Useful properties of caviar
Fish roe is a valuable food product with high taste. It contains a whole complex of substances necessary for the body, which contributes to many healing processes.

Black caviar - caviar of sturgeon fish, which include beluga, sturgeon and stellate sturgeon. Red caviar is obtained from salmon species - salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, trout, sockeye and some others. In terms of their biochemical composition, sturgeon and salmon caviar are similar, and in terms of the concentration of nutrients, black caviar is somewhat superior to red. Caviar is recommended in case of a lack of vitamins A and D, decreased vision at night and at dusk, dry skin and brittle nails, as well as disorders in the growth of teeth and bones.
The beneficial properties of caviar are due to the fat-soluble vitamins D, A, E and group B included in its composition, as well as useful minerals - iodine, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, potassium, silicon and zinc. Vitamin E, which is especially rich in black caviar, promotes rejuvenation of body cells, normalizes metabolic processes in the gonads and removes toxins from adipose tissue.
In addition, caviar contains a full set of amino acids - glutamic, aspartic, serine, lysine and leucine; some types of caviar contain up to 40% lecithin. Also, the beneficial properties of caviar are due to high-value proteins, which make up up to 30% of the mass, and easily digestible fats. According to studies by Japanese scientists, fish oil fortified with Omega-3 acids accelerates the process of fat metabolism and promotes weight loss. The enriched fats also affect the skin, which is especially beneficial for eczema and psoriasis.
Both black and red caviar are recommended for immune system disorders. The high calorie content of caviar, as well as the rich vitamin composition, contribute to the rapid recovery of the body after diseases and operations. Black caviar is used when there is a lack of iron in the body, and during pregnancy it is recommended as a safe and quick way to increase hemoglobin. The fats and proteins found in red caviar are beneficial for normalizing blood pressure and repairing cells. According to many studies, caviar reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer and improves vision at dusk and at night.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are found in large quantities in the composition of proteins, improve brain activity, reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases, since they increase the elasticity of small blood vessels, and increase immunity.
Application of caviar
Caviar is a delicacy. It is usually eaten as a stand-alone snack and added to other dishes. Due to the salt contained in the caviar, which retains water in the body, it is recommended to eat it no more than 200 g per week.

The calorie content of caviar is quite high - 100 g of black caviar contains 280 kcal, slightly fewer calories in red caviar - 270 kcal.
Also, the beneficial properties of caviar are used in cosmetology. Caviar extracts, which are part of the creams, enhance collagen synthesis, which helps to increase skin elasticity, antioxidant protection of cells and slow down the aging process.
The main restrictions on the use of caviar are due to the presence of salt in it. Therefore, with low-salt diets, especially with urolithiasis and hypertension, gout, kidney disease and coronary heart disease, caviar should be included in your diet with caution.
Due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids in caviar, insulin sensitivity increases, therefore, its use should be limited in diabetes mellitus. Nutritionists also recommend eating caviar, especially black caviar, no more than several times a month because of the purines it contains, which lead to the formation of kidney stones.
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