Instructions for use:
- 1. Pharmacological action
- 2. Release form
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Contraindications
- 5. Method of administration and dosage
- 6. Side effects

Neurobeks is a multivitamin complex.
pharmachologic effect
The composition of the drug Neurobex includes vitamins from group B, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, thanks to which the drug supplies the body with important coenzymes involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, proteins.
B vitamins normalize metabolism in nerve tissues, improve the nutrition of neurons in subcortical structures and the transmission of nerve impulses
Vitamin PP activates the process of carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, improves vascular permeability and dilates them, reduces cholesterol, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, heart. This vitamin, due to its regenerating properties, is useful for non-healing skin lesions.
Ascorbic acid is involved in the production of collagens, steroids, accelerates tissue healing, stimulates carbohydrate metabolism, and increases blood clotting.
Release form
The multivitamin complex Neurobeks is produced in several forms: Neurobeks, containing 15 mg of vitamin B1, 10 mg of vitamin B6 and 0.02 mg of vitamin B12; Neurobex forte with a reinforced composition: it contains 100mg of vitamin B1, 200mg of vitamin B6 and 300mg of vitamin B12; Neurobek Neo, which contains 50mg of vitamin B1, 200mg of vitamin B6, 300mg of vitamin B12, 25mg of vitamin B2, as well as folic and ascorbic acid, calcium pantothenate.
Vitamins are produced in the form of pills.
Indications for the use of Neurobeks
The complex is used for polyneuritis, neuralgia, sciatica, myasthenia gravis, paresthesia, diathesis, psoriasis, pyoderma, shingles, acne, arthralgia, neurocirculatory dystonia, myalgia, eczema, neurogenic dermatitis, disorders of the nervous system of a traumatic nature, asthenia, asthenia anemia.
Good reviews about Neurobeks, participating in the complex therapy of alcoholism, nicotine addiction.
Also, according to the instructions, Neurobex is prescribed for the treatment of glaucoma, optic and auditory nerve neuritis, degenerative changes in the retina, nerve damage caused by poisoning, peptic ulcer disease, hepatitis, gastroduodenitis, cirrhosis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis.
A positive effect was noticed after the use of the complex for myocarditis, cardiovascular failure, myocardial dystrophy, intoxication of various origins.
According to the instructions, Neurobex is contraindicated in acute thromboembolism, erythrocytosis, allergies, erythremia, hypersensitivity.
Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to take Neurobeks vitamins without a doctor's prescription. There are no data on the safety of using Neurobek Neo in pregnant women.
Judging by the reviews, Neurobeks, due to the vitamin B6 included in its composition, can reduce the effect of the taken drug Levodopa, phenobarbital, phenytoin.
Incompatible with vitamin B6 Isoniazid, Thiosemicarbazone, Serine, Hydralazine.
According to the instructions, Neurobex is undesirable to combine with medicines containing aluminum
Hormonal contraceptives, alcohol, diuretics can reduce the effectiveness of Neurobeks.
Calcium pantothenate, which is part of Neurobex Neo, can enhance the effect of cardiac glycosides, reduce the toxicity of antibiotics used in the treatment of tuberculosis.
Method of administration and dosage
Dragee is taken after meals, inside, better after meals.
For prophylactic purposes, Neurobeks, according to the instructions, take 1-2 pills. three r / day for one month.
During the therapy of diseases of the nervous system, adults and children after 14 liters of Neurobeks take two tablets three times per day, children 8-14 liters are given one tablet two or three times per day, children 3-8 liters. - one dragee one or two rubles per day. Often Neurobeks is prescribed to be taken by lactating and pregnant women - one tablet one or two p / day.
For the treatment of asthenia in adults and children after 14 years. give one tablet three r / day, children 8-14l. - one dragee, two r / day, for children 3-8 years. - one tablet, one p / day.

Neurobeks forte can only be taken by children over 14 years of age and adults. For prevention, they drink vitamins, one tablet daily for a month. For the treatment of neurological diseases - 1-2 tablets / day. Pregnant and lactating women can take one tablet a day.
The Neurobex Neo complex can be taken one p / day, one tablet for two or four weeks. For the treatment of neurological diseases, take 1-2 tablets / day.
Side effects
There are reviews about Neurobeks, which causes nausea and allergic reactions - rash, redness of the skin.
Neurobeks, Neurobeks Neo, Neurobeks Forte in high doses can provoke poisoning, which is accompanied by diarrhea, chest pain, increased heart rate, agitation, increased side effects. To eliminate the symptoms of an overdose, Isoniazid is prescribed, standard symptomatic therapy is carried out
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!