Instructions for use:
- 1. Useful properties and its application
- 2. Contraindications for use

Ramson is a herbaceous plant of the onion family with oblong, light green, juicy leaves and a garlic aroma. Wild garlic is also called wild garlic, chenzeli or bear onion. It grows in shady forests, humid areas of the foothills, in meadows of forest and subalpine belts, most often near swamps, in most of Europe, the Caucasus, central and northern Asia, Turkey, and North America.
The use of wild garlic is in its bulbs, leaves and stems. They contain carbohydrates, proteins, a small amount of fats, organic acids, fiber, vitamins A, C, B, essential oils, carotene, flavonoids, citric acid, phosphorus, manganese, copper, sulfur, magnesium, potassium. The calorie content of wild garlic is 36 calories.
Useful properties of wild garlic and its application
Such healing properties of wild garlic are known - it promotes the secretion of the digestive glands and improves intestinal motility, normalizes metabolism, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, relieves inflammation, helps to remove parasites, treats fungus and scurvy, and stimulates the heart.
All these properties of wild garlic are used for atherosclerosis, various infectious intestinal diseases, fever, rheumatism, radiculitis, otitis media.
In order to relieve rheumatic pains, you can make gruel from young fresh leaves of wild garlic: cut them, knead, add a little vegetable oil, then wrap in gauze, put on a sore spot for one or an hour and a half.
Effectively relieves rheumatic pains and eliminates fever infusion on the leaves of wild garlic: you need to take 10-20 g of wild garlic, brew them in 250 ml of boiling water. In case of fever, they drink the infusion, and in case of rheumatism, they rub the sore joints with it.
Helps relieve joint pain and infusion on the bulbs: pour one teaspoon of chopped bulbs with water (about one and a half glasses), insist for an hour. Rubbing is done with this infusion for rheumatism, gout.
If you insist the leaves of wild garlic in alcohol, you can use this remedy externally in the form of lotions and rubbing for bronchitis, radiculitis, or taken internally to treat cough.
When consumed regularly, raw wild garlic helps with thyroid diseases, incl. with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, in the prevention of typhoid fever, cholera.
To prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, it is enough to chew one raw leaf of the plant for 2-3 minutes - pathogens die thanks to the phytoncides contained in the wild garlic.
The finished alcoholic and aqueous extract of the plant is used as a diuretic and blood pressure lowering agent. It is also noticed that these drugs slow down the heart rate and increase the number of heartbeats.
For the treatment of a common cold, wild garlic bulbs are pounded, wrapped in gauze and put into the nose.

For the treatment of purulent otitis media in children, juice from fresh wild garlic is used - 6 drops of juice are instilled into the ear two times a day. After 15 minutes, be sure to dry the ear with a cotton swab.
The benefits of wild garlic are known for eczema affecting the skin of the palms and hands: for treatment, a mixture of 1/3 cup ground wild garlic, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1/3 tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil is prepared. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed and lubricated with this product overnight. For a greater effect, after processing your hands, you need to wear cellophane and cotton gloves. Treatment usually lasts 2-3 weeks.
Ramson is strongly recommended to eat in early spring when it ripens, because this is the first greenery after winter, helping to cope with vitamin deficiency. It is also known that the plant can be dried - the wild garlic does not lose its beneficial properties when dried.
Contraindications to the use of wild garlic
In order to benefit from wild garlic, you cannot abuse it - you can eat no more than 15-20 leaves per day, otherwise you may experience headache, diarrhea, insomnia, exacerbate an ulcer, and disrupt cardiac activity.
Garlic is contraindicated for those who have inflammation of the intestines, stomach, pancreas (pancreatitis), gallbladder (cholecystitis) or hepatitis. It is not recommended for pregnant women to eat it.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!