Calorie content of pink salmon
In terms of calorie content, pink salmon belongs to the middle category of products that are suitable for a non-strict dietary menu aimed at losing weight and strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
Useful properties and calorie content of pink salmon

Pink salmon belongs to the salmon family, which are nutritious, low-fat and healthy food. Salmon is a valuable fish that has a high taste and pleasant aroma.
The medium-calorie pink salmon has a useful chemical composition and contains phosphorus, calcium, vitamin PP, iodine, cobalt and unsaturated fatty acids.
The calorie content of pink salmon is 146 kcal, as well as 21 g of proteins, 7 g of fat and 70 mg of water. This fish is suitable for dietary nutrition, both stewed and salted. Pink salmon reduces appetite and saturates the body with useful substances without causing lipid accumulation.
The amount of calories in pink salmon is small, which allows you to use it daily instead of meat products. The calorie content of stewed pink salmon is 152 kcal, fried - 212 kcal, and salted - 162 kcal.
The possibility of its use by people with excess weight and various diseases depends on how many calories there are in pink salmon. This fish improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, normalizes the functioning of the digestive, excretory and nervous systems.
Due to the low calorie content, pink salmon can be consumed regularly in the form of various dishes to regulate blood sugar, eliminate phosphorus deficiency and normalize the formation of enzymes.
Pink salmon meat contains phosphoric acid, which speeds up the metabolic process and has a positive effect on chemical reactions in cells. Phosphoric acid strengthens bone structures and participates in the processes of building skeletal tissues. Pink salmon contains antioxidants and substances that have a calming effect.
The average calorie content of pink salmon contains pyridoxine, which improves the functioning of the brain, increases memory and normalizes overall well-being. And nicotinic acid stimulates the brain and central nervous system.
To maintain the balance of trace elements and to prevent atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and anemia, it is necessary to consume a small amount of boiled or stewed pink salmon several times a week.
Contraindications and restrictions on the use of pink salmon
Before adding pink salmon to the dietary menu, it is necessary to choose the type of cooking for overweight people, metabolic disorders, anemia and phosphorus deficiency. Depending on the cooking method, it is calculated how many calories are in pink salmon. This fish is the most low-calorie in boiled form and is suitable for people with diseases of the digestive system.

Pink salmon meat is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and the presence of allergic reactions, as well as in severe diseases of the digestive system, liver and kidney failure. This fish should not be eaten by people with a high content of iodine, calcium and phosphorus in the body.
Medium calorie pink salmon should be consumed in limited quantities by people in old age, with diseases of the pancreas, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and diseases of the brain.
When cooking pink salmon, you should not use strong heat treatment, since after it useful substances are destroyed and the taste of the fish deteriorates.
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