Instructions for use:
- 1. Pharmacological action
- 2. Release form
- 3. Analogs
- 4. Indications for use
- 5. Contraindications
- 6. Method of application
- 7. Drug interactions
- 8. Side effects
- 9. Storage conditions
Prices in online pharmacies:
from 220 rubles.
Pharmatex is a vaginal contraceptive with spermicidal action.
pharmachologic effect

The active ingredient of Pharmatex, being a spermicide and an antiseptic at the same time, destroys the membranes of spermatozoa, providing a contraceptive effect.
The use of Pharmatex according to the instructions significantly reduces the risk of pregnancy, but does not completely eliminate it. Moreover, its effectiveness largely depends on the correct application.
According to the instructions, the active ingredient of Pharmatex is active against many pathogens that can cause a number of sexually transmitted diseases. To a greater extent, this applies to HIV, Chlamydia spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Staphylococcus aureus, Trichomonas vaginalis and Herpes simplex type 2.
Pharmatex is weakly active against Haemophilus ducreyi, Candida albicans, Gardnerella vaginalis and Treponema pallidum and is not active against Mycoplasma spp.
On saprophytic vaginal microflora (including Doderlein's bacillus) Pharmatex does not affect.
The active ingredient of Pharmatex, absorbed only on the surface of the walls of the vagina, is not absorbed by the mucous membrane, and after application is excreted with physiological secretions or can be eliminated by washing with water.
Pharmatex release form
Pharmatex is a drug for vaginal use, the main active ingredient of which is benzalkonium chloride. Pharmatex is produced in the form:
- Cylindrical vaginal tampons soaked in an oily white cream with a lavender scent;
- Uniform white 1.2% cream with lavender scent;
- Soft oval vaginal capsules of light yellow color, containing the active ingredient in the form of a yellowish emulsion;
- Round white vaginal tablets;
- White cylindrical vaginal suppositories with a tapered end.
Pharmatex analogs
Pharmatex analogues containing the same active ingredient include drugs: Benatex, Kontratex, Pharmaginex, Gynecotex, Erotex in the form of a gel, suppositories, tablets and a cream for vaginal use.
Pharmatex analogues are also produced according to the mode of action. These include Contraceptin T, Nonoxynol, Sterilin and NovaRing.
Indications for the use of Pharmatex
According to the instructions, Pharmatex can be used for local contraception for any woman of reproductive age if she has no contraindications.
According to reviews, Pharmatex is effective in skipping or being late in taking oral contraceptives in case of their constant use.
Also, the use of Pharmatex is shown:
If there are contraindications (temporary or absolute) to the use of an intrauterine device or oral contraceptives
- While breastfeeding;
- In the postpartum period;
- In the period that precedes menopause;
- After the termination of pregnancy;
- If necessary, protection against pregnancy, which is episodic.
In addition, Pharmatex, according to reviews, can be used as an additional local contraception when using an intrauterine device or a vaginal diaphragm (especially if some medications are taken during this period, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
The use of Pharmatex is contraindicated for:
- Ulceration and irritation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus;
- Colpite;
- Hypersensitivity to drug components;
- If it is impossible to use Pharmatex correctly (as a rule, in case of mental disorders).
Method of using Pharmatex
Pharmatex vaginal tablets should be inserted deep into the vagina while lying on your back. According to the instructions, the drug must be administered 10 minutes before intercourse. When using Pharmatex in the form of tablets, it should be borne in mind that the duration of its action is three hours. A new Pharmatex tablet should be administered before each intercourse.
Pharmatex vaginal capsules and suppositories are used in the same way as tablets. The duration of the action is four hours.
Pharmatex vaginal tampons are injected until they come into contact with the cervix. The protective effect from the use of Pharmatex tampons occurs immediately and continues throughout the day, regardless of the number of intercourse. After the last sexual intercourse, you can remove the tampon from the vagina after two hours, but no later than one day after the introduction.
Pharmatex cream is administered using a dosing device installed at the end of the tube. After it is completely filled (to the stop of the piston or to the annular mark), the cream is injected before intercourse by pressing slowly on the piston. The protective effect of Pharmatex for ten hours begins immediately after administration. The procedure is repeated before each new sexual intercourse.
The frequency of use of Pharmatex according to the instructions is limited by the individual tolerance of the active ingredient. It is possible to use this contraceptive during pregnancy and lactation.
There are no data on overdose with Pharmatex.
The use of Pharmatex is possible simultaneously with the IUD or the vaginal diaphragm.

Since the effectiveness of contraception provided by Pharmatex is associated with strict adherence to the rules for its use, you must adhere to the following instructions:
- Apply Pharmatex (pill, cream, suppository, capsule) before each intercourse;
- It is necessary to inject the drug in any of the dosage forms as deep as possible into the vagina (preferably in the supine position);
- You should wait for the dissolution of the suppository (5 minutes), capsules or tablets (10 minutes) for the complete release of the active substance;
- External toilet of the genitals after intercourse can only be carried out with clean water. Do not use soap two hours before intercourse and for at least two hours after it, since even residual amounts of soap can destroy the active ingredient of Pharmatex;
- With the drug injected into the vagina in any dosage form, you cannot take a bath, as well as swim in a pool, sea or water bodies.
Drug interactions
Since any drug locally injected into the vagina can reduce and even completely inactivate the spermicidal effect of Pharmatex, you should not use the drug with other drugs used vaginally.
In addition, when using Pharmatex, it should be borne in mind that its properties are destroyed under the influence of soap and even its traces.
Side effects
According to reviews, Pharmatex can cause allergic reactions (in the form of burning, itching or contact dermatitis), in the event of which the use of the product must be discontinued.
Storage conditions Pharmatex
Pharmatex belongs to a number of contraceptives that can be dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. The shelf life of vaginal capsules and tablets is 2 years, suppository, cream and tampons - 3 years (subject to temperature conditions up to 25 ° C).
Pharmatex: prices in online pharmacies
Drug name Price Pharmacy |
Pharmatex 1.2% vaginal cream 72 g 1 pc. RUB 220 Buy |
Pharmatex 20 mg vaginal tablets 12 pcs. 306 r Buy |
Pharmatex 18.9 mg vaginal capsules 6 pcs. 326 RUB Buy |
Pharmatex tablets vaginal. 20mg 12 pcs. 329 r Buy |
Pharmatex capsules vaginal. 18.9mg 6 pcs. 371 r Buy |
Pharmatex cream vaginal. 72g RUB 470 Buy |
Pharmatex 18.9 mg vaginal suppositories 10 pcs. RUB 485 Buy |
Pharmatex vaginal suppositories. 18.9mg 10 pcs. 498 r Buy |
See all offers from pharmacies |
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!