Slimming Earring - Types, Principles, Methods, Contraindications

Slimming Earring - Types, Principles, Methods, Contraindications
Slimming Earring - Types, Principles, Methods, Contraindications

Slimming earring

Slimming earring - mechanism of action
Slimming earring - mechanism of action

In the struggle for a slim figure, different methods are used in our time. A slimming earring is one of the products that is widely used in Russia and abroad. This technique especially attracts people who want to get rid of extra pounds without much hassle. However, just putting on a slimming earring is usually not enough. Diet and physical activity guidelines are attached to the elegant decoration.

Slimming earring: what is the essence of the method

The idea of using acupuncture in the fight against excess body weight arose many hundreds of years ago. Initially, massage of selected points was used to suppress appetite and improve metabolism.

Now practiced as a short-term exposure during acupuncture sessions, and setting earrings for weight loss. In any case, the method is based on the concept of the energy channels of the body, which belongs to alternative medicine.

Eastern practitioners believe that exposure to acupuncture points can affect the functioning of internal organs and human mental activity. The slimming earring is installed in such a way that it stimulates the breakdown of adipose tissue and suppresses appetite through the energy channels of the body.

Slimming earrings: varieties

Slimming earrings in Russia are presented in several types. The most popular are gold jewelry. This earring can be fitted by a physician, physiotherapist or other healthcare professional. For the puncture of the skin, a surface is selected on the ear tragus. It is in this place, according to alternative medicine, that the point of suppressing appetite and improving metabolism is located. Gold is used to make jewelry for a reason. Oriental medicine characterizes this metal as the most powerful means of influencing the metabolism of the human body.

The slimming earring can also be made in the form of a magnetic clip. In this case, the cost of the product is much less. Many people will like the appearance of earrings with a magnet. Manufacturers claim that such clips are no less effective in affecting excess weight than gold earrings.

Slimming Gold Earring

The method of Dr. Mukhina is patented in Russia. It involves the use of a gold slimming earring, which must be worn without removing from one month to six months. The earring is installed by the doctor after examination. The patient is advised on diet and lifestyle changes, and repeated examinations by specialists are carried out every 3-4 weeks.

The diet according to the method of Dr. Mukhina includes a sharp restriction of the calorie content of the diet, fractional meals, the exclusion of fatty and sweet foods. A slimming earring should reduce your appetite and help you follow your doctor's recommendations. It is believed that the technique stimulates metabolism.

How effective is Dr. Mukhina's program? There is no definite answer to this question. The technique does not help all patients. Someone loses weight by 20-30 kilograms, and someone - not a gram. Many doctors believe that the effect of a slimming earring can be equated with a placebo. Then it turns out that those patients who really believe in the effectiveness of the earring lose their appetite.

Slimming clip

A variety of slimming earrings is a magnetic clip. You can put on this decoration yourself at home. It is clips for weight loss that are actively distributed through the Internet and television broadcasts. The impact on acupuncture points is due to the magnetic field.

High quality magnetic slimming clips are at least safe. Unfortunately, some of the weight loss jewelry sold online and on television does not meet this requirement. Sometimes the clips squeeze the soft tissue too hard or injure the skin with sharp edges. The effectiveness of such products for weight loss can also be called dubious. Putting on the clip for weight loss yourself, it is easy to break the technique. It is impossible to predict whether the effect on the point of appetite suppression will occur.

As for the placebo effect of slimming earrings, then, naturally, a magnetic clip can easily act in this capacity. However, even the psychological impact in the case of buying an earring via the Internet or television is less than when installing it in a specialized center. The setting of a hospital and a conversation with a healthcare professional always influences the psychological mood and builds confidence in the technique used.

Slimming earrings: indications and contraindications

Who are slimming earrings for? Most likely, the maximum beneficial effect will be observed in patients with obesity, increased appetite, and improper daily routine. There are a lot of contraindications for setting earrings for weight loss. Everyone who is allergic to gold and other components of the earring material, pregnant women, nursing mothers will have to refrain from this technique. Also, you can not use the earring for weight loss with diabetes, severe heart disease, liver, kidney, thyroid gland. Convulsive syndrome and bulimia are also a contraindication for wearing slimming earrings.

Diet for losing weight with an earring

The slimming earring is still considered as an aid. It is impossible to get rid of extra pounds and maintain a normal weight without proper nutrition and lifestyle changes. The diet is agreed with the doctor. Nutritional features may be associated with concomitant diseases, age, and the patient's profession.

A slimming earring involves following a strict calorie-counting diet. The patient is advised to keep a daily dietary record. At the end of the day, the total energy value of food is calculated according to special tables.

Slimming earring - reviews and advice
Slimming earring - reviews and advice

The menu is compiled individually. Preference is given to dishes made from vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, cereals. Fatty foods are severely limited. Sweet foods are kept to a minimum.

Having tried to follow such a diet without a slimming earring, you will be convinced of its self-sufficiency and effectiveness. But the human psyche is designed in such a way that confidence in the power of the "magic" earring helps to adhere to dietary restrictions with less effort.

Slimming earring reviews

Reviews for a slimming earring are varied and controversial. The most enthusiastic admirers of the method assure that the appetite is completely absent during the treatment. Other patients are more reserved in their assessments. Most of those who used these earrings lost 5-25% of their original body weight. Less than a third of the respondents were able to maintain their normal weight.

Doctors are neutral about slimming earrings. These funds are not considered a serious method, but it is difficult to deny their effectiveness.

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