Rheoencephalography - Indications, Types, Research Principles

Rheoencephalography - Indications, Types, Research Principles
Rheoencephalography - Indications, Types, Research Principles


Rheoencephalography of cerebral vessels
Rheoencephalography of cerebral vessels

Rheoencephalography is a method of high-frequency medical diagnostics based on a weak electrical effect with the help of special equipment on certain parts of the brain. Thanks to rheoencephalography, it is possible to carry out studies of the vessels of the brain, to identify diseases and pathologies.

In clinical practice, rheoencephalography is carried out in order to identify various lesions of the cerebral vessels, to determine the functional abilities of blood circulation in the vessels, to control intracranial pressure in the postoperative period and in the presence of brain injuries.

Principles of rheoencephalographic research

The method of modern diagnostics using rheoencephalography is carried out with two devices - a recording device and a rheographic attachment. The equipment allows to assess blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.

In the process of rheoencephalography, pulse fluctuations in the vessels of the brain are recorded and the blood flow velocity, as well as the patency and the state of the vascular tone of a certain part of the brain, are assessed.

During rheoencephalography, the patient lies on his back or on his stomach (depending on the type of diagnosis) motionless, closes his eyes and tries not to react to external stimuli.

A diagnostic specialist performs rheoencephalography, evaluating the following indicators:

- regularity of impulse waves, - the configuration and slope of the descending and ascending parts, - incision position, - the presence and distribution of a venous wave, - additional impulse waves.


The diagnostic results have a high degree of accuracy and allow you to reveal the complete clinical picture of the course of a particular cerebrovascular disease.

Types of Rheoencephalography

  • Frontal abduction (diagnosis of the carotid arteries) is carried out by placing the device electrodes on the frontal part of the head.
  • Occipitomastoid abduction (diagnosis of internal vertebral arteries) is performed by placing electrodes on the occipital part of the head and mastoid processes.

In addition to rheoencephalography, an electrocardiogram is recorded and heart rate indicators are determined.

Indications for Rheoencephalography

- increased intracranial pressure, - frequent headaches, migraines, dizziness, - spasms of blood vessels of the brain, - atherosclerosis, - vascular dystonia, - craniocerebral trauma and hematomas of varying severity, - violations of the vestibular apparatus.

Also indications for Rheoencephalography are various psychosomatic disorders, insomnia, fainting, perception disorders, hearing and vision loss.

The meaning of rheoencephalography

Important advantages of this diagnostic method are its safety and painlessness, high accuracy of indications, the possibility of long-term observation and control over the functioning of cerebral vessels.

High-frequency rheoencephalography allows you to obtain information about blood flow and cerebral blood filling, determine the elasticity of cerebral vessels and identify negative factors that affect blood circulation, cause hypertension and headaches.

Also, this diagnostic method is highly effective for the prevention of various diseases of the brain, blood clots and blockages of blood vessels, strokes. Timely diagnostics allows you to control negative processes in the vessels of the brain and prescribe the most effective therapy.

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