Instructions for use:
- 1. Composition and form of release
- 2. General properties
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Instructions for use
- 5. Precautions
- 6. First aid for poisoning
- 7. Storage conditions

Tsifox is an insectoacaricidal concentrate. This tool is intended for employees of organizations that have the right to carry out disinfection measures.
Composition and form of release of Tsifoks
According to the instructions, Tsifox is produced in the form of a clear liquid in polymer bottles.
The composition of Tsifox includes cypermethrin (25%), solvents, emulsifiers, perfume. Cypermethrin is the main active ingredient of Cyfox.
General properties of Tsifox
According to the instructions, Tsifox has an insectoacaricidal effect, ensuring the complete destruction of ants, cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, itch and rat mites, larvae and imago of mosquitoes and flies, lice within 20-25 minutes. The duration of action of Tsifox depends on the type of surface to be treated and on the concentration of the emulsion (from one week to three months). The residual effect of Tsifox on indoor surfaces is from one to three months; in the aquatic environment - 1-3 weeks; in open nature (when using Tsifoks to combat the components of the gnat) - from one to six weeks; when processing against ixodid ticks - from one to two months. As a result of contact with clothing, ixodid ticks die, while the acaricidal effect of Tsifox will last up to two weeks.
The responses to Tsifox confirm that the effectiveness of the drug largely depends on the sensitivity of arthropod populations to its active ingredient.
Some reviews to Tsifoks say that when using a product to combat insect populations with pronounced resistance to peritroids, its insectoacaricidal effect is significantly reduced.
Indications for the use of Tsifoks
- destruction of synanthropic insects - bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, flies and rat mites;
- disinsection of premises in the foci of pediculosis and scabies against lice and scabies;
- disinsection at metro and railway facilities;
- the fight against various components of the midges in natural conditions - when processing non-flowing artificial and natural reservoirs of temporary or permanent existence, areas of territory covered with vegetation, in buildings and structures. The use of Tsifox is strictly prohibited in reservoirs for economic purposes used for breeding poultry and fish.
- the fight against ixodid ticks - carriers of Lyme disease, pathogens of tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne borreliosis and other diseases (treatment of natural conditions).
Instructions for the use of Tsifoks

Working emulsions of the product should be prepared immediately before using Tsifoks. It is necessary to dilute Tsifox with tap water, stirring the resulting solution continuously for five minutes. It is recommended to use the finished emulsion within eight hours. For applying Tsifoks, large-volume large-drop sprayers are most often used. For the destruction of rat, itch mites, ants, bed bugs, 0.05% water emulsion of Tsifox is used. To combat cockroaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and their larvae, use a 0.1% aqueous solution of the agent.
The preparation of the emulsion and the filling of containers should be carried out at special filling points. It is forbidden to work with Tsifox according to the instructions for persons under 18 years of age, lactating and pregnant women, as well as for persons with hypersensitivity to pesticides. Smoking, drinking, and eating are prohibited in the workplace.
Persons working with Tsifox must be provided with personal protective equipment - overalls (overalls made of water-repellent or dense fabric), sealed goggles and a respirator. After work, wash open areas of the body thoroughly with water.
Disinsection of premises should be carried out with open windows, vents. After work, the room must be ventilated for half an hour. Cleaning of the premises with open vents and windows should be carried out 9-12 hours after disinfestation.
First aid for poisoning with Tsifox
Reviews of Tsifox indicate that when poisoning with this remedy, headache, weakness, vomiting, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, nausea, aggravated by smoking or eating, profuse salivation, irritation of the respiratory organs appear. If these symptoms appear, immediately remove contaminated clothing and rinse the mouth with 2% baking soda solution or water.
In case of accidental ingestion of Tsifoks, you must drink 2-3 glasses of water and induce vomiting. Then you should drink one or two glasses of water with 10-20 tablets of activated carbon.
If Tsifox gets into the eyes or on the skin, immediately rinse the contaminated areas with water or 2% baking soda solution.
Storage conditions
The Tsifox product is flammable! Store Tsifox should be in special warehouses in a tightly closed container, away from heating appliances and fire, separate from drugs and food. A label must be glued to the container, which indicates the name of the drug, date of manufacture, expiration date.
The working emulsion cannot be stored and should be used within eight hours from the moment of dilution.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!