Egg capsule
Instructions for use:
- 1. The composition and useful properties of yellow
- 2. Application
- 3. Contraindications and harm from the use of yellow

The water lily, also called the yellow water lily, is a perennial herb of the water lily family. The plant has a horizontal rhizome and numerous filamentous roots. The egg capsule is found in lakes, ponds, bays and river channels, in shallow waters, in places with slow water currents. The underwater stem of the yellow capsule reaches a length of 2 - 3 meters, and the leathery rounded leaves of the capsule lie on the surface of the water. Flowers of a yellow capsule are located on thick long peduncles next to the leaves. The flowers have a pleasant aroma and a bright dark yellow color.
The composition and useful properties of the yellow capsule
The many beneficial properties of the yellow capsule are due to its rich chemical composition. So, the rhizome of the egg capsule contains the following substances:
- Resins;
- Alkaloids;
- Sahara;
- Starch;
- Bitterness;
- Tannins;
- Sitosterol;
- Stigmasterol.
The list of alkaloids in the roots of this plant is quite wide:
- Thiobinufaridine;
- Nufaridin;
- Nufloin;
- Desoxinufaridin
The composition of the leaves of the capsule is also represented by a rich list of useful elements:
- Ellagitannins;
- Luteolin;
- Caffeic acid;
- Ferulic acid;
- Sinapic acid;
- P-coumaric acid.
The seeds and flowers of the yellow capsule contain nymphaline. In addition, the seeds contain tannins containing gallic acid and ellagic acid.
Medicinal properties, thanks to this composition, are actively used in folk and traditional medicine. So, preparations based on the ingredients of the yellow capsule have the following actions:
- Pain reliever;
- Bactericidal;
- Astringent;
- Choleretic;
- Light sleeping pill;
- Diuretic;
- Sedative (sedative).
Application of the egg capsule

Flowers, leaves, rhizomes and seeds of the plant have medicinal properties. For the procurement of raw materials, you have to make a lot of effort. In addition to the fact that it is difficult to extract rhizomes that have firmly grown into the soil of the reservoir in water, so even after drying the peeled rhizomes, only 1 kg of dry product is obtained from 10 kg of fresh plants.
The rhizomes of the yellow capsule contain alkaloids, which have spermicidal and antichomonas action. From the alkaloids of the yellow capsule, the pharmaceutical preparation "Lyutenurin" is made, which is used for acute and chronic Trichomonas diseases. In addition, using the chemical composition of the yellow capsule, contraceptives are made.
Preparations from extracts of yellow capsule, when applied topically, are used to treat diseases of the mucous membranes and skin caused by gram-positive microorganisms and pathogenic fungi. The yellow capsule is also used in the herbal collection used in the treatment of some malignant tumors.
The rhizomes of the yellow capsule contain alkaloids of the nufarin group, which destroy strains of Trichomonas, candida and other harmful agents. This allows the use of this plant for people suffering from immunodeficiency who have undergone organ transplantation operations and after chemotherapy.
Preparations based on the yellow capsule are also used for the following serious diseases:
- Uterine bleeding;
- Prolapse of the uterus;
- Gastritis;
- Depression of the nervous system.
The rhizomes and flowers of the capsule are used as a corrective agent for sexual activity. The egg capsule is especially effective on men's health when painful nocturnal emissions, impotence, or weakened libido are observed. A decoction made from the rhizome of the capsule is recommended to be used for impotence in the stronger sex and frigidity in a woman.
In folk medicine, flowers, rhizomes with roots and leaves are used. As a folk remedy, flowers and rhizomes of the yellow capsule are used for fever, inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, and for skin diseases. A decoction from the roots of the capsule in small doses is also used for the following inflammatory diseases:
- Inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract;
- Stomach cramps;
- Rheumatism;
- Tuberculosis.
Such a remedy helps very well in combating cough with ARVI, bronchitis and pneumonia. The capsule is indicated for gout. In addition, preparations based on this medicinal plant help to get rid of nocturnal enuresis (urinary incontinence) in children.
This plant has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect. An aqueous infusion of fresh flowers of the yellow capsule has a sedative effect, and therefore this remedy is taken with anxious superficial sleep. It should be remembered that in large doses such a remedy can cause depression of the central nervous system.
Tincture of capsule flowers is used for urolithiasis. A decoction of flowers is used as a pain reliever for pain in joints and bruises, and fresh leaves of the capsule are applied to inflamed areas. Infusion from the rhizome of the yellow capsule is recommended as a general tonic.
Also, a decoction of the rhizome of the yellow capsule, prepared with beer or brewer's yeast, is able to treat seborrhea and enhance hair growth.
Contraindications and harm from the use of yellow capsule
The yellow egg capsule, despite the rich list of its medicinal properties, is still a poisonous plant. Therefore, it is necessary to use it for treatment strictly according to the doctor's prescription, observe the prescribed doses and treatment times.
If the technology for preparing the medicine and the timing of its administration is violated, the following symptoms may be observed, indicating poisoning:
- Diarrhea;
- Vomiting;
- Prolonged sleep (inability to wake up).
Do not exceed the dose indicated by the doctor, as the wrong approach to the dosage can cause severe poisoning and possibly death. In addition, preparations based on the yellow capsule are strictly forbidden to be taken by pregnant women and children.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!