, the calorie content of which per 1 pc. averages 108 kcal, was prepared in ancient Egypt. For its preparation, the juice of various plants was used in combination with nuts and sweeteners. In the 14th century in the Russian Empire, marshmallows were prepared on the basis of apple marshmallow. Much later, at the beginning of the 19th century in France, confectioners began to add sugar to the juice of plants, as a result of which the marshmallow acquired the taste known to this day, and later they guessed to add gelatin to it, which turned marshmallow into a quickly prepared product.
Marshmallows come in a variety of flavors, shapes, sizes and colors. Most of the over-the-counter marshmallows are added gelatin rather than the traditional powdered marshmallow root from which this sweet confection was first made.
The effect of marshmallows on the human body
Despite its high calorie content, marshmallow is a rather healthy sweetness due to its pectin, a plant-based polysaccharide. Pectin has an anti-ulcer effect in the human body, promotes the elimination of toxins, toxins and metal salts, and also lowers cholesterol levels.
The protein included in marshmallow is a building material for the muscular framework of the human body, and glucose increases the brain's ability to work longer and better perceive information coming from the external environment, and also strengthens the immune system.
Also, despite how many calories are in marshmallows, this sweet product is considered one of the most dietary, especially if it contains agar-agar algae, since when consumed in small quantities it does not harm either the figure or human health.
There are no vitamins in marshmallow at all, since in the process of its preparation they are simply destroyed. However, it contains a fairly large amount of iron, phosphorus and other useful macronutrients that have a positive effect on the growth and density of nails and hair, as well as on blood vessels.
If gelatin is used in the preparation of marshmallow, then in this case its taste will be much worse than that of its agar-agar counterpart, in addition, the caloric content of gelatinous marshmallow will be much higher. When choosing marshmallows, it is better to give preference to products of white or yellow color, since they do not contain artificial colors.
Marshmallow is contraindicated for diabetics; if consumed excessively, it can cause caries and metabolic disorders.
Calorie content of marshmallow: nutritional and energy value of the product
The calorie content of marshmallow is high, so this product is not used in almost any diet as a dietary product, however, if you use 1-2 halves a day, there will be no particular harm to the figure.
Nutritional value and calorie content of marshmallow per 100 g is:
- Lipids - 0.2 g;
- Saturated Fat - 0.1 g;
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids - 0.1 g;
- Monounsaturated fatty acids - 0 g;
- Cholesterol - 0 mg;
- Sodium - 80 mg;
- Potassium - 5 mg;
- Calorie content of marshmallow - 326 kcal;
- Carbohydrates - 81 g;
- Dietary fiber - 0.1 g;
- Sugar - 58 g;
- Proteins - 1.8 g;
- Vitamin C - 0 mg;
- Calcium - 3 mg;
- Iron - 0.2 mg;
- Vitamin B6 - 0 mg;
- Magnesium - 2 mg
The calorie content of 1 marshmallow weighing 33-35 g is 108-114 kcal, which is why it is better not to consume more than one piece per day for those who want to lose weight.
Nutritional value and calorie content of marshmallow in chocolate per 100 g is:
- Lipids - 0.3 g;
- Saturated Fat - 0.66 g;
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids - 0.036 g;
- Monounsaturated fatty acids - 0.376 g;
- Cholesterol - 0 mg;
- Sodium - 7 mg;
- Potassium - 10 mg;
- Calorie content of marshmallow in chocolate - 396 kcal;
- Carbohydrates - 68.7 g;
- Dietary fiber - 0.2 g;
- Sugar - 58 g;
- Proteins - 0.89 g;
- Vitamin C - 0 mg;
- Calcium - 3 mg;
- Iron - 0.2 mg;
- Magnesium - 2 mg;
- Vitamin B6 - 0 mg.
The calorie content of 1 marshmallow in chocolate weighing 33-35 g is 130-138 kcal.
How many calories are in marshmallows: recipes for cooking at home
Everyone knows that homemade sweets contain much less harmful additives and dyes, and are much healthier in their properties than their store counterparts.

Making marshmallows yourself is quite simple, the main thing is to strictly follow the recipe. There are many recipes for making this delicacy at home, the simplest of which are the following:
- Recipe 1 - apple marshmallow with cocoa. For making homemade marshmallows, the calorie content of which is 1 pc. will be 33 kcal, you need to peel and cut two medium-sized apples into thin slices. After that, you need to sprinkle them a little with sugar so that the apples become a little sweeter, and bake in a baking dish in the oven for 15 minutes. at a temperature of 180 ° C. While the apples are baking, you need to pour two egg whites into a bowl, mix them with 2 tbsp. sugar and beat with a mixer until a dense foam forms, gradually adding sugar (as a result, you need to pour 200 g of sugar). Pour cold water over one pack of gelatin and leave it to swell for 5-7 minutes. The finished apples must be removed from the oven and placed in a plastic glass, where they beat with a blender until puree. Gelatin is added to the finished applesauce and mixed thoroughly. Then, the mass obtained from gelatin and applesauce must be added in three steps to the protein foam, whipping thoroughly (stirring intensively) after each addition. The finished mixture is laid out in molds (silicone, paper or plastic) and 15-20. min is left in the freezer, after which it is sprinkled with cocoa powder. You should get about 20 pieces. marshmallow, the calorie content of which is quite high, so that more than 3-4 pcs. it is better not to use it a day. Instead of applesauce, you can use berry, pear, or any other fruit puree;The finished mixture is laid out in molds (silicone, paper or plastic) and 15-20. min is left in the freezer, after which it is sprinkled with cocoa powder. You should get about 20 pieces. marshmallow, the calorie content of which is quite high, so that more than 3-4 pcs. it is better not to use it a day. Instead of applesauce, you can use berry, pear, or any other fruit puree;The finished mixture is laid out in molds (silicone, paper or plastic) and 15-20. min is left in the freezer, after which it is sprinkled with cocoa powder. You should get about 20 pieces. marshmallow, the calorie content of which is quite high, so that more than 3-4 pcs. it is better not to use it a day. Instead of applesauce, you can use berry, pear, or any other fruit puree;
- Recipe 2 - lemon marshmallow with chocolate. Cold water (100 ml) must be poured over 15 g of gelatin and left to swell for 5-7 minutes, then heated in a water bath. A pack of lemon jelly (50 g) in dry form must be mixed with 100 g of sugar, pour 100 ml of hot water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved, after which gelatin is added, and the resulting mixture is whipped with a mixer for 15 minutes. until a thick white foam forms. Then a pinch of citric acid is added to the resulting mixture, mixed thoroughly and beaten with a mixer for another 5 minutes. The resulting mixture is poured into molds and left in the refrigerator overnight. The finished marshmallow is poured on top with melted chocolate and cooled for 15-20 minutes. The calorie content of 1 marshmallow in chocolate, as you know, is slightly higher than that of its analogue with the addition of cocoa powder,and is 130-140 kcal per unit of the finished product.
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